Frequently Asked Questions

What follows is a list of frequently asked questions about the Student Research Conference along with their answers. If your question does not appear here, feel free to address it to the Office of Student Research at


Q. When is the 2025 Student Research Conference?


A. Thursday, April 17, 2025

Q. When will the program come out?

A. The program will be posted on the web site in March.

Q. Do I get extra credit for attending?

A. Some instructors encourage attendance by offering assignments that relate to the Conference and are requirements for the course. Other instructors may offer extra credit; however, most do not. If your instructor has already discussed extra credit or an assignment related to the conference, you need to speak with her or him directly about how to obtain that credit.



Q. When are the abstract submissions due?

A. Thursday, March 20, 2025

Q. What do I get out of presenting?

A. There are many benefits to presenting. For example, a presentation is a good way to build your resume or graduate school application. A presentation allows you to show off your creative ability, and to discuss your ideas with other scholars. Ideas for new projects often come out of questions you are asked, and opportunities for new collaboration are often found. See also the Information for Students section for more benefits.

Q. How do I know if the kind of work I did is eligible for presentation?

A. An eligible presentation will report, perform or represent the outcome of substantial work by a student or group of students. While the project may have its origin in an assignment for a class, the presentation should show it has been developed above and beyond a class requirement. It is a paper, artifact or performance that can truly be called a creative achievement. Please consult your faculty mentor about the eligibility of your work.

Q. Is ongoing work eligible for presentation, or is the conference just for completed work?

A. Yes, ongoing work may be presented, but it must have reached a level that your faculty mentor is comfortable with and will approve. If there is any question, please discuss this issue with your faculty mentor.

Q. Can graduate students present?

A. Yes. The Conference has been subtitled the "Celebration of Student Research, Scholarship, and Creative Achievement" in order to honor both graduate and undergraduate student achievement.

Q. Can recent graduates present?

A. Students who graduated in August or December of the previous year are welcome to present, provided that the work was done while they were enrolled as Truman students.

Q. How many presentations can I submit?

A. The same student should not be a first author on more than two abstracts. Both single- and multiple-author presentations are welcome. In addition, if undergraduate and graduate students are collaborators on a project all can be joint authors on the presentation. If you will be the presenting author for presentations that are unlikely to be in the same session (e.g., a Fine Arts performance and a Math presentation), you should note that on your abstract submission to prevent scheduling problems.

Q. I'm having trouble with the online submission form. What should I do?

A. If you have not submitted the form, try accessing the site from another computer.  If you still have difficulty, please contact the Office of Student Research at or 785-4597.

Q. How will I know if my presentation has been accepted?

A. If your faculty mentor approves your presentation, you may consider it accepted. You will receive an e-mail confirmation when your faculty mentor approves the abstract.



Q. What should I do to prepare my presentation?

A. Presentations vary somewhat across discipline. Please consult with your faculty mentor.

Q. What type of AV equipment can I plan on having?

A. A networked computer with data projector will be standard presentation options. Authors who wish to deliver computer-based presentations should use software packages that are on the campus computer image (i.e.,  campus standards). If additional audio-visual equipment is needed (e.g., an overhead transparency projector, 35mm carousel slide projector, video player and monitor), authors should indicate this on their online submission form, and may wish to consult their divisional representative. Please visit the Audio-Visual web page for more details.

Q. What type platform will the computers be running?

A. The vast majority will be running Windows.

Q. Can I bring my laptop to present?

A. No, setting up individual laptops would require too much time. Instead, put your presentation on the Y: drive, and bring your presentation on a portable device. Computers will be available in each presentation room. Please visit the Audio-Visual web page for more details.

Q. Do I need to bring my own pushpins for my poster presentation?

A. No, pushpins will be provided.

Q. What time can I set-up my poster and when do I need to stand by my poster presentations for questions?

  A. All posters and technology displays will be on display throughout the day in the Georgian Room of the Student Union Building. Set-up time begins at 7:30 a.m., and take-down time will be late in the afternoon and should be completed by 6:30 p.m.  The author(s) should be available the designated one-hour time block in the program to field questions and engage in discussion. This time period represents a single, Conference-wide Poster, Technology and Studio Arts Session, with no other concurrent sessions.   Please consult the final Conference program to determine what time the poster session will occur, and visit the Audio-Visual web page for more details.

Q. What are the dimensions for poster presentations and technology displays?

A. Posters must fit onto bulletin boards or foam core boards that are 40 inches tall and 60 inches wide. Push-pins for securing presentation material to the bulletin boards will be available on-site.  Technology presentations will be displayed on folding tables, and will also have bulletin/foam core board space.

Q. How long before my presentation do I need to arrive in my scheduled room?

A. It is customary to attend the entire session in which you are presenting. If this is not possible because you are presenting in another session, please arrive at least 15 minutes before you are scheduled to speak, and take care not to interrupt those students presenting when you arrive.

Q. What time can I set-up my poster and when do I need to stand by my poster presentations for questions?

A. All posters and technology displays will be on display throughout the day in the Georgian Room of the Student Union Building. Setup time begins at 8:00 am and teardown occurs following the poster session. The author(s) should be available the designated time block in the program to field questions and engage in discussion. This time period represents a single, Conference-wide Poster, Technology and Studio Arts Session, with no other concurrent sessions. Please consult the final Conference program to determine what time the poster session will occur, and visit the Audio-Visual web page for more details.

Q. What are the dimensions for poster presentations and technology displays?

A. Posters must fit onto bulletin boards or foam core boards that are 40 inches tall and 60 inches wide. Push-pins for securing presentation material to the bulletin boards will be available on-site. Technology presentations will be displayed on folding tables, and will also have bulletin/foam core board space.

Q. How long before my presentation do I need to arrive in my scheduled room?

A. It is customary to attend the entire session in which you are presenting. You should arrive to your session room at least 15 minutes before the session begins to upload your presentation.