2016 Student Research Conference:
29th Annual Student Research Conference

By Abstract Title: B (2016)

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The following abstracts (under letter B) have been submitted:
Department: Business Administration
  • BSIF "Consumer Cyclical" Equity Analysis
    Oral Paper

    (Business Administration)
    Anjani Baral*, Andy W. Eckhard, SPencer A. Wilson, Giuseppe P. Cedillo, and Lasse Fuss
    Prof. Charles Boughton, Faculty Mentor
    (106--3, 8:30, VH 1010)
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  • BSIF Pharmaceutical Equity Analysis
    Oral Paper

    (Accounting, Economics, Business Administration)
    David T. Shoko♦*, Gabriel C. Sander, and Daniel Duarte
    Prof. Charles Boughton, Faculty Mentor
    (106--4, 8:45, VH 1010)
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  • BSIF Portfolio Management: Equity Allocation
    Oral Paper

    (Business Administration, Economics)
    Conlan Wilson*, David Newell, Evan Dake, Phil Eckert, Anthony Hill, Shane Legatzke, Julian Fung, and Dominic Teoh
    Prof. Charles Boughton, Faculty Mentor
    (106--1, 8:00, VH 1010)
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  • BSIF Retail Equity Analysis
    Oral Paper

    (Business Administration)
    Jessica G. Mugler*, Annali Cler, Jim Higgins, and Austin J. Casel
    Prof. Charles Boughton, Faculty Mentor
    (106--2, 8:15, VH 1010)
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  • BSIF Telecomunications Equity Analysis
    Oral Paper

    (Business Administration)
    Jonathan P. Rogers*, Ly K. Dong, Jonathan M. Gilmore, Michael D. Poindexter, Lucas Busch, and Ty Gould
    Ms. Candice Bobbit, Faculty Mentor
    (207--3, 10:00, VH 1328)
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