Presiding: Pamela Ryan
1 - 1 CHARLES B. TOMLINSONDr. Michael I. Kelrick and Dr. Michael Adams , Faculty Mentors A Novel Approach to Modeling Seed Dispersal for the Rare Winter Annual Plant Missouri Bladderpod
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1 - 2 COREY R. JOHNSON* and CHRISTOPHER P. ZITTNANDr. Timothy D. Walston and Dr. Scott Thatcher, Faculty Mentors A Glazier-Granier-Hogeweg Model of Early Embryogenesis in Ceanorhabditis elegans
1 - 3 BORYANA S. KOSEVA* and AMANDA F. TOUGASDr. Chad Montgomery and Dr. Phil Ryan, Faculty Mentors Modeling Optimal Foraging in a Generalist Snake Predator, Nerodia sipedon
1 - 4 DAVID M. HAYES* and BO M. FORRESTERDr. Jason E. Miller and Dr. Robert W. Baer (A. T. Still University), Faculty Mentors Quantitative Measurements of the Structure of Endothelial Cell Networks
1 - 5 COREY R. JOHNSONDr. Timothy D. Walston, Faculty Mentor Geometric Comparisons of the EMS Blastomere in Caenorhabditis elegans and Caenorhabditis briggsae
Presiding: Sandra Fleak
2 - 1 QIANYUN (SALLY) YANGDr. Sandra Fleak, Faculty Mentor The Adoption of IFRS in China
2 - 2 LAURA M. CARELDr. Jason Lin, Faculty Mentor Government Regulations on Businesses and Industries: A Study on the Events That Led to SOX and Future Banking Regulation
2 - 3 BENJAMIN C. ANDERSONDr. David Gillette, Faculty Mentor The Merits of Employment and Industrial Production as Economic Indicators
2 - 4 TOMMY K. LEEDr. Jason Lin, Faculty Mentor The Rise and Fall of the Chinese Stock Market
2 - 5 DANIEL I. WESTDr. Nabil M. Alghalith, Faculty Mentor Segmentation and Internet Usage at Truman State University
Presiding: Peter Rolnick
3 - 1 NICHOLAS J. WILSEYDr. Matthew M. Beaky, Faculty Mentor Interactive Demonstrations of Physical Principles with "Algodoo"
3 - 2 JOSEPH A. PALMERProf. Taner Edis, Faculty Mentor Expanding Action Minimization to the Quantum Case
3 - 3 MARTíN A. DI STEFANODr. Matthew M. Beaky, Faculty Mentor Human Flight and its Avian Influences
3 - 4 THOMAS C. HOGANDr. Michael Goggin, Faculty Mentor Implementing a Dichroic Atomic Vapor Laser Lock for Use in Laser Cooling Gaseous Rb
3 - 5 BRIAN D. MCCLAINDr. Matthew M. Beaky, Faculty Mentor Fiber Optic Spectroscopy: Converting a Compact Spectrometer for Fiber Optic Use
Presiding: Michael Bump
4 - 1 JASON T. BASKIN♦Dr. Michael Bump, Faculty Mentor Legitimization of the Steelpan through the Expansion of Repertoire
4 - 2 ALEX MCKAMIEDr. Clifton Kreps, Faculty Mentor Blues and the Fiddle
4 - 3 VINCENT A. WALLACE♦Dr. Warren Gooch, Faculty Mentor "Three Movements for 2 Clarinets and Vibraphone"- An Analytical Discussion
4 - 4 TED S. MOORE*♦ and BENJAMIN T. TATEDr. Warren Gooch, Faculty Mentor emergence: Musical Composition Through Emergent Properties
4 - 5 JOHN R. FREESE♦Dr. Warren Gooch, Faculty Mentor Scattered Memories: An Introduction to Set Theory and the Development of a Composition
Presiding: Sara Orel
5 - 1 CHRISTOPHER K. BADERDr. David McKamie, Faculty Mentor The Feeling of Infinity: Late Beethoven and the Aesthetics of the Sublime and Beautiful
5 - 2 GRANT M. BERRYProf. Shirley McKamie, Faculty Mentor Polysemous Passion: A Semiotic Analysis of the Passions within Argentine Tango
5 - 3 KELSEY A. KLINEProf. Shirley McKamie, Faculty Mentor Rhythm and Color in Art as Influenced by Jazz
5 - 4 JAYCIE N. VOSProf. Shirley McKamie, Faculty Mentor Alexander Scriabin: Music, Color, and The Mystery
Presiding: Savana Ricker
6 - 1 JULIE C. WATTSProf. Shirley McKamie, Faculty Mentor Imitatio Mariae: Marian Hymns and Antiphons of Hildegard von Bingen
6 - 2 ALEXANDER W. MONROEProf. Shirley McKamie, Faculty Mentor "Tintinnabuli": Arvo Pärt and Mystic Minimalism
6 - 3 JAMES B. OSBOURNEProf. Shirley McKamie, Faculty Mentor Evolution of Steel Pan: From Tribal Roots to Contemporary Personal Expression
Presiding: Sarah Mohler
7 - 1 ERIN M. NEUMAN ♦Dr. James D'Agostino, Faculty Mentor The 13th Way to Inherit: An Applicable Discussion on the Lyric Poem
7 - 2 AMY E. REYNOLDSDr. Christine Harker, Faculty Mentor Magic and Melody in the In-Betweens: Breaches of Binary Reasoning in Sir Orfeo
7 - 3 THOMAS W. LECAQUE♦Dr. Christine Harker, Faculty Mentor Troy Reborn: Wace, Benoit, and the Trojan Legitimacy in the Court of Henry II
7 - 4 DANIEL R. GRANDADr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Detrimental Effects of "Mimicking the Master" in Tsitsi Dangarembga's Nervous Conditions
7 - 5 JENNIFER C. JALACKDr. Sarah Mohler, Faculty Mentor Love-Making and Sign-Making, But Not in That Order: The Semantics of Desire in Italo Calvino's "Cosmicomics"
Presiding: Cynthia Cooper
8 - 1 DIANA S. ACEVEDODr. Cynthia Cooper and Dr. Michael Lockhart, Faculty Mentors Applying molecular methods to identify human and ruminant fecal contamination sources in Forest Lake, Kirksville, MO
8 - 2 JENNIFER W. CHEN* and BETSEY C. YORKDr. Stephanie Fore, Faculty Mentor Yearly Hotspot Variation in Amblyomma americanum
8 - 3 AUSTIN B. RUPP* and ENATO ESANGBEDODr. Stephanie Fore, Faculty Mentor Seasonal Patterns in Abundance for the Three Life Stages of the American Dog Tick (Dermacenter variabilis) and the Lone Star Tick (Amblyomma americanum)
8 - 4 LISA L. NADEAU* and JENNIFER G. BEVELLDr. Stephanie Fore and Dr. Hyun-Joo Kim, Faculty Mentors The Role of Environmental Factors in Tick Burden on Peromyscus leucopus
8 - 5 TESHOME M. ASSEFA*, CHASE A. GRAY, and KEVIN MCGARRAHDr. Cynthia Cooper, Faculty Mentor E. coli Levels in Local Streams
Presiding: Teresa Heckert
9 - 1 JONATHAN M. WHITFIELDDr. David B. Conner, Faculty Mentor College Students Perceptions Regarding Legal Drug Usage: Caffeine, Alcohol, and Nicotine
9 - 2 JENNIFER M. SCHWEND*, TRACY H. MULDERIG, and JENNIFER L. LACHAPELLDr. Teresa Heckert, Faculty Mentor Job Burnout among Educators at Various Levels
9 - 3 FRANKIE J. BRUNING*, JOY C. BULEN, DAVID G. CARRELL, and ELIZABETH A. NECKADr. Robert Tigner, Faculty Mentor Classroom Multitasking: Effects on Comprehension, Retention, and Confidence
9 - 4 AMELIA A. BOBZIEN* and KATHERINE A. JUDDDr. Teresa Heckert, Faculty Mentor Comparing Service Learning to Traditional Experiential Learning: Is Service to the Community Really Necessary?
9 - 5 KIMBERLY F. SUOZZIDr. Terry Palmer, Faculty Mentor The Role of Non-Lexical Attentional Cuing in Phoneme Restoration
Presiding: Don Krause
10 - 1 KRISTA M. CRIDERDr. Elizabeth M. Clark, Faculty Mentor From Page to Screen: A Feminist and Aesthetic Analysis of the film Twilight
10 - 2 KYRIE A. TAYLORDr. Elizabeth M. Clark, Faculty Mentor Hooking an Audience: Intertextuality, Reflexivity, and the Aesthetics of Buffy the Vampire Slayer
10 - 3 ALEXANDRIA N. BOLESProf. Don Krause, Faculty Mentor Gender Roles Within Horror Films: A Feminist Criticism of Hollywood Stereotypes
10 - 4 SARAH Y. MOOREDr. Elizabeth M. Clark, Faculty Mentor The Look of a Hero: An Aesthetic and Feminist Criticism of Disney's Hercules
Presiding: Megan Safley
11 - 1 JADE N. HICKSDr. Janet Gooch, Faculty Mentor The Dialect is Just a Difference: Speech- Language Pathologists and Issues Assessing African American Vernacular English
11 - 2 SAMANTHA L. WEATHERFORD* and KIMBERLY P. ABTSDr. Paula Cochran and Dr. Janet Gooch, Faculty Mentors Missouri School Speech-Language Pathologists' Opinions and Practices about Oral Peripheral Examinations
11 - 3 ANN M. FILLADr. Janet Gooch, Faculty Mentor A Survey of Speech Implementers in the State of Missouri
11 - 4 LAURA A. GREAVER* and SUSAN CHEUNGDr. Ilene Elmlinger, Faculty Mentor The Effect of Noise on the Hearing Sensitivities of Music Students
Presiding: John Bohac
12 - 1 ANNA K. JAHNProf. John Bohac , Faculty Mentor The Art of Storytelling for the Big Screen
12 - 2 LAURA A. WELLINGTONMr. David Leaton, Faculty Mentor Fantastic Tales: A Semiotic Analysis of the Identification of Folklore
12 - 3 JONATHAN C. LESSINGDr. Elaine McDuff and Dr. Michael I. Kelrick, Faculty Mentors Permaculture & the Two-Wheeled Revolution
12 - 4 MARTHA E. CRUSEDr. Wolfgang Hoescehele, Faculty Mentor Renewable Energy Options and Development Planning for Truman State University
Presiding: Sally Cook
13 - 1 PAMELA J. TROXELDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Secrets of the Rose: William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily"
13 - 2 MONICA J. MORREYDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Anarchic Linguistic Artistry: Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things and Thoreau's "Civil Disobedience"
13 - 3 IRA J. KINGDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Reliably Unreliable: Saleem Sinai as Narrator in Rushdie's Midnight's Children
13 - 4 TREVOR A. GRIZZELLDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Hybridity and Agency in Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses
13 - 5 JESSICA M. JENKOTDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor All She Wanted Was A Rose: A Feminist Reading of Faulkner's "A Rose For Emily"
Presiding: Bridget Thomas
14 - 1 KAYLA S. BROONERDr. Rebecca Harrison, Faculty Mentor The Tragedy of a Protege and his Mentor: Julius Caesar's Relationship with Pompey the Great
14 - 2 EMILY RICHENSProf. Alex Tetlak, Faculty Mentor The Gods Go Up in Flames: Vergil's Use of Fire in Aeneid I-VI
14 - 3 REGINA M. LOEHRDr. Rebecca Harrison, Faculty Mentor Reputation, Reputation! Perdikkas II's Struggles
14 - 4 DAVID J. GIOVAGNOLIDr. Bridget Thomas, Faculty Mentor Classical Nontraditionalism: The Relationship Between Catullus and Modernist Poetry
Presiding: Hena Ahmad
15 - 1 STEPHEN C. KAINZDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor The Macondo Time Zone: A Postcolonial Interpretation of Time in Gabriel García Márquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude
15 - 2 MELISSA W. KAPITANDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Colonialism and Nationalism in Attia Hosain's Sunlight on a Broken Column
15 - 3 REBECCA L. SIMINGTONDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Root Canal: Uprooting Zadie Smith's White Teeth
15 - 4 JENNIFER E. PAUTZDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Paper withdrawn
15 - 5 KATHERINE G. MCWHERTERDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Colonialism and Religion in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Purple Hibiscus
Presiding: Thomas Zoumaras
16 - 1 ERICA L. WILEYDr. David Robinson, Faculty Mentor Pulmonary Consumption as Reviewed in the Newspaper Media from 1767 to 1825
16 - 2 ADAM D. CONWAYDr. Thomas Zoumaras, Faculty Mentor "We're Here! We're No Longer Queer! Get Used to It!": The Politicization of the Ex-Gay in the Modern Anti-Gay Movement
16 - 3 SHAWN E. PETERSProf. Claire Peckosh, Faculty Mentor Thoughts and Reflections on Hannah Webster Foster's The Coquette
16 - 4 SARAH K. BELLDr. Dan Mandell , Faculty Mentor A Voice to the World: Eleanor Roosevelt's Transition From First Lady to World Figure Told Through Her Column "My Day"
16 - 5 FIONA E. WILLIAMSDr. Thomas Zoumaras, Faculty Mentor The Easter Rising: England's Mishandling of the Irish Situation
Presiding: Jon Beck
17 - 1 KAZUYUKI HASHIMOTODr. Matthew M. Beaky, Faculty Mentor Power Laws
17 - 2 MATTHEW F. MACARIDr. Scott Alberts, Faculty Mentor The Impact of the Recent Global Recession on the Prediction of Stock Returns
17 - 3 JOSEPH A. PALMERDr. David Garth, Faculty Mentor Numeration Systems and Fractal Sequences
17 - 4 ALONSO R. MIRANDA*, CHARLES B. TOMLINSON, SETH YOCKEY, JONATHAN M. WHITFIELD, and ALEXANDER KAIZERDr. Scott Alberts, Faculty Mentor Assessment of Truman's On-Campus IT Services
17 - 5 DAVID S. FERRYDr. Jon Beck, Faculty Mentor Cache Modeling Using Spatial Locality of Reference
Presiding: Michael Goggin
18 - 1 ISAAC ANGERT* and DAVID KIBLINGERDr. Michael Goggin, Faculty Mentor An Optical Aurora Detector to Aid Mid-latitude Viewing of the Northern Lights
18 - 2 CAMERON J. SWEENEYDr. Matthew M. Beaky, Faculty Mentor The Aerodynamics of a Formula 1 Car
18 - 3 REED E. COPEDr. Matthew M. Beaky, Faculty Mentor An Integrated Approach to Understanding the Physics of Cancer Radiation Therapy
18 - 4 IAN F. NOBLE* and BRIAN P. CARMIGNANIDr. Peter Rolnick (Retired), Faculty Mentor Instant Form Calculation of the Three-Body Problem in Relativistic Hamiltonian Dynamics
18 - 5 BRIAN P. CARMIGNANI* and IAN F. NOBLEDr. Peter Rolnick (Retired), Faculty Mentor Relativistic Electron Scattering Using the Point Form
Presiding: Michael Seipel
19 - 1 KELSEY C. WITTEDr. Glenn R. Wehner, Faculty Mentor The Resulting Efficacy of Heat Detection for Artificial Insemination in Cattle Determined By the Placement of Estrotect Heat Detectors
19 - 2 MARTHA E. CRUSEDr. Thomas E. Marshall, Faculty Mentor Lowering Cold Flow in Biodiesel
19 - 3 AMANDA M. ZERKELDr. Thomas E. Marshall, Faculty Mentor Effects of Resistant Starch from High Amylose Corn on Swine Growth, Feed Effciency, and Fecal and Blood Volatile Fatty Acid and Aromatic Concentrations
19 - 4 KATHRYN M. MILUSKIDr. Glenn R. Wehner, Faculty Mentor Comparison of Rumen Fermentation of Corn Starch Varying in Amylose and Amylopectin Concentration
19 - 5 LEANN E. BOTKINDr. Michael Seipel, Faculty Mentor Cultivating Awareness: The Importance of Agriculture Literacy
Presiding: Shirley McKamie
20 - 1 STEPHANIE A. KOLTOOKIANProf. Shirley McKamie, Faculty Mentor Armenian Sacred Music: Preserving a Culture in the Face of Persecution
20 - 2 GAURAB RIMALDr. Clifton Kreps, Faculty Mentor The Blues of Texas: History and Evolution
20 - 3 MANISH JOSHIDr. Clifton Kreps, Faculty Mentor Evolution of Blues music in America and its transition to an electrified form: Chicago Blues
20 - 4 BONNIE G. BIRDSELLProf. Shirley McKamie, Faculty Mentor George Harrison and Hinduism: Bringing Eastern Music and Philosophy to the Western World
Presiding: Julia DeLancey
21 - 1 CECILIA M. MURUATODr. Julia DeLancey, Dr. Sara Orel, and Dr. Joaquin Maldonado-Class, Faculty Mentors The Mexican Baroque: The Survival of Indigenous Artistic Traditions
21 - 2 LAUREN R. GREENSPANProf. Shirley McKamie and Dr. Patricia Burton, Faculty Mentors Knopff, Schopenhauer and the Symbolist Ideal
21 - 3 SAMANTHA K. LYONSDr. Sara Orel, Dr. Julia DeLancey, and Prof. John Bohac , Faculty Mentors Jeff Koons: Artistic Parody and False Comfort in the Consumer Age
21 - 4 NATALIE T. HALLDr. Sara Orel, Dr. Julia DeLancey, and Dr. Aidan M. Dodson (University of Bristol), Faculty Mentors Akhenaten: Portraits of Visual Accuracy in Amarna Period Egypt
Presiding: Dereck Daschke
22 - 1 STEPHANIE B. HULSEYDr. Patricia Burton, Faculty Mentor Fides Quaerens Intellectum: Finding Meaning in Anselm's Proslogium for All Seekers
22 - 2 ANDREW J. MCCALLDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor A Phenomenological Reading of Amitav Ghosh's The Shadow Lines
22 - 3 RACHEL N. COOKDr. Chad Mohler, Faculty Mentor Playing With Words: A Solution to the Lottery Paradox
22 - 4 ANDREW J. MCCALLDr. Stephen Pollard, Faculty Mentor On the Foundations of Philosophy: An Examination of Husserl's Theory of Abstraction, 1887-1901
22 - 5 DREW K. TURNERDr. Clifton Kreps, Faculty Mentor The Devil as God: The Blues in the Mississippi Delta
Presiding: David McKamie
23 - 1 RYAN P. HUBER♦Dr. David McKamie, Faculty Mentor Classical and Romantic Elements in Schubert's Piano Sonata in A Minor, D. 537
23 - 2 KELSEY A. KLINEDr. David McKamie, Faculty Mentor Prokofiev's Diabolical Sugestion: The Enfant Terrible at Play
23 - 3 SARAH R. STALLMANDr. Jacqueline Collett, Faculty Mentor Similarities and Differences Between Classical and Nonclassical Singing as Present in Spamalot
23 - 4 KATHERINE L. ELLIS♦Dr. Jacqueline Collett, Faculty Mentor Francis Poulenc's Banalités
23 - 5 JONATHAN D. GILL♦Dr. Mark Jennings, Faculty Mentor A First-Hand Study of the Relationship Between the Composer and the Conductor
Presiding: Donna Rhinesmith
24 - 1 STEPHANIE M. CHRISSOTIMOS♦Dr. Barbara Price, Faculty Mentor Two Ways To Stimulate Relevant Classroom Discussion
24 - 2 JEREMY E. MAPPDr. Wendy Miner, Faculty Mentor Factors that Impact Retention of Black Male Educators
24 - 3 MICHELLE L. GALLAGHER♦Dr. Wendy Miner, Faculty Mentor Development of Second-Grade Student Writing Through a Writer's Workshop Approach
24 - 4 CHRISTY YODER♦Dr. Wendy Miner, Faculty Mentor A Look at a Middle School Advisory Program:
24 - 5 SAM R. CUMMINS♦Dr. Wendy Miner, Faculty Mentor High School Students' Technological Proficiency and Access
Presiding: Roberta Donahue
25 - 1 PATRICK I. CASEYDr. Lin Twining and Dr. Mark J. Manary (Washington University School of Medicine), Faculty Mentors Reduced phytate diets do not enhance Zn status in Malawian children
25 - 2 SAMANTHA D. GOODE*, JOAN M. SCACCIAFERRO, and DEIRDRA V. FRAUSTODr. Carol Cox, Faculty Mentor Using Photovoice as Participatory Needs Assessment with Youth at a Latino Youth Action Center
25 - 3 MEGAN E. TEMME* and JULIE M. HASKENDr. Carol Cox, Faculty Mentor Elementary School Students' Level of Physical Activity During Recess
25 - 4 ASHLEY B. HARTMAN* and JENNA N. OSSECKDr. Carol Cox, Faculty Mentor Photovoice: Assisting Youth in a Juvenile Detention Facility in Telling their Story
25 - 5 CHARLES C. SEXTONDr. Roberta Donahue, Faculty Mentor Bystander Intervention: A Call to Action
Presiding: Jesse Krebs
26 - 1 ERIN H. MIESNERDr. Jesse D. Krebs, Faculty Mentor "And Why Should They Spoil Their Good Looks?": A Discussion of the Acceptance of Women in the Symphony Orchestra
26 - 2 KARIANNE M. JONESDr. Marc Rice, Faculty Mentor k.d. lang and Queer Country
26 - 3 AILEEN R. MCKENZIEDr. Jesse D. Krebs, Faculty Mentor Treating Depression with Receptive Music Therapy
26 - 4 BENJAMIN A. MARTINSON♦Dr. Jay Bulen, Faculty Mentor Kill da Wabbit: Analyzing the Evolution of Music's Role in Warner Brothers Studios' Cartoons Using Representative Works
26 - 5 ERIC M. SCHWEIZERProf. Tim AuBuchon, Faculty Mentor A New Mode of Thinking: Application and Analysis of Eastern European and Middle Eastern Folk Music in Modern Jazz
Presiding: Elizabeth Clark
27 - 1 NGAN M. BUIDr. Terry Olson, Faculty Mentor Women's Education as a Economic Determinant in Developing Countries
27 - 3 CHRISTINE M. HEISE* and SARAH K. WALKLEYDr. Albert Weitz, Faculty Mentor Self-Assertion: An Essential Skill
27 - 4 CARLI E. WRISINGER* and GARETT L. EXLINEDr. Kristi Scholten, Faculty Mentor Cottage Cheese and Ripe Bananas, this is Your Brain on Videogames: Toward Constructing an Analytical Model
Presiding: Emily Murdock
28 - 1 AMANDA M. BUCKWALTERDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor A Marxist Analysis of Steve Martin's Shopgirl
28 - 2 KRISTEN G. LILLEYDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor A Marxist Reading of Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House
28 - 3 SHAWN M. BODDEN* and MICHAEL A. CHAPMANDr. James D'Agostino, Faculty Mentor Zany Tzara!
28 - 4 DEREK J. FRANKLINDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Isolation and Alienation: Colonialism's Impact in Tayeb Salih's Season of Migration to the North
28 - 5 CRYSTAL M. BILLINGTONDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Hozho Beauty and the Value of Life in Luci Tapahanso's poem "It Has Always Been this Way": A Postcolonial Analysis
Presiding: Robert Tigner
29 - 1 NICHOLAS C. JACOBSON*, SAM L. KRAMER, and AMANDA G. THARPProf. Sal Costa, Faculty Mentor Testing Under a Trance: The Effect of Post-Hypnotic Suggestion on Academic Performance
29 - 2 AMANDA M. WARD*, JORDAN S. FULLER, AUSTIN LANG, and JACOB TUCKERDr. Fred Shaffer, Faculty Mentor The Effects of Three Respiration Rates on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Variability
29 - 3 ALEX J. FRANCISCO*, DAVID LAU, and AARON G. THEBYDr. Fred Shaffer, Faculty Mentor Postural Effects on Heart Rate Variability Detected Using Electrocardiography
29 - 4 DAVID G. CARRELL*, FRANKIE J. BRUNING, JOY C. BULEN, and ELIZABETH A. NECKADr. Robert Tigner, Faculty Mentor Eliminating the Attentional Blink through Effective Cuing
Presiding: Alanna Preussner
30 - 1 SHANNON C. HARBAUGH♦Dr. Alanna Preussner, Faculty Mentor Edward Cullen: Out of the Closet and into Our Carnal Desires
30 - 2 VALERIE R. SPENCERDr. Sarah Mohler, Faculty Mentor Paper Withdrawn
30 - 3 PATRICK R. SILVEY♦Dr. Alanna Preussner, Faculty Mentor Vigilantes, Cowboys, and Morality: The Western Dime NovelWorth Every Penny
30 - 4 JAMES D. MEGAHANDr. Bob Mielke, Faculty Mentor Dogs, Pigs, and Sheep: Pink Floyd, George Orwell, and the Human Condition
Presiding: Mark Appold
31 - 1 JORDAN BUCHHEITDr. Mark Appold, Faculty Mentor The Wall
31 - 2 HEIDI L. GEISBUHLERDr. Mark Appold, Faculty Mentor Secular Versus Orthodox In Modern Israel
31 - 3 LAURA BETH CLEVELANDDr. Mark Appold, Faculty Mentor Water for a Desert Farm
31 - 4 MARK M. LAMBERTDr. Mark Appold, Faculty Mentor Vadum Iacob, the Story of a Crusader Frontier Castle
31 - 5 RICHARD A. LALLYDr. Mark Appold, Faculty Mentor Bethsaida Excavation
Presiding: Matt Felzke
32 - 1 LAURA C. GORDAYDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor "I Am Not My Mother": Postcolonial Reform Without Female Role Models
32 - 2 AMANDA B. HAMILTONDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Personal Freedom Through Resisting Gender Roles in Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451
32 - 3 AMANDA E. JACKSONDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Deadly Eroticism: The Politics of Desire in Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things
32 - 4 KITTY C. RICEDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Motherhood in Jhumpa Lahiri's "Unaccustomed Earth"
Two Keys, One Photograph, and What Wasn't There: The Unlikely Origins of Three Books
Denise Von Glahn, Professor of Musicology and Director of the Center for Music of the Americas at The Florida State University, College of Music
Presiding: Vayujeet Gokhale
33 - 1 NICHOLAS J. WILSEYDr. Matthew M. Beaky, Faculty Mentor The Origin of Asymmetry: In Search of a New Paradigm for Explaining the Lopsided Light Curves of Some Eclipsing Binary Systems
33 - 2 MIGUEL A. FERNANDEZ* and CHAD O. WILLIAMSONDr. Matthew M. Beaky, Faculty Mentor Evaluating Claims of Delta Scuti Components in Two Eclipsing Binary Systems
33 - 3 PRAYASH SHARMA PYAKURELDr. Vayujeet Gokhale, Faculty Mentor Color Magnitude Diagram of Our Galaxy
33 - 4 CHAD O. WILLIAMSON* and MIGUEL A. FERNANDEZDr. Matthew M. Beaky, Faculty Mentor A New Photometric System for Observing Bright Variable Stars at the Truman Observatory
33 - 5 BRITTANY M. CURTIS* and JORDAN B. GRIFFITHDr. Matthew M. Beaky, Faculty Mentor Observing Extrasolar Planet Transits at the Truman Observatory
Presiding: Russell Baughman
34 - 1 KELSEY C. MOHSDr. Maria Nagan, Faculty Mentor Computational Studies of Phi21 N peptide-boxB Recognition
34 - 2 SHANE M. BERNARDDr. Maria Nagan, Faculty Mentor Computational Studies of Biomolecular Recognition in Viral Leukemia
34 - 3 LAURA M. TVEDTEDr. Russell G. Baughman, Dr. Eric V. Patterson, and Dr. Kenneth L. Smith, Faculty Mentors Paper withdrawn
34 - 4 JOSHUA M. BLECHLEDr. Eric V. Patterson, Faculty Mentor A Computational Investigation of Phosphorothiolates using Various Forms of Density Functional Theory
34 - 5 KEVIN G. SCHMITTDr. David McCurdy, Faculty Mentor Quantitative Determination of Chromium(VI) Using Sol-Gel Encapsulated Redox Chemistry
Presiding: Michael Bird
35 - 1 CHARLES N. VANNATTADr. Michael Bird, Faculty Mentor Knee Stress During Lower Body Strengthening Exercises
35 - 2 AMANDA N. HARLOW*, ALLISON R. PALISCH, KELLY A. DURST, and ABBY M. SCHUERMANDr. Jeremy Houser and Dr. Christopher D. Lantz, Faculty Mentors A Comparison of Ascending vs. Descending Blood Alcohol Concentrations on Motor Tasks Related to Driving
35 - 3 ASHLEY E. WARD* and SADIE M. NELSONDr. Jerry Mayhew, Faculty Mentor Relationships Among Performance Tests in Collegiate Volleyball Players
35 - 4 KATE ZIMMERMAN*, JENNIFER KREMER, and LAURA GILMERDr. Carla Smith and Dr. Jeremy Houser, Faculty Mentors An Investigation of Balance Capabilities in Autistic Children
35 - 5 SETH C. DONALDSON*, CAMDEN L. STOCKTON, KYLE VEAZEY, and TAYLOR L. ELWELLDr. Christopher D. Lantz, Faculty Mentor Effects of Auditory Distraction on Fine Motor Skill Performance
Presiding: Mary Shapiro
36 - 1 MARIA EVELYNT GANDON CHAPELA♦Dr. Mary Shapiro, Dr. Esperanza Rama Martinez (University of Vigo), and Dr. Javier Perez Guerra (University of Vigo), Faculty Mentors Doctor-Patient Interaction from the Perspective of Conversation Analysis: A Pilot-Study on Bad News Delivery in House
36 - 2 TALIA C. LINNEMAN♦Dr. Sally Cook, Faculty Mentor Helping English Language Learners Avoid Unintentional Plagiarism
36 - 3 SARA M. WALKERDr. Mary Shapiro, Faculty Mentor The Dialect of Tangier Island, VA
36 - 4 ABIGAIL M. TEMPLEProf. Gregg Siewert, Faculty Mentor Regional Variations and Language Attitudes in French: Picard and Berrichon
Presiding: Joan Larkins-Mather
37 - 1 ARTHUR L. VIRNIG*, MAX D. GLENN, GAVIN B. CONKLING, and NATE J. SULLIVANProf. Joan Mather, Faculty Mentor 3metrius: A One-Act Play
Presiding: Sam McClure
38 - 1 ALEX MCKAMIE*, CARLYE KLECZKOWSKI, SEAN KAMERY, and BRADLEY KNOCHDr. Brian X. Kubin, Faculty Mentor Antonín Dvořák's String Quartet in D Minor, Op. 34: Bohemian Spirit in Classical Form
38 - 2 SAVANA A. RICKER♦Dr. Sam McClure, Faculty Mentor A Performance and Brief Discussion of Edouard Lalo's Symphonie Espagnole
38 - 3 NICOLE S. MOORE♦Dr. Sam McClure, Faculty Mentor Walter Piston's Concerto for Viola and Orchestra
38 - 4 SHANTAY R. GUYTONDr. Samuel McClure, Faculty Mentor Vitali: Chaconne in G Minor
Presiding: Deana Judah
39 - 2 EMI E. GRIESSDr. James D'Agostino, Faculty Mentor Music and Poetry: A History of Collaboration
39 - 3 SHAWN M. BODDENDr. James D'Agostino, Faculty Mentor Maxima in Minima
39 - 4 EMI E. GRIESSDr. James D'Agostino, Faculty Mentor Genre Blending
40 - 1 GALEN GIBSON-CORNELLProf. Jim Jereb, Faculty Mentor A Series of Lithographs Focusing on French Art during the Occupation of 1940-45
40 - 2 LEAH M. BOWRINGProf. Wynne Wilbur, Faculty Mentor Mass Production of Ceramic Form through Mold Making
Presiding: Betty McLane-Iles
41 - 1 JESSICA R. RIDEOUTDr. Betty McLane-Iles, Faculty Mentor Charlotte Delbo: La Résistance et Ses Oeuvres
41 - 2 CATHERINE A. BAUERDr. Betty McLane-Iles, Faculty Mentor La Recherche du Soi Dans les Romans Ségou et Moi, Tituba, sorcière noire de Salem par Maryse Condé
41 - 3 MISTY D. LIPPDr. Betty McLane-Iles, Faculty Mentor Le rôle de la femme dans la littérature de Gabrielle Roy: Maîtresse du foyer, personnage ecclésiastique, ou être caméléon
41 - 4 HANNAH E. WETZELDr. Betty McLane-Iles, Faculty Mentor Marie de France: Femme Auteur du Moyen Âge
Presiding: Curtis Blakely
42 - 1 SYED MUHAMMAD M. ZAIDIDr. James T. Przybylski, Faculty Mentor Islam and Democracy in Asia: Friends or Foes
42 - 2 ALICE M. WALKLEYDr. Cutis Blakely, Faculty Mentor A Physicist, a Philosopher and a Politician: What we can learn from Einstein, Kant and Churchill
42 - 3 MATTHEW J. CARBERYDr. Cutis Blakely, Faculty Mentor Examining Reentry: An Evidence-Based Analysis of the Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative
42 - 4 COLE E. RAKOWDr. Candy Young, Faculty Mentor Retrenchment Budgeting in Theory and Practice
42 - 5 DANIEL N. HAMMONDDr. John Quinn, Faculty Mentor Merits of the Merit Plan
Presiding: Jay Self
43 - 1 JOSH D. PRIVITTDr. Elizabeth M. Clark, Faculty Mentor A Cultural and Aesthetic Criticism of Slumdog Millionaire
43 - 2 DEREK J. CARLSDr. Elizabeth M. Clark, Faculty Mentor "Honesty Doesn't Pay, Sucker" Implications of the Organized Crime Film
43 - 3 CHRISTIANA M. PENNDr. Elizabeth M. Clark, Faculty Mentor A Magical Mystery Tour Through the Aesthetics and Transtextuality of Across the Universe
43 - 4 STACIE C. SAGASERDr. Elizabeth M. Clark, Faculty Mentor Surf's Up as Narrative and Intertextuality
Presiding: Marc Rice
44 - 1 EUGENIA A. SIEGEL♦Dr. Marc Rice, Dr. Warren Gooch, and Dr. Jay Bulen, Faculty Mentors Stereotypical or Atypical: The Portrayal of The Governess in Benjamin Britten's "The Turn of the Screw"
44 - 2 CAROL A. PERRYDr. Marc Rice, Faculty Mentor Aspects of Noh in Kanjinchō
44 - 3 ADAM J. UELTSCHYDr. Marc Rice, Faculty Mentor African American Spirituals: A Synthesis of African and European Musical Practices
44 - 4 ALYSSA S. RATHBUN*, DREW K. TURNER, BENJAMIN M. TORREY, and BRIDGET B. KOMOROSKIDr. Marc Rice, Faculty Mentor Eating Local, a Global Issue With YouTube
Presiding: Michele Breault
45 - 1 KATIE E. ESTERLINEProf. Shirley McKamie, Faculty Mentor The Instinct for the Arts
45 - 2 EMILY M. REINARTDr. Teak Nelson, Faculty Mentor Service Learning as the Secret Ingredient: Student Outcomes in Comparison With VALUE Rubrics
45 - 3 NICHOLAS H. HOPKINSDr. Karen Vittengl, Faculty Mentor Musical Induction of Emotions: Influencing Perceived and Experienced Emotional Qualities
45 - 4 KRISTINE KASTENBAUM*, MELINDA K. GROSS, MICHAELA M. HOFFMAN, and ELIZABETH A. NECKADr. Michele Breault, Faculty Mentor Perceived Impressions From Facebook Statuses
45 - 5 NICHOLAS C. JACOBSON*, BRITTANY J. JACOBSON, and SHANNON M. CLARKDr. Michele Breault and Dr. Dean DeCock, Faculty Mentors How did he get with her?: The effects of radiating beauty in romantic relationships
Presiding: Michael Kelrick
46 - 1 ELIZABETH M. DUFFDr. Peter S. Kelly, Faculty Mentor Making Disability Studies Accessible
46 - 2 JAMES P. MYERSMr. David Leaton, Faculty Mentor Consuming a Currency: A Semiotic Analysis of Sexuality in Television Advertising
46 - 3 ASHLEY D. REINHARDTDr. David Gillette, Faculty Mentor The Great Financial Panic of 2008: Lack of Regulation or Congressional Inconsistency?
46 - 4 MATTHEW A. TOPIMr. Warren Wells, Faculty Mentor Performance and Award Incentives in Professional Baseball
Presiding: Corey Johnson
47 - 1 CHELLE KING PORTER♦Dr. Timothy D. Walston, Dr. Jon Beck, and Dr. Brent Buckner, Faculty Mentors Establishing Caenorhabditis elegans as a model for neural tube defects
47 - 2 TAD A. DALLAS♦Dr. Stephanie Fore, Dr. Laura Fielden, and Dr. Hyun-Joo Kim, Faculty Mentors What's That Smell?: Chemoattraction in the American Dog Tick
47 - 3 PETER J. MUELLEMAN♦Dr. Chad Montgomery, Faculty Mentor Trailing of Maternal Chemical Cues by Neonate Timber Rattlesnakes, Crotalus horridus
47 - 4 AMANDA H. DEBROTDr. Chad Montgomery, Faculty Mentor Digestive Efficiency of a Generalist Predator, Pantherophis obsoletus, on Mice, Eggs, and Chicks
47 - 5 ANTHONY J. WILMES* and LAURA K. GAREYDr. Chad Montgomery, Faculty Mentor Geographic Distribution of the Parthenogenic Checkered Whiptail Lizard, Aspidoscelis tesselata, in Southeast Colorado
48 - 1 CAROLYN U. BOYERDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Paper withdrawn
48 - 2 JESSICA A. MORGANDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Issues of Self-Esteem and Self-Identity in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Purple Hibiscus and Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things
48 - 3 ALISSA M. WALKNERDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Untouchability and Incest: The Love Laws' Commentary in Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things
48 - 4 JESSICA L. REAVEYDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Identity Politics: Deconstructing "Latino" in the Works of Junot Díaz and Piri Thomas
48 - 5 RACHELLE Q. WALESDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor William Faulkner and "A Rose for Emily": Products of Their Time
Presiding: Robert Mielke
49 - 1 CLINTON P. MOHSDr. Bob Mielke, Faculty Mentor Social Identification in Leslie Marmon Silko's Ceremony
49 - 2 ZEESHAN R. RESHAMWALADr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Kipling's Antipodean Attitudes Towards Race and Imperialism in Colonial India
49 - 3 ARTESIA S. WILLISDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor An Examination of African Feminism in Ama Ata Aidoo's Changes: Identity versus Culture
49 - 4 CLINTON P. MOHSDr. Bob Mielke, Faculty Mentor Race in Herman Melville's Moby-Dick as Allegory For a Young America
49 - 5 REGINA D. RODGERSDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor For the Love of Caste in Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things
Presiding: Shannon Harbaugh
50 - 1 JOANNA K. BESSDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor All Those Ravin' Women: Feminist Connections in Aeschylus' The Oresteia
50 - 2 MOLLY R. REICHDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Didn't Mother (Nature) Teach you how to Read: Ecofeminism in Purple Hibiscus and The God of Small Things
50 - 3 CLARE C. ECHTERLINGDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Multiculturalism, Identity, and Intimacy: The Construction of Home within "Part Two: Hema and Kaushik" of Jhumpa Lahiri's Unaccustomed Earth
50 - 4 LEIA P. WILSONDr. James D'Agostino, Faculty Mentor Free Association With Things In My Bedroom
Presiding: Taner Edis
51 - 1 ANDREW J. ALEXANDERDr. Michael Goggin, Faculty Mentor Theory of Ghost Imaging Experiments with Polarization Dependent Optical Devices
51 - 2 KEVIN BARBERDr. Matthew M. Beaky, Faculty Mentor Turbine Design Relating to Function and Efficiency
51 - 3 MARK A. PHILIPPIDr. Matthew M. Beaky, Faculty Mentor Addressing the Epistemological Beliefs of Secondary Physics Students
51 - 4 JAMES K. SCHOELZDr. Ian Lindevald, Faculty Mentor Acoustical Measurements in the Ophelia Parrish Concert Hall
10 - 5 BEN D. RUSKDr. Peter Rolnick (Retired), Faculty Mentor Ecological Population Modeling: The Maternal Effect
Presiding: Eric Patterson
52 - 1 JAMES E. BROWNDr. David McCurdy and Dr. Brian D. Lamp, Faculty Mentors Atomic Absorption Determination of Mercury in Local Freshwater Fish Using a Home-Built Cold Vapor Generator
52 - 2 NICHOLAS H. HOPKINSDr. Maria Nagan and Dr. Eric V. Patterson, Faculty Mentors Molecular Orbital Interactions in the Anticodon of Transfer RNA
52 - 3 HENRY S. DUSTDr. Vaughan M. Pultz, Faculty Mentor Identification of Normal Modes Contributing to Vibrational Circular Dichroism in the C-H Stretching Region for Substituted Bicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-ones
52 - 4 CHRIS JEFFREYDr. Eric V. Patterson, Faculty Mentor Effects of Symmetrical Substitution on Triplet Propynylidene
52 - 5 THERESE M. GERBICHDr. Eric V. Patterson, Faculty Mentor Computational Studies of Singlet and Triplet Carbenes
Presiding: Jerry Mayhew
53 - 1 SHANNON K. ZALOUDEKDr. James A. Padfield, Faculty Mentor Comparison of Top 50 Men's and Women's Performance in the New York City Marathon from 1976-2009
53 - 2 BRIANNA L. COOK* and KATELYN M. PALAZZOLODr. Christopher D. Lantz, Faculty Mentor Rethinking Wellbeing: What Are the Needs of Truman Students?
53 - 3 ALLISON R. PALISCH* and ANNA R. GREENWALDDr. Jerry Mayhew, Faculty Mentor The Effect of Winter Break on Weight Gain
53 - 4 COURTNEY J. PERRACHIONE*, BRENT W. BAXLEY, and IMRAN MOHAMMEDDr. Janice Clark Young, Faculty Mentor The Use, Abuse, and Harmful Effects of Caffeinated Beverages among Truman State University Freshmen
Presiding: Terry Olson
54 - 1 MEILI ZENGDr. Terry Olson, Faculty Mentor FDI and Economic Growth in China
54 - 2 THUY T. DODr. Xiaofen Chen, Faculty Mentor The Role of Foreign Direct Investment on International Trade: A Case Study of Vietnam
54 - 3 BENJAMIN C. ANDERSONDr. Terry Olson, Faculty Mentor On the Variability of Okun's Law
54 - 4 LEE M. JONES* and STEVE J. LAYTONDr. Xiaofen Chen, Faculty Mentor Welfare Effects of Foreign Direct Investment
54 - 5 KUN ZHANGDr. Xiaofen Chen, Faculty Mentor Performance, Socioeconomic Structure, and Reasons for Success of Township and Village Enterprises in China's Jiangsu Province, and a Case Study of Huaxi Village
Presiding: Julie Flowerday
55 - 1 KATHERINE L. HAMBURGDr. Elaine McDuff and Dr. Julie Flowerday, Faculty Mentors From Hollywood to Bollywood: Arranged Marriage as Portrayed through Film
55 - 2 CHARLES T. RETHERFORDDr. Julie Flowerday, Faculty Mentor The Role of Competitive Examinations In The Indian Civil Service
55 - 3 LAUREN N. JOHNSONDr. Elaine McDuff, Faculty Mentor Why We Give: An Exploration of the Sociology of Generosity
55 - 4 SARAH C. FOLTZDr. Bonnie Mitchell, Faculty Mentor Diabetes in Native American Groups
Presiding: Elaine McDuff
56 - 1 ADAM D. CONWAYDr. Elaine McDuff, Faculty Mentor "You Can't Criminalize Poverty!": The Sex Industry in South Africa and a Call for Its Decriminalization
56 - 2 ARTESIA S. WILLISDr. Elaine McDuff, Faculty Mentor Ideology of the Juvenile Justice System: Analysis of South Africa and USA
56 - 3 AUSTIN J. ROBERTSDr. Elaine McDuff, Faculty Mentor International Aspects of Apartheid
56 - 4 ZAKERY D. PALMER Dr. Elaine McDuff, Faculty Mentor Gay and Lesbian Rights in South Africa
56 - 5 KRISTA B. GOODMANDr. Elaine McDuff, Faculty Mentor Classification Language in South Africa
56 - 6 ERIN M. ERHARDTDr. Elaine McDuff, Faculty Mentor South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission
56 - 7 CLINTON P. MOHSDr. Elaine McDuff, Faculty Mentor The Black Panthers and Umkhonto we Sizwe
56 - 8 COLETTE A. LINTONDr. Elaine McDuff, Faculty Mentor It's hard to listen to the truth
56 - 9 KATHRINE OLSEN FLAATE Dr. Elaine McDuff, Faculty Mentor Human Trafficking and Human Rights in South Africa
56 - 10 MEGAN O. TURNUREDr. Elaine McDuff, Faculty Mentor A Historical View of Apartheid in South Africa
Presiding: Warren Gooch
57 - 1 MICHAEL J. HARRER♦Dr. Warren Gooch, Faculty Mentor The Structural Basis of William Schuman's "George Washington Bridge"
57 - 2 JOSHUA E. WAYMIRE♦Dr. Warren Gooch, Faculty Mentor Musical Foreshadowing in Wagner's "Elsa's Procession to the Cathedral": A Contextual Analysis
57 - 3 ADAM M. YANICK♦Dr. Warren Gooch, Faculty Mentor Fusion of Primary Chords in Copland's "An Outdoor Overture"
Presiding: Jose Herrera
58 - 1 ROBERT J. WELTERDr. Peter Goldman, Faculty Mentor Piping Plover Conservation on Sandy Neck Beach, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
58 - 2 KATHERINE A. NEBEL* and RAVIN POUDELDr. Jose Herrera, Faculty Mentor Variation in Precipitation Patterns and the Affect on Root-Associated Fungal Communities Inhabiting Sporobolus cryptandrus
58 - 3 JOE C. SCHAEPERKOETTERDr. Peter Rolnick (Retired), Faculty Mentor A Case for the Maternal Effect
58 - 4 HALEIGH J. WHITEDr. Jose Herrera, Faculty Mentor Comparison of mycorrhizal fungal communities in Achnatherum hymenoides and Bouteloua gracilis in the Chihuahuan desert
58 - 5 AUDREY C. ZIMBELMANDr. Myron L. Toews (University of Nebraska - Medical Center) and Dr. Susan Guffey, Faculty Mentors Hog Manure Extract and Porcine Pancreatic Elastase Modulate Airway Epithelial Cell EGF Receptors, Calcium Signaling, and Cytokine Release
Presiding: Jordi Teillard
59 - 1 KATHERINE R. FEINERProf. Jordi Teillard and Dr. Sana Camara, Faculty Mentors Vampires, Islanders, and Sangfroid: Translating Across the Historical, Cultural, and Linguistic Nomad's Land of Roland Rossero
59 - 2 BETHANY J. HOEKZEMADr. Molly K. Herbert, Faculty Mentor The Battle for Identity: Odysseus at War in The Odyssey
59 - 3 ALYSON M. COLLINSDr. Molly K. Herbert, Faculty Mentor Homeric Justice and Achilles' Shield
Presiding: Diane Johnson
60 - 1 DANA J. BRUXVOORTDr. Diane Johnson, Faculty Mentor Postdivorce Parent-Child Relationship Quality and Noncustodial Parental Contact as Mediating Factors in Childrens Adjustment to Divorce
60 - 2 MEGAN M. DOWDYDr. Elizabeth M. Clark, Faculty Mentor I Am Sam: Portrayal of Disabilities in Popular Film
60 - 3 LAURA A. WARMBRODTDr. Elizabeth M. Clark, Faculty Mentor Feminist and Narrative Analysis of the Film Little Miss Sunshine
60 - 4 HALEY RAYDr. Elizabeth M. Clark, Faculty Mentor 30 Rock : Post-Modern Comedy the Rockefeller Way
Presiding: Tracey Hurt
61 - 1 KATHRYN A. TOOMEYDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Compliance With and Rejection of Gender Roles in William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" and Kate Chopin's "The Storm"
61 - 2 KATHERINE E. KENNISONDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Shifting Marital Roles in "A Temporary Matter" by Jhumpa Lahiri
61 - 3 COREY C. ELKINSDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Patriarchal Oppression in William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily"
61 - 4 PATRICK F. LINHARESDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor "A Rose for Emily" and Gender Role Confliction
61 - 5 NICK E. WALLNERDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Strong But Dependent: A Look at Faulkner's Emily
Presiding: Patrick Silvey
62 - 1 MADISON C. MARCHDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor Paper Withdrawn
62 - 2 SARA E. BESSERMANDr. Paul L. Yoder, Faculty Mentor Subverting Masculinity in Victorian Gothic Literature
62 - 3 EMILY A. WARDDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor "In Their Beds and In Their Kitchens": Gender Roles in Ama Ata Aidoo's Changes: A Love Story
62 - 4 LISA N. SCOTTDr. Heather Cianciola, Faculty Mentor Sherlock's Rival: Jane Eyre as Detective and the Crime of Female Selfhood
62 - 5 ALLISON B. PHILLIPSDr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor "This Business of Womanhood is a Heavy Burden": Femininity and Education in Ama Ata Aidoo's Changes and Tsitsi Dangarembga's Nervous Conditions
63 - 1 MONICA J. MORREYDr. Bob Mielke, Faculty Mentor Cooper's Great Failure: A Historical and Literary Comparison of Eve Effingham and Josephine March
63 - 2 LAURA E. FERRY♦Dr. Alanna Preussner, Faculty Mentor John Wesley Powell and Colin Fletcher: Exploring Attitudes Toward the Grand Canyon
63 - 3 GRANT A. KLING♦Dr. Alanna Preussner, Faculty Mentor The American Sublime; The Travels of John Powell and Colin Fletcher in the Grand Canyon
P-1 - 1
KATIE N. OPPELT*, MARGARET D. HILLIARD, LAUREN M. WILLIAMS, GRACE E. STRUBE, and TRICIA K. HURTDr. Paula Cochran, Faculty Mentor Multimedia Clinical Resources: Matching a Child's Level of Symbolic Understanding in Speech-Language Therapy
P-2 - 1
STEPHEN J. DENGEL*, JOSEPH J. DOVE, and SUSAN K. LESHERDr. Scott Alberts, Faculty Mentor Examining Math Related Anxiety through Reflective Journaling Techniques
P-2 - 2
MICHAEL SOLOMON* and SUMAN PHUYALDr. Don Bindner and Dr. Todd Palumbo, Faculty Mentors Digital Camera Measurement System
P-2 - 3
JOSEPH J. DOVEDr. Scott Alberts, Ms. Jane Roads (Moberly Area Community College), and Mr. Steven Voss (Moberly Area Community College), Faculty Mentors The Effects of Word Problem Personalization On Student Performance at a Community College
P-2 - 4
GARRETT C. MCCORMACKDr. Todd Palumbo, Faculty Mentor A Computational Study of Lagrangian Points and Stability in The Restricted Three Body Problem
P-3 - 1
SUSAN K. LESHER*, STEPHEN DENGEL, and JOSEPH J. DOVEDr. Scott Alberts, Prof. Steve Voss (Hannibal La-Grange), and Dr. Jane Roads (MACC - Moberly), Faculty Mentors Motivation Correlates with Mathematics Anxiety in Students at a Community College
P-3 - 2
P-3 - 3
MELINDA K. GROSS*, MICHAELA M. HOFFMAN, KRISTINE KASTENBAUM, and ELIZABETH A. NECKADr. Michele Breault, Faculty Mentor Friends and Lovers -- How Relationships Affect Subjective Well-Being
P-3 - 4
TRACY H. MULDERIG* and YAJIE YUDr. Mark Hatala, Faculty Mentor Odor as Mental Cues: The Effects of Olfactory Stimuli and Time on Memory of Product Names
P-3 - 5
VALERIE R. MOODY*, KATHERINE A. JUDD, JENNIFER L. LACHAPELL, TRACY H. MULDERIG, and AMELIA BOBZIENDr. Teresa Heckert, Faculty Mentor Impact of the Number of Response Options and Scale Length on Reliability
P-3 - 6
THOMAS R. BOSCARDINDr. Brian J. Krylowicz, Faculty Mentor College Stress: An Exploration into Stress Sources and Relief Methods
P-3 - 7
PATRICK C. HESS*, KIMBERLY F. SUOZZI, STEFAN J. KRUEGER, and JEN G. PEARLSTEINDr. Terry Palmer, Faculty Mentor Inter-modal Guidance of Visual Attention in the Absence of Consciousness
P-3 - 8
STEFAN J. KRUEGER*, PATRICK HESS, KIMBERLY F. SUOZZI, and JEN G. PEARLSTEINDr. Terry Palmer, Faculty Mentor Implicit Learning of Target Cues in the Absence of Consciousness
P-4 - 1
KELLY A. DURSTDr. Jerry Mayhew, Faculty Mentor The Relationship of Contact Lenses and Glasses Wear with Eye Health Practices among College Students
P-4 - 2
ANNA R. GREENWALDDr. Jerry Mayhew, Faculty Mentor Effect of conditioning with and without a racquet on the agility of college tennis players
P-4 - 3
ANNE E. RATERMANN*, ELLI J. MATHIS, and EMMA K. LENNONDr. Jerry Mayhew, Faculty Mentor Effect of General Fitness Training on Factors Contributing to the Margaria-Kalamen Stair Run Power Test
P-4 - 4
EMMA K. LENNON*, ELLI J. MATHIS, and ANNE E. RATERMANNDr. Jerry Mayhew and Mr. Timothy Schwegler, Faculty Mentors Comparison of Strength Changes Following Resistance Training Using Free Weights and Machine Weights
P-4 - 5
NICOLE M. DERRYDr. Jerry Mayhew and Prof. Jana Arabas, Faculty Mentors Strength Change Using Free Weights and Machine Weights in Three Strength Groups.
P-4 - 6
DANIELLE M. ODENTHAL * and OLE M. MIDTBODr. Jerry Mayhew, Faculty Mentor The Relationship Of Leg Power On Swim Start Performance
P-4 - 7
DANIELA M. CONWAY*, KATIE A. KERTZ, and ANGELA K. GERINGERDr. Jerry Mayhew, Faculty Mentor The Effect of Brief Moderate Exercise on Reaction Time
P-4 - 8
ELLI J. MATHIS*, ANNE E. RATERMANN, and EMMA K. LENNONDr. Jerry Mayhew and Mr. Timothy Schwegler, Faculty Mentors Factors Identifying Fast and Slow 40-yd Dash Performances In Untrained College Women
P-4 - 9
SADIE M. NELSON* and ASHLEY E. WARDDr. Jerry Mayhew, Faculty Mentor Reliability of Jump Performance Tests in Collegiate Volleyball Players
P-4 - 10
BROOKE M. RUGGER*, M.J. KANG, JAZMIN R. WILLIAMS, and ELLEN P. RUSSELLDr. Jerry Mayhew, Faculty Mentor Differences in Athletes and Non-Athletes Quantity and Reasons for Consumption of Energy Drinks
P-4 - 11
ANNA E. MATTLAGE* and REBECCA POLLOCKDr. Michael Bird, Faculty Mentor Determining the Differences in Gait in Various Walking Speeds Between People With Pes Planus and Normal Medial Longitudinal Arches
P-4 - 12
CAROLINE E. SQUIRES*, GRACE K. CULLER, and KIMBERLY D. ELSEADr. Christopher D. Lantz and Dr. Jerry Mayhew, Faculty Mentors The Effect of Competition on Forty-Yard Dash Performance
P-4 - 13
LORI E. GRIFFIN* and RACHAEL F. DOUGLASDr. Jeremy Houser, Faculty Mentor How Does Lack of Visual Input Affect Visuomotor Adaptation Following Acquisition of a New Steady State?
P-4 - 14
SARA E. YUNGHANS* and KATHERINE R. PITTSProf. Liz Jorn, Faculty Mentor Nutritional habits of on-campus college students
P-4 - 15
KATHRYN E. SPOONERProf. Liz Jorn, Dr. Alex J. Koch, and Dr. Jerry Mayhew, Faculty Mentors Perception of Body Image in Female College Students
P-4 - 16
NATHAN R. ARENDSDr. Alex J. Koch, Faculty Mentor Comparison of Hip Abductor and Adductor Strength in the Dominant and Non-Dominant Leg of College-Aged Tennis Players
P-4 - 17
HAILEY L. BROWN* and LEAH M. REIMNITZDr. Alex J. Koch, Faculty Mentor Effect of DMG on Maximal Aerobic Power
P-5 - 1
MEGAN E. TEMME*, JENNA N. OSSECK, TERESA L. NYDEGGER, and ASHLEY B. HARTMANDr. Carol Cox, Faculty Mentor Support Broker Training
P-5 - 2
MEGAN E. TEMME*, SAMANTHA D. GOODE, JOAN M. SCACCIAFERRO, and RACHEL L. VANCLEAVEDr. Carol Cox, Faculty Mentor The Effect of an Active Learning Health Education Unit on the Health Knowledge of Students in an Academic Recovery Program
P-5 - 3
ASHLEY B. HARTMAN*, JENNA N. OSSECK, DEIRDRA V. FRAUSTO, and JUSTIN MCDERMOTTDr. Carol Cox, Faculty Mentor Use of a Focus Group of Youth in a Juvenile Detention Facility to Recommend Programming Based on the Results of a Developmental Assets Profile
P-5 - 4
MOLLY A. JONES* and STEPHANIE M. BIRCHDr. Joseph Visker, Faculty Mentor Eating Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors of Undergraduate College Students
P-5 - 5
AMANDA C. GRODIE* and MATTIE R. ALLENDr. Joseph Visker, Faculty Mentor College Students' Perception of Hand Washing
P-5 - 6
SAMANTHA D. GOODE*, JOAN M. SCACCIAFERRO, JUSTIN MCDERMOTT, and MEGAN E. TEMMEDr. Carol Cox, Faculty Mentor Patient Navigators for a Diabetes Self-Management Program: Tracking Progress and Wellness of Diabetes Patients
P-5 - 7
ALYSHA R. MUNOZ* and ANNA E. GRINTERDr. Joseph Visker, Faculty Mentor Attitudes Toward Social Physique Anxiety and Exercise Behavior Among Female Students Attending A Small Midwestern University
P-5 - 8
KELSEY L. CLER* and JENNA A. MOOREDr. Janice Clark Young, Faculty Mentor Student Perception and Utilization of the Truman State University Student Health Center
P-5 - 9
JACQUELINE M. SEALS* and MICHELLE E. RIEFEDr. Janice Clark Young, Faculty Mentor Perceived Stress Level and Support System
P-5 - 10
SARAH A. FOLKS*, KATHARYN M. EMERY, and MEREDITH G. MCGAUGHEYDr. Janice Clark Young, Faculty Mentor Grabbing Red Bull by the Horns
P-5 - 11
MADDIE M. COFFMAN* and ALEXANDRIA N. RAMIREZDr. Janice Clark Young, Faculty Mentor Truman State University Students' Perceptions of Organ Donation
P-5 - 12
STEFANIE A. RADEMACHER* and MOLLY A. JONESDr. Roberta Donahue, Faculty Mentor Hookah Smoking Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors
P-5 - 13
JENNIFER A. GRAVESDr. Roberta Donahue, Faculty Mentor An Assessment of Stress and Stressors of Truman State University Students in 2009
P-5 - 14
PATRICK I. CASEY* and MICHELLE L. RIEFEDr. Lin Twining, Faculty Mentor Breastfeeding educational pamphlet
P-5 - 15
ASHLEY B. HARTMAN*, JENNA N. OSSECK, JOAN M. SCACCIAFERRO, SAMANTHA D. GOODE, and DEIRDRA V. FRAUSTODr. Carol Cox, Faculty Mentor A Brief Stress Management Education Workshop And the Stress Knowledge of White Collar and Blue Collar Employees
P-6 - 1
WILLIAM F. ERKERDr. Michael Seipel and Dr. Michael I. Kelrick, Faculty Mentors Farm to School: K - Infinity
P-6 - 2
AVINASH KARNDr. Mark Campbell, Faculty Mentor Evaluation of marker assisted backcross selection for the development of high amylose Corn
P-6 - 3
STACY A. MARSHALLDr. Mark Campbell, Faculty Mentor Marker Assisted Selection for the Development of Amylomaize VII Germplasm
P-6 - 4
SAMAH HASSAN A. HASSAN* and SUZANNE N. PITTSDr. Mark Campbell, Faculty Mentor Effective Extraction of High Amylose Starch through the Use of a Novel Method of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) Leachate
P-6 - 5
SCOTT J. HUESGEN*, CHRISTINE GRAVES, HAZAR KHIDIR, JESSICA KLINE, CHRISTOPHER J. TRACY, and ADAM J. WINKELERDr. Diane Janick-Buckner, Dr. Brent Buckner, and Dr. Jon Beck, Faculty Mentors Annotation and Analysis of Global Gene Expression Studies: A Maize Shoot Apical Meristem Expression Database
P-7 - 1
CORINNA A. WARNARSDr. Jason E. Miller, Faculty Mentor Mathematical Shape Description of Alueritopteris
P-7 - 2
KELSY M. PARKER*, MOLLY GIBSON, and MICHAEL D. MILLERDr. Jon Beck and Dr. Diane Janick-Buckner, Faculty Mentors Design and Development of a Second Generation Gene Annotation System
P-7 - 3
DAVID M. HAYES* and BO M. FORRESTERDr. Jason E. Miller and Dr. Robert W. Baer (A. T. Still University), Faculty Mentors Quantitative Measurements of the Structure of Endothelial Cell Networks
P-7 - 4
NGOC THAIDr. Phil Ryan, Faculty Mentor An Epidemiological Agent-Based Model of Tuberculosis
P-8 - 1
ANNA E. HOFFMANDr. George L. Shinn, Faculty Mentor A Dichotomous Key for Identifying the Crayfishes of Northern Missouri
P-8 - 2
TERIN E. BUDINEDr. Timothy D. Walston, Faculty Mentor Caenorhabditis elegans as a model host of Staphylococcus aureus virulence
P-8 - 3
RAVIN POUDELDr. Jose Herrera, Faculty Mentor Characterization of Coprophilous Fungi Using Molecular Methods
P-8 - 4
JACOB E. SCHRUMDr. Jon Goguen (University of Massachusetts Medical School) and Dr. Cynthia Cooper, Faculty Mentors Comparison of Methods for Genetic Manipulation in Yersinia pestis: Deletion of the y0237 Gene
P-8 - 5
LAUREN E. DEADYDr. James Cox (A.T. Still University) and Dr. Timothy D. Walston, Faculty Mentors Mechanism of Uptake of Cystatin C by B16F10 Melanoma Cells
P-8 - 6
SARAH D. MEYERDr. Michael Lockhart and Dr. Cynthia Cooper, Faculty Mentors Identifying Sources of Fecal Contamination in Hazel Creek and Forest Lake Using Bacteroides Host Specific Primers
P-8 - 7
CHRISTINA THEBEAUDr. Stephanie Fore, Faculty Mentor Does Distance Traveled by Peromyscus leucopus (White-Footed Mouse) Influence Tick Load?
P-8 - 8
MELISSA J. WRIGHTDr. Chad Montgomery, Faculty Mentor Morphological clinal variation in Boa constrictor
P-8 - 9
TAMMY J. GREEVERS* and KRISTINA A. SITDr. George L. Shinn, Faculty Mentor Use of Transmission Electron Microscopy to Study the Minute Male Parts of a Freshwater Pond Snail (Physa gyrina)
P-8 - 10
CHRISTOPHER J. TRACY* and HAZAR H. KHIDIRDr. Diane Janick-Buckner and Dr. Brent Buckner, Faculty Mentors Characterization of a Maize Knox-like Mutant
P-8 - 11
MEGAN K. LUTZ* and HALEY B. EISENBERGDr. Chad Montgomery, Faculty Mentor Metabolic Rate in Tropical Scorpions
P-8 - 12
KATHERINE M. KUHN*, ELIZABETH COTTEY, ANDREA COTTEY, CASEY STEFANSKI, HEATHER CURTIS, KAY BRUEMMER, JENNA SESTI, and CORINNA A. WARNARSDr. Emily Smith and Dr. C. George Carlson (AT Still University), Faculty Mentors The Effect of In Vivo and In Vitro Administration of Gossypol on p65 Expression in Dystrophic Muscle
P-8 - 13
ADAM J. WINKELER*, CHRISTOPHER J. TRACY, and DUSTIN R. MAYFIELDDr. Diane Janick-Buckner and Dr. Brent Buckner, Faculty Mentors Expression of Chromatin Assembly Factor-1 Subunits in Maize
P-9 - 1
PHILIP M. DENIGHT* and JOHN E. GLOSSDr. Kenneth L. Smith, Faculty Mentor Synthesis of New Chalcone Sulfonamides and their Derivatives as Potential Pharmaceuticals
P-9 - 2
MICHAEL J. BRELSFORD* and LAURA M. TVEDTEDr. James McCormick, Faculty Mentor The Effect of Ligand Cavity Size on the Structure of Lead(II) Coordination Complexes
P-9 - 3
JOSHUA W. HUBBARDDr. Dana Delaware, Faculty Mentor Synthesis of Sulfoquinovosyl Diacylglycerol as a Potential Cancer Cell Inhibitor
P-9 - 4
MICHAEL JONESDr. Maria Nagan, Faculty Mentor Computational Studies of P22 N Peptide-boxB Complex
P-10 - 1
ZACH O. HARALSONDr. Vayujeet Gokhale, Faculty Mentor Influence of the Stellar IMF on the Population of Double White Dwarf Stars in the Galaxy
P-10 - 2
COLLEEN M. CAMPBELLDr. Matthew M. Beaky, Faculty Mentor CCD Photometry of Eclipsing Binary Star Systems
P-10 - 3
EMILY RICHENSDr. Matthew M. Beaky, Faculty Mentor Evaluation of a Fiber Optic Spectrometer for Stellar Spectroscopy