Complementary refreshments and conference program books are available in the Baldwin Hall and McClain Lobbies at 8:00 am. Registration is not required for session attendance and the entire campus community is invited and encouraged to attend.
Presiding: Dr. Amber Johnson
102 - 1 CLAIRE M. BERENDZENDr. Anton Daughters, Faculty Mentor Social Media Usage and its Effect on Truman Students' Mental Well-Being
Social Media Usage and its Effect on Truman Students' Mental Well-Being
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102 - 2 LUCAS T. DOWDALLDr. Victoria Mayer, Faculty Mentor Examination of Title IX Mandatory Reporting Policies and Higher Education
Examination of Title IX Mandatory Reporting Policies and Higher Education
102 - 3 KOBE R. HUTCHESONDr. Anton Daughters, Faculty Mentor Lyrically American: A Content Analysis of Presidential Campaign Songs
Lyrically American: A Content Analysis of Presidential Campaign Songs
102 - 5 GRIFFIN C. TURNAGEDr. Anton Daughters, Faculty Mentor The Impact of Religiosity on Student Life
The Impact of Religiosity on Student Life
102 - 6 ASHLEY HOFMANNDr. Brian Ott, Faculty Mentor The Impact of Religion on Physical Fitness, Activity and Values
The Impact of Religion on Physical Fitness, Activity and Values
Presiding: Barb Forsythe
104 - 1 TRINAJOY W. KARANJADr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor African Immigration And Its Effects On Socialization, Racism, and Black Identity
African Immigration And Its Effects On Socialization, Racism, and Black Identity
Complimentary refreshment breaks will be held in the main lobbies of Baldwin Hall and McClain Hall.
Presiding: Dr. Carolyn Cox
201 - 2 CLAIRE A. ROBINSONDr. Anton Daughters and Dr. Paul Shapiro, Faculty Mentors Health Habits of Upperclass Truman State Students
Health Habits of Upperclass Truman State Students
Presiding: Dr. Katie Judd
202 - 2 CRYSTAL TRACY* and EMILY SCHNARRDr. Katie Judd, Faculty Mentor #Resilience: Effects of Social Media Belongingness and Social Connectedness on Resilience
#Resilience: Effects of Social Media Belongingness and Social Connectedness on Resilience
Presiding: Dr. Scott Alberts
203 - 1 LILLIAN H. BRINK* and SARAH K. FINLEYDr. David Gillette and Dr. Datha Damron-Martinez, Faculty Mentors The Potency of Envy
The Potency of Envy
203 - 4 KENNEDIE L. SUTTONDr. Victoria Mayer and Dr. Brian Ott, Faculty Mentors Impacts of Governmental Power, and Assistance, Specifically Food Subsidies on Native American Identity and General Health
Impacts of Governmental Power, and Assistance, Specifically Food Subsidies on Native American Identity and General Health
Presiding: Dr. Jesse Krebs
209 - 5 MEREDITH J. HARRACHDr. Jesse D. Krebs, Faculty Mentor Women and Gender in the Punk and D.I.Y. Scene
Women and Gender in the Punk and D.I.Y. Scene
Complimentary refreshment break will be held in the main lobby of Baldwin Hall.
Opportunities and Challenges in Interdisciplinary Research and Collaboration
Dr. Stacia Dreyer Assistant Research Professor School for the Future of Innovation in Society at Arizona State University
Presiding: Dr. Janice Clark
301 - 5 MADISON REESDr. Amber Johnson, Faculty Mentor The Trojan War-Battling Safe Sex at Truman State University
The Trojan War-Battling Safe Sex at Truman State University
Presiding: Dr. Michael Seipel
308 - 2 NOAH A. SMENTKOWSKIDr. Victoria Mayer, Faculty Mentor The Awareness, Perception, and Usage of Local Parks by College Students
The Awareness, Perception, and Usage of Local Parks by College Students
P-6 - 1
RACHAEL N. FRENCHDr. Paul Shapiro and Dr. Amber Johnson, Faculty Mentors Mental Health on Truman State Univeristy's Campus
Mental Health on Truman State Univeristy's Campus
P-6 - 3
SOPHIA B. PRESSLERDr. Anton Daughters, Faculty Mentor Measuring Levels of Prejudice and Acceptance in the Worldviews of Truman Students
Measuring Levels of Prejudice and Acceptance in the Worldviews of Truman Students
P-6 - 4
MICHAELA J. FELLOWSDr. Victoria Mayer, Faculty Mentor Perceptions of Hazing: An Examination of Truman State University’s Greek Students
Perceptions of Hazing: An Examination of Truman State University’s Greek Students
P-6 - 5
TIERRA L. GRIFFINDr. Anton Daughters, Faculty Mentor Perceptions of Success in American Television
Perceptions of Success in American Television
P-7 - 1
SHELBY BEGGS*, NICHOLAS WALDRON, and BROOKE DUSTMANDr. Katie Judd, Faculty Mentor Stress to Impress: Stress Orientation and Perceived Stress Among College Students
Stress to Impress: Stress Orientation and Perceived Stress Among College Students
A conference-wide reception will be held in the Student Union Building from 3:00-4:30 pm. The entire campus community is invited to attend to help honor and celebrate the scholarly and creative achievements of all students presenters and faculty mentors.