Function of Bacillus subtilis yceC in the Presence of Metal Salts
The gene yceC in Bacillus subtilis is in an operon with six other genes, and has a length of 600 base pairs. The function of yceC has been hypothesized to involve resistance to tellurium and other strong metal ions. Metal ions at lower concentrations are required for bacterial growth. However, higher concentrations cause inhibition of growth, and can lead to disruptions in metabolic processes. The growth patterns of the mutant strain in comparison to the wild type when metal salts were added to paper discs and placed on the media showed dissimilarities. The differences were reported based on the altered growth of the yceC mutant in contrast to the wild type in the presence of various metal salts. This research hopes to expand the library of knowledge about the yceC gene and its function as well as the information about the genome of Bacillus subtilis.
Keywords: Bacillus subtilis, yceC, Metal Solutions, Functions, Growth Pattern, Genome
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation
Session: 4-4
Location: Student Union Building Activities Room
Time: 3:00