FDI and Economic Growth in China
Meili Zeng
Dr. Terry Olson, Faculty Mentor
Chinas rapid economic growth in recent decades gave the world a surprise. There are a lot of factors that contribute to rapid economic growth in China: government policy, capital growth, raw materials, technology, education and foreign direct investments. In this paper, I will focus on how foreign direct investment has influenced Chinas economic growth. First, I will introduce how FDI has developed in China in recent decades. Secondly, I will discuss the impact of FDI inflow on Chinas economic development. For example, FDI has enhanced Chinas exports, manufactures quality, and has had a positive relationship with GDP. Based on this evidence, I will build an economic model, explain the empirical results and analyze the data. Finally, I will conclude with an assessment of the positive aspects of FDI on Chinas economic growth and give some suggestions for future studies in this area.
Keywords: economic growth, China, FDI, FDI and Economic Growth, factors that contribute to rapid economic growth, how FDI has developed in China, the impact of FDI inflow on China, positive aspects of FDI on Chinas economic growth
Asian Studies
Presentation Type: Oral Paper
Session: 54-1
Location: MG 2090
Time: 2:45