2010 Student Research Conference:
23rd Annual Student Research Conference

Factors that Impact Retention of Black Male Educators
Jeremy E. Mapp
Dr. Wendy Miner, Faculty Mentor

I surveyed current black male educators in St. Louis, Kansas City, Columbia, and Northeast Missouri area public school districts. Thirteen participants were recruited using the snowball sampling technique. The participants completed surveys examining factors that impact retention of black male educators. All thirteen participants rated contributions to humanity and satisfaction with teaching as encouraging or very encouraging factors for their retention in the education profession. Frequencies were reported from the data. Out of 11 possible influences for entering the profession, these 13 participants rated family members, high school teachers, and experiences with school-aged children as the most influential. This studys findings have led me to these recommendations. There should be a focus on providing black male students with opportunities to work with school-aged children. In addition, parents and high school teachers should be targeted to mentor students in career planning.

Keywords: retention, education, black, male, school, district, children, teacher

African-American Studies

Presentation Type: Oral Paper

Session: 24-2
Location: VH 1236
Time: 9:45

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