Stressed or Refreshed? Relationships between Stress Pride, Self-Care, and Resilience
Overworking oneself has become a status symbol for many, contributing to a culture that glorifies stress (Bellezza, 2017). While stress can have negative physiological and psychological effects on an individual, resilient individuals are better able to adapt to negative experiences without as many detrimental effects, and some methods of coping improve individuals’ abilities to handle stressors (Ward, 2021). Linear regression was used to investigate the relationships between participants’ stress pride, resilience, self-care, and coping.
Stress pride was positively correlated with maladaptive coping skills, but not significantly correlated with resilience or self-care. Resilience was positively correlated with both self-care and positive coping. Those with elevated stress pride may be less likely to engage in adaptive coping methods that could reduce stress. These results expand our understanding of stress pride, and future studies could investigate the use of healthy coping strategies to reduce levels of stress pride and associated risks to well-being.
Keywords: Stress-Pride, Resilience, Self-Care, Coping Skills
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation
Session: 2-4
Location: Student Union Building Activities Room
Time: 3:00