2017 Student Research Conference:
30th Annual Student Research Conference

Measurement of Neuromotor Fatigue from Stopwatch Reaction Time and Vertical Jump in Collegiate Track and Field Athletes

Marissa E. Gress*, Hannah M. Oberdiek, and Taylor M. Burlis
Mr. Jerry Mayhew and Mr. Timothy Schwegler, Faculty Mentors

The purpose of this study was to assess the ability of a fine motor test to track changes in power output of training athletes.Male (n = 17) and female (n = 17) sprinters and jumpers performed a stopwatch reaction time test (SWRT) to measure neuromotor fatigue once/week for 8 weeks during pre-season training. The test consisted of 8 trials of a finger reaction time with the averaged used to represent each week.  Two countermovement vertical jump (CVJ) trials were performed every other week to measure power; the higher value was used for analysis.  There was no significant changes (p<0.05) in SWRT or CMJ across the 8 weeks. Comparison for the patterns of the two tests indicated that SWRT is not an adequate indicator of fatigue in CMJ that might result from training load over the course of a pre-season conditioning period in men and women track athletes. 

Keywords: fine motor test, vertical jump, stopwatch reaction time, neuromotor fatigue

Topic(s):Exercise Science

Presentation Type: Poster

Session: 9-
Location: GEO - SUB

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