2023 Student Research Conference:
36th Annual Student Research Conference

Focus Groups Regardings Awareness and Perception of Health and Wellness at Truman State University

Johnnie C. Mehl* and Catherine L. Farmer
Dr. Brian Snyder, Faculty Mentor

A prior survey of student awareness and perceptions of health and wellness at Truman State University suggested some areas in need of improvement. This study aimed to further  and more deeply investigate these issues by listening to students via focus groups. A series of questions derived from the survey responses were developed and beta-tested and then utilized with participants in focus groups. Three focus groups were conducted and transcribed which asked about what is going well, obstacles to wellness, the identified disconnect between knowledge and confidence in overcoming emotional/mental obstacles, and general support resources. Overarching themes within each focus group were that self-motivation can heavily influence health and wellness. Moreover, lack of support from professors in student wellbeing was mentioned to have a heavy impact on many participants. Finally, being involved within a community was also discussed as being essential for a person's health and wellness within focus groups.

Keywords: Health, 8 dimensions Wellness, Focus Group, Student Population , Motivation, Support

Topic(s):Health Science
Exercise Science

Presentation Type: Oral Presentation

Session: 304-5
Location: SUB Georgian Room C
Time: 2:15

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