Dangers of Distraction
Jeffrey L. Standifer* and Isabelle F. Woollett
Dr. Roberta E. Donahue and Dr. Janice Clark, Faculty Mentors
We are in the midst of a technological revolution - just 20 years ago, phones were solely meant for talking; now, phones have evolved into multi-functional devices that let us talk, text, email, and more. The Dangers of Distraction (DoD) campaign is a multi-faceted project designed to increase community awareness about dangerous consequences associated with cell phone use while driving or walking. The project included tabling with promotional items and education literature. In addition to raising awareness, the DoD campaign also measured self-reported student cellphone use. Data was collected on the times of day cellphones were used, total hours per day, and cellphone use during other activities such as driving or walking. The data analysis provided descriptive information that will inform future interventions at Truman to reduce injuries related to cellphone use. This assessment may be incorporated into future Drive Safe. Drive Smart campaigns or another project specifically addressing distraction.
Keywords: cellphone , distraction , multitasking, reduce , dangerous behaviors, excessive , decreased , TSU
Topic(s):Health Science
Presentation Type: Poster
Session: 10-
Location: GEO - SUB