Presiding: Michael Bump
4 - 1 JASON T. BASKIN♦Dr. Michael Bump, Faculty Mentor Legitimization of the Steelpan through the Expansion of Repertoire
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4 - 2 ALEX MCKAMIEDr. Clifton Kreps, Faculty Mentor Blues and the Fiddle
4 - 3 VINCENT A. WALLACE♦Dr. Warren Gooch, Faculty Mentor "Three Movements for 2 Clarinets and Vibraphone"- An Analytical Discussion
4 - 4 TED S. MOORE*♦ and BENJAMIN T. TATEDr. Warren Gooch, Faculty Mentor emergence: Musical Composition Through Emergent Properties
4 - 5 JOHN R. FREESE♦Dr. Warren Gooch, Faculty Mentor Scattered Memories: An Introduction to Set Theory and the Development of a Composition
Presiding: Sara Orel
5 - 1 CHRISTOPHER K. BADERDr. David McKamie, Faculty Mentor The Feeling of Infinity: Late Beethoven and the Aesthetics of the Sublime and Beautiful
5 - 3 KELSEY A. KLINEProf. Shirley McKamie, Faculty Mentor Rhythm and Color in Art as Influenced by Jazz
5 - 4 JAYCIE N. VOSProf. Shirley McKamie, Faculty Mentor Alexander Scriabin: Music, Color, and The Mystery
Presiding: Savana Ricker
6 - 1 JULIE C. WATTSProf. Shirley McKamie, Faculty Mentor Imitatio Mariae: Marian Hymns and Antiphons of Hildegard von Bingen
6 - 2 ALEXANDER W. MONROEProf. Shirley McKamie, Faculty Mentor "Tintinnabuli": Arvo Pärt and Mystic Minimalism
6 - 3 JAMES B. OSBOURNEProf. Shirley McKamie, Faculty Mentor Evolution of Steel Pan: From Tribal Roots to Contemporary Personal Expression
Presiding: Shirley McKamie
20 - 4 BONNIE G. BIRDSELLProf. Shirley McKamie, Faculty Mentor George Harrison and Hinduism: Bringing Eastern Music and Philosophy to the Western World
Presiding: Julia DeLancey
21 - 2 LAUREN R. GREENSPANProf. Shirley McKamie and Dr. Patricia Burton, Faculty Mentors Knopff, Schopenhauer and the Symbolist Ideal
Presiding: Dereck Daschke
22 - 5 DREW K. TURNERDr. Clifton Kreps, Faculty Mentor The Devil as God: The Blues in the Mississippi Delta
Presiding: David McKamie
23 - 1 RYAN P. HUBER♦Dr. David McKamie, Faculty Mentor Classical and Romantic Elements in Schubert's Piano Sonata in A Minor, D. 537
23 - 2 KELSEY A. KLINEDr. David McKamie, Faculty Mentor Prokofiev's Diabolical Sugestion: The Enfant Terrible at Play
23 - 3 SARAH R. STALLMANDr. Jacqueline Collett, Faculty Mentor Similarities and Differences Between Classical and Nonclassical Singing as Present in Spamalot
23 - 4 KATHERINE L. ELLIS♦Dr. Jacqueline Collett, Faculty Mentor Francis Poulenc's Banalités
23 - 5 JONATHAN D. GILL♦Dr. Mark Jennings, Faculty Mentor A First-Hand Study of the Relationship Between the Composer and the Conductor
Presiding: Jesse Krebs
26 - 1 ERIN H. MIESNERDr. Jesse D. Krebs, Faculty Mentor "And Why Should They Spoil Their Good Looks?": A Discussion of the Acceptance of Women in the Symphony Orchestra
26 - 2 KARIANNE M. JONESDr. Marc Rice, Faculty Mentor k.d. lang and Queer Country
26 - 3 AILEEN R. MCKENZIEDr. Jesse D. Krebs, Faculty Mentor Treating Depression with Receptive Music Therapy
26 - 4 BENJAMIN A. MARTINSON♦Dr. Jay Bulen, Faculty Mentor Kill da Wabbit: Analyzing the Evolution of Music's Role in Warner Brothers Studios' Cartoons Using Representative Works
26 - 5 ERIC M. SCHWEIZERProf. Tim AuBuchon, Faculty Mentor A New Mode of Thinking: Application and Analysis of Eastern European and Middle Eastern Folk Music in Modern Jazz
Two Keys, One Photograph, and What Wasn't There: The Unlikely Origins of Three Books
Denise Von Glahn, Professor of Musicology and Director of the Center for Music of the Americas at The Florida State University, College of Music
Presiding: Sam McClure
38 - 1 ALEX MCKAMIE*, CARLYE KLECZKOWSKI, SEAN KAMERY, and BRADLEY KNOCHDr. Brian X. Kubin, Faculty Mentor Antonín Dvořák's String Quartet in D Minor, Op. 34: Bohemian Spirit in Classical Form
38 - 2 SAVANA A. RICKER♦Dr. Sam McClure, Faculty Mentor A Performance and Brief Discussion of Edouard Lalo's Symphonie Espagnole
38 - 3 NICOLE S. MOORE♦Dr. Sam McClure, Faculty Mentor Walter Piston's Concerto for Viola and Orchestra
38 - 4 SHANTAY R. GUYTONDr. Samuel McClure, Faculty Mentor Vitali: Chaconne in G Minor
Presiding: Deana Judah
39 - 2 EMI E. GRIESSDr. James D'Agostino, Faculty Mentor Music and Poetry: A History of Collaboration
Presiding: Marc Rice
44 - 1 EUGENIA A. SIEGEL♦Dr. Marc Rice, Dr. Warren Gooch, and Dr. Jay Bulen, Faculty Mentors Stereotypical or Atypical: The Portrayal of The Governess in Benjamin Britten's "The Turn of the Screw"
44 - 2 CAROL A. PERRYDr. Marc Rice, Faculty Mentor Aspects of Noh in Kanjinchō
44 - 3 ADAM J. UELTSCHYDr. Marc Rice, Faculty Mentor African American Spirituals: A Synthesis of African and European Musical Practices
44 - 4 ALYSSA S. RATHBUN*, DREW K. TURNER, BENJAMIN M. TORREY, and BRIDGET B. KOMOROSKIDr. Marc Rice, Faculty Mentor Eating Local, a Global Issue With YouTube
Presiding: Michele Breault
45 - 1 KATIE E. ESTERLINEProf. Shirley McKamie, Faculty Mentor The Instinct for the Arts
Presiding: Warren Gooch
57 - 1 MICHAEL J. HARRER♦Dr. Warren Gooch, Faculty Mentor The Structural Basis of William Schuman's "George Washington Bridge"
57 - 2 JOSHUA E. WAYMIRE♦Dr. Warren Gooch, Faculty Mentor Musical Foreshadowing in Wagner's "Elsa's Procession to the Cathedral": A Contextual Analysis
57 - 3 ADAM M. YANICK♦Dr. Warren Gooch, Faculty Mentor Fusion of Primary Chords in Copland's "An Outdoor Overture"