Presiding: Cynthia Cooper
8 - 1 DIANA S. ACEVEDODr. Cynthia Cooper and Dr. Michael Lockhart, Faculty Mentors Applying molecular methods to identify human and ruminant fecal contamination sources in Forest Lake, Kirksville, MO
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8 - 2 JENNIFER W. CHEN* and BETSEY C. YORKDr. Stephanie Fore, Faculty Mentor Yearly Hotspot Variation in Amblyomma americanum
8 - 3 AUSTIN B. RUPP* and ENATO ESANGBEDODr. Stephanie Fore, Faculty Mentor Seasonal Patterns in Abundance for the Three Life Stages of the American Dog Tick (Dermacenter variabilis) and the Lone Star Tick (Amblyomma americanum)
8 - 4 LISA L. NADEAU* and JENNIFER G. BEVELLDr. Stephanie Fore and Dr. Hyun-Joo Kim, Faculty Mentors The Role of Environmental Factors in Tick Burden on Peromyscus leucopus
8 - 5 TESHOME M. ASSEFA*, CHASE A. GRAY, and KEVIN MCGARRAHDr. Cynthia Cooper, Faculty Mentor E. coli Levels in Local Streams
Presiding: Michael Seipel
19 - 2 MARTHA E. CRUSEDr. Thomas E. Marshall, Faculty Mentor Lowering Cold Flow in Biodiesel
19 - 3 AMANDA M. ZERKELDr. Thomas E. Marshall, Faculty Mentor Effects of Resistant Starch from High Amylose Corn on Swine Growth, Feed Effciency, and Fecal and Blood Volatile Fatty Acid and Aromatic Concentrations
Presiding: Roberta Donahue
25 - 1 PATRICK I. CASEYDr. Lin Twining and Dr. Mark J. Manary (Washington University School of Medicine), Faculty Mentors Reduced phytate diets do not enhance Zn status in Malawian children
Two Keys, One Photograph, and What Wasn't There: The Unlikely Origins of Three Books
Denise Von Glahn, Professor of Musicology and Director of the Center for Music of the Americas at The Florida State University, College of Music
Presiding: Russell Baughman
34 - 2 SHANE M. BERNARDDr. Maria Nagan, Faculty Mentor Computational Studies of Biomolecular Recognition in Viral Leukemia
Presiding: Corey Johnson
47 - 1 CHELLE KING PORTER♦Dr. Timothy D. Walston, Dr. Jon Beck, and Dr. Brent Buckner, Faculty Mentors Establishing Caenorhabditis elegans as a model for neural tube defects
47 - 2 TAD A. DALLAS♦Dr. Stephanie Fore, Dr. Laura Fielden, and Dr. Hyun-Joo Kim, Faculty Mentors What's That Smell?: Chemoattraction in the American Dog Tick
47 - 3 PETER J. MUELLEMAN♦Dr. Chad Montgomery, Faculty Mentor Trailing of Maternal Chemical Cues by Neonate Timber Rattlesnakes, Crotalus horridus
47 - 4 AMANDA H. DEBROTDr. Chad Montgomery, Faculty Mentor Digestive Efficiency of a Generalist Predator, Pantherophis obsoletus, on Mice, Eggs, and Chicks
47 - 5 ANTHONY J. WILMES* and LAURA K. GAREYDr. Chad Montgomery, Faculty Mentor Geographic Distribution of the Parthenogenic Checkered Whiptail Lizard, Aspidoscelis tesselata, in Southeast Colorado
Presiding: Eric Patterson
52 - 1 JAMES E. BROWNDr. David McCurdy and Dr. Brian D. Lamp, Faculty Mentors Atomic Absorption Determination of Mercury in Local Freshwater Fish Using a Home-Built Cold Vapor Generator
Presiding: Julie Flowerday
55 - 4 SARAH C. FOLTZDr. Bonnie Mitchell, Faculty Mentor Diabetes in Native American Groups
Presiding: Jose Herrera
58 - 1 ROBERT J. WELTERDr. Peter Goldman, Faculty Mentor Piping Plover Conservation on Sandy Neck Beach, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
58 - 2 KATHERINE A. NEBEL* and RAVIN POUDELDr. Jose Herrera, Faculty Mentor Variation in Precipitation Patterns and the Affect on Root-Associated Fungal Communities Inhabiting Sporobolus cryptandrus
58 - 3 JOE C. SCHAEPERKOETTERDr. Peter Rolnick (Retired), Faculty Mentor A Case for the Maternal Effect
58 - 4 HALEIGH J. WHITEDr. Jose Herrera, Faculty Mentor Comparison of mycorrhizal fungal communities in Achnatherum hymenoides and Bouteloua gracilis in the Chihuahuan desert
58 - 5 AUDREY C. ZIMBELMANDr. Myron L. Toews (University of Nebraska - Medical Center) and Dr. Susan Guffey, Faculty Mentors Hog Manure Extract and Porcine Pancreatic Elastase Modulate Airway Epithelial Cell EGF Receptors, Calcium Signaling, and Cytokine Release
P-5 - 14
PATRICK I. CASEY* and MICHELLE L. RIEFEDr. Lin Twining, Faculty Mentor Breastfeeding educational pamphlet
P-6 - 3
STACY A. MARSHALLDr. Mark Campbell, Faculty Mentor Marker Assisted Selection for the Development of Amylomaize VII Germplasm
P-6 - 4
SAMAH HASSAN A. HASSAN* and SUZANNE N. PITTSDr. Mark Campbell, Faculty Mentor Effective Extraction of High Amylose Starch through the Use of a Novel Method of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) Leachate
P-6 - 5
SCOTT J. HUESGEN*, CHRISTINE GRAVES, HAZAR KHIDIR, JESSICA KLINE, CHRISTOPHER J. TRACY, and ADAM J. WINKELERDr. Diane Janick-Buckner, Dr. Brent Buckner, and Dr. Jon Beck, Faculty Mentors Annotation and Analysis of Global Gene Expression Studies: A Maize Shoot Apical Meristem Expression Database
P-7 - 1
CORINNA A. WARNARSDr. Jason E. Miller, Faculty Mentor Mathematical Shape Description of Alueritopteris
P-7 - 2
KELSY M. PARKER*, MOLLY GIBSON, and MICHAEL D. MILLERDr. Jon Beck and Dr. Diane Janick-Buckner, Faculty Mentors Design and Development of a Second Generation Gene Annotation System
P-8 - 1
ANNA E. HOFFMANDr. George L. Shinn, Faculty Mentor A Dichotomous Key for Identifying the Crayfishes of Northern Missouri
P-8 - 2
TERIN E. BUDINEDr. Timothy D. Walston, Faculty Mentor Caenorhabditis elegans as a model host of Staphylococcus aureus virulence
P-8 - 3
RAVIN POUDELDr. Jose Herrera, Faculty Mentor Characterization of Coprophilous Fungi Using Molecular Methods
P-8 - 4
JACOB E. SCHRUMDr. Jon Goguen (University of Massachusetts Medical School) and Dr. Cynthia Cooper, Faculty Mentors Comparison of Methods for Genetic Manipulation in Yersinia pestis: Deletion of the y0237 Gene
P-8 - 5
LAUREN E. DEADYDr. James Cox (A.T. Still University) and Dr. Timothy D. Walston, Faculty Mentors Mechanism of Uptake of Cystatin C by B16F10 Melanoma Cells
P-8 - 6
SARAH D. MEYERDr. Michael Lockhart and Dr. Cynthia Cooper, Faculty Mentors Identifying Sources of Fecal Contamination in Hazel Creek and Forest Lake Using Bacteroides Host Specific Primers
P-8 - 7
CHRISTINA THEBEAUDr. Stephanie Fore, Faculty Mentor Does Distance Traveled by Peromyscus leucopus (White-Footed Mouse) Influence Tick Load?
P-8 - 8
MELISSA J. WRIGHTDr. Chad Montgomery, Faculty Mentor Morphological clinal variation in Boa constrictor
P-8 - 9
TAMMY J. GREEVERS* and KRISTINA A. SITDr. George L. Shinn, Faculty Mentor Use of Transmission Electron Microscopy to Study the Minute Male Parts of a Freshwater Pond Snail (Physa gyrina)
P-8 - 10
CHRISTOPHER J. TRACY* and HAZAR H. KHIDIRDr. Diane Janick-Buckner and Dr. Brent Buckner, Faculty Mentors Characterization of a Maize Knox-like Mutant
P-8 - 11
MEGAN K. LUTZ* and HALEY B. EISENBERGDr. Chad Montgomery, Faculty Mentor Metabolic Rate in Tropical Scorpions
P-8 - 12
KATHERINE M. KUHN*, ELIZABETH COTTEY, ANDREA COTTEY, CASEY STEFANSKI, HEATHER CURTIS, KAY BRUEMMER, JENNA SESTI, and CORINNA A. WARNARSDr. Emily Smith and Dr. C. George Carlson (AT Still University), Faculty Mentors The Effect of In Vivo and In Vitro Administration of Gossypol on p65 Expression in Dystrophic Muscle
P-8 - 13
ADAM J. WINKELER*, CHRISTOPHER J. TRACY, and DUSTIN R. MAYFIELDDr. Diane Janick-Buckner and Dr. Brent Buckner, Faculty Mentors Expression of Chromatin Assembly Factor-1 Subunits in Maize
P-9 - 4
MICHAEL JONESDr. Maria Nagan, Faculty Mentor Computational Studies of P22 N Peptide-boxB Complex