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2005 Student Research Conference:
18th Annual Student Research Conference
By Location:
VH 1416
OP 1393, Performance Hall
OP 2111
OP 2113
OP 2115
OP 2210
OP 2302, Black Box Theatre
OP Lobby & Atrium
Union 300, Activities Room
Union 301, Conference Room
Union 308
Union 310, Governors' Room
VH 1000
VH 1010
VH 1232
VH 1304
VH 1320
VH 1408
VH 1412
VH 1416
VH 1432
The following presentations will be held in
VH 1416
“Does Some Natural Defect Mar My Beauty?”: Disability in Early Imperial Rome
Oral Paper
Social Science (History)
Lindee R. Weese*, Graham C. Engdahl, Rachel M. Muenks, and Lija K. Kaleps-Clark
Prof. Martha L. Rose, Faculty Mentor
(13-1, 8:15, VH 1416)
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Disability in the Roman Empire: Juvenal’s Satirical Expression
Oral Paper
Social Science (History)
Lesley E. Nichols*, Courtney R. Wilson, Mike J. Kremer, and Kristen V. McManis
Prof. Martha L. Rose, Faculty Mentor
(13-2, 8:30, VH 1416)
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A Political Disability: Pliny the Younger’s Letters and Roman Culture
Oral Paper
Social Science (History)
Kevin R. Dyke*, Samantha Gilbert, and Brad Robertson
Prof. Martha L. Rose, Faculty Mentor
(13-3, 8:45, VH 1416)
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Disability, Humor, and Immorality: Martial in Roman Life
Oral Paper
Social Science (History)
Kelly K. Bultman*, Laura S. Ursprung, Mike K. Sheldon, Aaron E. Pearson, and Cheylynne Y. Bosley
Prof. Martha L. Rose, Faculty Mentor
(13-4, 9:00, VH 1416)
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Crippled Gods: Suetonius and Imperial Disability
Oral Paper
Social Science (History)
Elizabeth M. Ryan*, Steven D. Cox, Michael C. McCarty, and Jason Wheaton
Prof. Martha L. Rose, Faculty Mentor
(13-5, 9:15, VH 1416)
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A Look at the World War II Memorial Policy through Graham Allison's Organizational Process Model
Oral Paper
Social Science (Political Science)
Rachael M. Spavone
Dr. Randy Hagerty, Faculty Mentor
(28-1, 9:45, VH 1416)
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The Catholic Vote: Still Relevant?
Oral Paper
Social Science (Political Science)
Stephen A. Huss
Dr. John Quinn, Faculty Mentor
(28-2, 10:00, VH 1416)
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AIDS on the Prowl
Oral Paper
Social Science (Political Science)
Jessica M. Rooks
Dr. John Quinn, Faculty Mentor
(28-3, 10:15, VH 1416)
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Economic Adversity and its Impact on Voter Turnout
Oral Paper
Social Science (Political Science)
Cindy N. Thomas
Dr. John Quinn, Faculty Mentor
(28-4, 10:30, VH 1416)
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Public Opinion and Military Intervention in Iraq: The Impact of Race, Gender, and Political Alienation
Oral Paper
Social Science (Political Science)
Eugene Walton
Dr. Marijke Bruening, Faculty Mentor
(45-1, 2:15, VH 1416)
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A Change in Rhetoric: A Shift in Purpose for the American Mission in Iraq
Oral Paper
Social Science (Political Science)
Ryan S. Lewis
Dr. Paul Parker, Faculty Mentor
(45-2, 2:30, VH 1416)
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Environmental Influences of Civil Law: A Comparison of Adair County and the City of Saint Louis
Oral Paper
Social Science (Political Science)
John E. Redden
Dr. Paul Parker, Faculty Mentor
(45-3, 2:45, VH 1416)
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Regime Types, Transitions, and Conflict Proneness of Authoritarian States: 1950-2002
Oral Paper
Social Science (Political Science)
Katherine F. Haggans
Dr. John Ishiyama, Faculty Mentor
(45-4, 3:00, VH 1416)
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Perspectives on Power: Culture, Hegemony and History in African Literature
Oral Paper
Social Science (History)
Kevin M. Mungai
Dr. Sylvia Macauley, Faculty Mentor
(57-1, 3:45, VH 1416)
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When the French Helped Save Europe: The French Resistance and D-Day
Oral Paper
Social Science (History)
Sarah E. Jones
Dr. Torbjörn Wandel , Faculty Mentor
(57-2, 4:00, VH 1416)
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Brown v. The Board of Education
: Representations in Political Cartoons
Oral Paper
Social Science (History)
Allison Schmidt
Dr. Thomas Zoumaras, Faculty Mentor
(57-3, 4:15, VH 1416)
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