2022 Student Research Conference:
35th Annual Student Research Conference

The Building Blocks of Christianity: Ancient Greek Philosophy and its Impact on Theology

John A. Eritreo
Dr. Andrew Klyukovski, Faculty Mentor

Ancient Greek philosophers such as Socrates and Plato created many fundamental concepts regarding human behavior and our relationship with the world around us. Central to their work was the question “what constitutes the principles of a strong moral character?”. By better seeking to understand the importance of morality, early Greek philosophers were some of the first to begin questioning what were the attributes of an ideal life and how those attributes could be embraced. Inward reflection on human action and its consequences later form to serve as the basis of many major religions. By analyzing the works of St. Augustine and other Christian writers, I plan on tracing concepts from Greek philosophy throughout the history of Christianity, with the goal of understanding to what extent Ancient Greece influenced the major principles of the Christianity.


Topic(s):Philosophy & Religion

Presentation Type: Oral Presentation

Session: TBA
Location: TBA
Time: TBA

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