The Effects of Cognitive Orientation on Pitching Performance in Independent League Professional Baseball Players
Jessica D. Laber
Mr. Jerry Mayhew, Faculty Mentor
This study examined the effects of cognitive orientation on pitching performance in independent league, professional baseball players. Thirteen pitchers were given Explanatory Style Survey (ESS), which examined hopefulness, self-esteem, optimism, and pessimism. No significant differences were found on the (ESS) subscales among the different pitchers. When the pitchers were considered as a single group, their ERA (earned run average) was not significantly correlated with hopefulness (r = -0.21), self-esteem (r = -0.02), and a global optimistic/pessimistic scale (r = 0.10). Ironically, the correlation between the ERA and the Permanent Bad subscale showed a trend toward negative significance (r = -0.35, p = .24), indicating that the more negative the feelings of their ability, the better their ERA. While none of the correlations strongly supported the effect of optimism/pessimism subscales on pitching performance, possibly using a larger sample or sampling players from different levels of competition might produce better results.
Keywords: Optimism, Pessimism, Baseball Players, Performance, Explanatory Style
Topic(s):Exercise Science
Presentation Type: Poster
Session: 29-24
Location: OP Lobby & Atrium
Time: 1:15