2004 Student Research Conference:
17th Annual Student Research Conference

Human Potential and Performance

Determining Gender Differences in Eating Triggers of College Students
Melissa A. Linden* and Rebecca A. Kudrna
Mr. Jerry Mayhew, Faculty Mentor

Obesity and cardiovascular disease are often linked to poor eating habits and high body fat. The purpose of this study was to determine if social, emotional, situational, thinking, or physiological events alter eating in college students, and determine if there is a correlation between the eating triggers and percent body fat. Sixty-five undergraduate students (age 19.8±1.2), completed an eating behaviors survey as part of an introductory wellness class. Body composition was also determined using the three site Jackson-Pollock equation. A significant difference in eating behaviors was found between genders for social (p=0.005), emotional (p=0.035), thinking (p=.010), and physiological (p=0.010) eating triggers. For each factor women were more likely to eat than men. A significant correlation (F=8.62, p<0.005) was also found between social eating triggers and percent body fat. This study concludes that eating triggers may play a role in eating behavior and weight management.

Keywords: eating triggers, body composition, gender and diet

Topic(s):Exercise Science

Presentation Type: Oral Paper

Session: 17-2
Location: VH 1000
Time: 8:30

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