2010 Student Research Conference:
23rd Annual Student Research Conference

The American Sublime; The Travels of John Powell and Colin Fletcher in the Grand Canyon
Grant A. Kling♦
Dr. Alanna Preussner, Faculty Mentor

My paper is a comparative study of the writings of John Wesley Powell and Colin Fletcher and their time in the Grand Canyon. Specifically, Powell's Exploration of the Colorado River and Fletcher's The Man who Walked Through Time. The aim is to identify similar experiences between the writers and discern if the view of the Grand Canyon has altered in the one hundred years which separate the two works. The purpose is neither to compare the treks of these two men nor their motivations, but their emotional and mental responses to the environment. The hope is to find themes which exist between the two explorers and discover shared experiences of terror, awe, and insignificance.

Keywords: Comparative Journey, Liminal Space

American Studies

Presentation Type: Oral Paper

Session: 63-3
Location: VH 1432
Time: 3:15

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♦ Indicates Truman Graduate Student
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