2010 Student Research Conference:
23rd Annual Student Research Conference

Women's Education as a Economic Determinant in Developing Countries
Ngan M. Bui
Dr. Terry Olson, Faculty Mentor

Women play an important role in development economics since they are the key factor involving fertility, child labor, and school enrollment. However, women bear a disproportionate amount of poverty, and attain significantly less schooling than men. The paper is aimed to determine the relationship between female educational attainment and a countrys growth. This empirical study includes control variables calculating the level of womens education, labor participation, investment, gender gap and GDP in 60 developing countries. The estimates show that the level of womens education can affect a countrys GDP positively and have almost the same effect as the level of investment and labor participation.

Keywords: woman, education, economic

Women's and Gender Studies

Presentation Type: Oral Paper

Session: 27-1
Location: VH 1320
Time: 9:30

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