2010 Student Research Conference:
23rd Annual Student Research Conference

The 13th Way to Inherit: An Applicable Discussion on the Lyric Poem
Erin M. Neuman ♦
Dr. James D'Agostino, Faculty Mentor

Writing at some points is a mad scramble. Creative writing is no different. The creative genre of lyric poetry however is an art of precision and form. An author who chooses to peruse this genre needs to find balance among the creative and the critical to produce the art form known as the poem. This presentation is concerning the modes and means of lyric poetry and its creative application. The idea of being both critical and creative, this will be the discussion. The application will be original poetry, taking into account the goal of being expressive within form.

Keywords: Poetry, The Lyric Genre , Creative Writing , Process


Presentation Type: Oral Paper

Session: 7-1
Location: VH 1432
Time: 8:00

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♦ Indicates Truman Graduate Student
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