Theory of Ghost Imaging Experiments with Polarization Dependent Optical Devices
Andrew J. Alexander
Dr. Michael Goggin, Faculty Mentor
Ghost imaging has emerged in the last 20 years as an unusual consequence of photon correlations. Ghost imaging is a process involving two entangled photons by which we can extract information about an object from a photon that does not interact directly with the aforementioned object. The photon that is measured can only "see" the object by means of correlations with the sister photon which does interact with the object. Because initial experiments of ghost imaging involved the use of polarization entangled photons, a natural description of this non-local behavior was found in the language of quantum optics. However, there is still much debate as to whether ghost imaging is purely a quantum phenomenon or if a suitable classical description exists. Our calculations are aimed at describing observable differences in classical and quantum results by exploiting polarization dependant effects of optical elements.
Keywords: Physics, Quantum Optics, Entanglement
Presentation Type: Oral Paper
Session: 51-1
Location: MG 1096
Time: 2:45