2014 Student Research Conference:
27th Annual Student Research Conference

By Abstract Title: H (2014)

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The following abstracts (under letter H) have been submitted:
Department: Communication
  • Hypnosis and Its Effect upon a Fear of Public Speaking

    (Psychology, Communication)
    Abigail M. Nehrkorn*, Connor E. Madden, Andrew D. Zeiler, Christopher A. Sotraidis, Jacob A. Sloan, Michael J. Gibson, Micaela M. Zebrowski, Caleb J. Scarborough, Alicia A. Foglesong, John R. Wiesler, Carlyn Muehlhauser, and Jesse B. Banner
    Prof. Sal Costa, Faculty Mentor
    (P-14-3, 3:30, GEO - SUB)
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