Presiding: Dr. John Quinn
105- - 1 MOLLY A. TURNERDr. Chad Mohler, Faculty Mentor Time and Space: Made in China My Head
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Repairing the Damaged Brain: How do we Stop the Next Apocalypse?
Dr. Greg Gerhardt, Professor of Anatomy & Neurosurgery, Neurology, Psychiatry and Electrical Engineering, University of Kentucky Health Sciences Center in Lexington, KY
Presiding: Dr. Vayujeet Gokhale
305- - 1 JOSEPH M. MILLIANODr. Carlos Paz-Soldan (General Atomics/DIII-D) and Dr. Vayujeet Gokhale, Faculty Mentors Quantifying non-axisymmetric perturbations at tokamak plasma edge
305- - 2 MATTHEW R. EVERSDr. Eduardo Velasco, Faculty Mentor Phase Contrast Microscopy: Viewing Invisible Subjects
305- - 3 MILITE M. ABRAHADr. Vayujeet Gokhale, Faculty Mentor MRI Artifact Reduction Using MAVRIC Technique
305- - 4 COLIN A. JUSTICEDr. Ian Lindevald, Faculty Mentor An Acoustical Impedance Head for the Study of Tone Hole Lattices
305- - 5 ALEXANDER M. WENNERBERGDr. Vayujeet Gokhale, Faculty Mentor Differential Equations in Computational Physics
404- - 4 ERIC D. HILKER*, INGRID ROETTGEN, CELINE FUCHS, and STEVEN PANKEYDr. Vayujeet Gokhale, Faculty Mentor Light Pollution in Kirksville