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2007 Student Research Conference:
20th Annual Student Research Conference
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The following abstracts for presentation type
Oral Paper
have been submitted:
French Architecture in Missouri: An Analysis of Architectural Influences and Styles in the St. Louis Area
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (French)
Leigh K. Edmonston
Dr. Patrick Lecaque, Faculty Mentor
(40-2, 1:30 pm, OP 2113)
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A Marxist Analysis of the Institution of Marriage in Jane Austen's
Pride and Prejudice
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Nicole L. Ray
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(9-3, 8:45 am, VH 1428)
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"We’re just poems, we are 90% metaphor": Sexual Politics in the Works of Sappho and Ani DiFranco
Oral Paper
Interdisciplinary (Interdisciplinary)
Shahrbonu J. Rezaiekhaligh
Dr. Bridget Thomas and Dr. Bob Mielke, Faculty Mentors
(54-1, 2:45 pm, OP 2210)
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‘Strategic Exchange: A New Approach to Understanding Individuals’ Behavior with Observations from an Intentional Community.’
Oral Paper
Social Science (Economics)
Greg W. Hammond
Dr. Terry Olson, Faculty Mentor
(33-1, 9:45 am, VH 1412)
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“I think I know what you did last night”: An Evaluation of Organized Midwestern Religion
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Cara A. Hurst
Dr. Alanna Preussner, Faculty Mentor
(58-2, 3:00 pm, OP 2117)
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“Not a Vacuum”: A Postcolonial Analysis of Chinua Achebe's
Things Fall Apart
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Mike T. Westphal
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(6-1, 8:15 am, OP 2115)
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The 1953 Flammable Fabrics Act: A Case Study
Oral Paper
Social Science (Political Science)
Tyler I. Page
Dr. Candy Young, Faculty Mentor
(49-1, 1:15 pm, VH 1412)
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ADMP Calculations on the Hydroperoxidolysis of a VX Model Compound
Oral Paper
Science (Chemistry)
Joshua M. Blechle
Dr. Eric V. Patterson, Faculty Mentor
(61-4, 3:30 pm, VH 1212)
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The Affect of Parental Attitude Toward Literacy on Child Attitude and Performance
Oral Paper
Human Potential and Performance (Communication Disorders)
Lauren E. Caffey
Dr. Janet Gooch, Faculty Mentor
(37-2, 1:30 pm, OP 2121)
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Affinely Self-Generating Sets and Morphisms
Oral Paper
Mathematics and Computer Science (Mathematics)
Adam C. Gouge
Dr. David Garth, Faculty Mentor
(60-1, 2:45 pm, VH 1232)
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African American Women in the 1920s: Oppressive Dominated Hierarchies in Nella Larsen's
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Megan N. King
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(9-4, 9:00 am, VH 1428)
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Allometric Modeling of Anaerobic Capacity in College Men and Women
Oral Paper
Human Potential and Performance (Exercise Science)
Bryant R. England
Dr. Alex J. Koch and Dr. Jerry Mayhew, Faculty Mentors
(4-3, 8:45 am, VH 1000)
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American Realignment: How Yankee North and Dixie South Switched Teams
Oral Paper
Social Science (Political Science)
David M. Mohl
Dr. John Quinn, Faculty Mentor
(15-2, 8:30 am, VH 1412)
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American Wartime Posters of the Twentieth Century
Oral Paper
Fine Arts (Art)
Heather I. Macionus
Prof. John Bohac , Faculty Mentor
(3-1, 8:15 am, OP 2210)
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Amma and Women: Reinterpreting the Hindu Mother Goddess
Oral Paper
Social Science (Philosophy & Religion)
Michael J. Kremer
Dr. Lloyd Pflueger, Faculty Mentor
(64-3, 3:15 pm, OP 2111)
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Analysis of Eating Disorders among Freshmen Women at a Small Midwestern University
Oral Paper
Human Potential and Performance (Health Science)
Laurie R. Schroeder* and Sheryl P. Adams
Dr. Janice Clark Young, Faculty Mentor
(37-5, 2:15 pm, OP 2121)
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An Analysis of Microbiota in Forest Lake and Hazel Creek Lake
Oral Paper
Science (Biology)
Ashley R. Styczynski
Dr. Michael Lockhart, Faculty Mentor
(29-4, 10:30 am, VH 1432)
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An Analysis Of Microbiota In Forest Lake And Hazel Creek Lake
Oral Paper
Interdisciplinary (Environmental Studies)
Lolliann R. Bruce
Dr. Michael Lockhart, Faculty Mentor
(5-3, 9:00 am, VH 1432)
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Analyzing the Characters' Dreams in
Of Mice and Men
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Julie C. Denton
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(24-2, 10:00 am, OP 2113)
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Andrew Lloyd Webber’s
Whistle Down the Wind
: An Example of Musical Theatre as Religious Ritual and Spiritual Experience
Oral Paper
Interdisciplinary (Interdisciplinary)
Elizabeth H. O'Brien
Prof. Shirley McKamie, Faculty Mentor
(38-2, 1:30 pm, OP 2210)
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Are Ants Picky Eaters? Analysis of Fatty Acid Composition in Seed Elaiosomes
Oral Paper
Science (Chemistry)
Danielle M. Stacy* and Kelly Watters
Dr. Anne E. Moody, Faculty Mentor
(12-2, 8:30 pm, VH 1212)
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Aspiration and Elision in Dominican Spanish
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (Spanish)
Ashley E. Morris
Dr. Eric Jewell, Faculty Mentor
(40-1, 1:15 pm, OP 2113)
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Assessing the Knowledge of Nutrition and Exercise in Students K-12 to Help Create an Effective Wellness Strategy
Oral Paper
Human Potential and Performance (Nursing)
Christine M. Sigmund
Prof. Pamela Gardner, Faculty Mentor
(36-5, 2:15 pm, VH 1000)
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Assessing the Knowledge of Nutrition and Exercise in Students K-12 to help create an effective wellness strategy
Oral Paper
Human Potential and Performance (Nursing)
Joseph W. Hassler
Prof. Pamela Gardner, Faculty Mentor
(36-3, 1:45 pm, VH 1000)
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Assessing the Knowledge of Nutrition and Exercise in Students K-12 to Help Create an Effective Wellness Strategy
Oral Paper
Human Potential and Performance (Nursing)
Sara E. Mayer
Prof. Pamela Gardner, Faculty Mentor
(36-4, 2:00 pm, VH 1000)
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Assessment of Water Quality Indicators for a Prairie Stream System in Northern Missouri
Oral Paper
Science (Biology)
Carissa B. Holloway
Dr. Cynthia Cooper, Faculty Mentor
(29-2, 10:00 am, VH 1432)
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Assimilating a Mouthful: Language and Cultural Connections in Dangarembga’s
Nervous Conditions
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Neil V. Bales
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(8-5, 9:15 am, OP 2113)
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Asteroid Lightcurves
Oral Paper
Science (Physics)
Angela K. Postma*, George C. Sumter, Samantha R. Sweet, Mariya S. Davidkova, Thomas J. Vonderharr, and Cara M. Willoughby
Dr. Matthew M. Beaky, Faculty Mentor
(28-2, 10:00 am, VH 1416)
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Attitude and Behavior Link
Oral Paper
Human Potential and Performance (Exercise Science)
Sara B. Detweiler* and Kim D. Tipton
Ms. Evonne C. Bird, Faculty Mentor
(37-3, 1:45 pm, OP 2121)
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Autobiographical Influences and Connections to the Reader as Seen in Soyinka’s
and Dangarembga’s
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Elizabeth C. Raine
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(59-5, 3:45 pm, VH 1428)
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Belles and Barbarians: The Difference of Gender and Class in "A Streetcar Named Desire"
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Jenifer L. Roesemeier
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(10-3, 8:45 am, VH 1232)
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Best Practices, Trends and Impacts of International Student Programs and Career Services Collaboration at American Midwestern Universities and Colleges
Oral Paper
Business & Accountancy (Business Administration)
Heidi J. Kaplan
Dr. Debra Cartwright, Faculty Mentor
(51-1, 2:45 pm, VH 1010)
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Blogs and the First Amendment
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (Communication)
Sara A. James
Dr. Karon Speckman, Faculty Mentor
(56-5, 3:45 pm, OP 2113)
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"Blushing Virgins and Wanton Whores": Diverse Portrayals of Women in
The Monk
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Brittany R. Nielsen Watson
Dr. Bob Mielke, Faculty Mentor
(43-3, 1:45 pm, OP 2117)
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Body Modification and Corporeal Cultural Construction
Oral Paper
Social Science (Philosophy & Religion)
Kade A. Schemahorn
Dr. Natalie Alexander, Faculty Mentor
(31-4, 10:30 am, OP 2111)
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Brides of Christ: Pre-Feminist Thought in Hildegard von Bingen's
Ordo Virtutum
Oral Paper
Fine Arts (Music)
Jennifer L. Thomas
Dr. Marc Rice, Faculty Mentor
(19-3, 10:15 am, OP 1393 (Performance Hall))
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Casualties of Homemaking in Society: An Examination of Amina in
The Cairo Trilogy
and Mainini in
Nervous Conditions
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Josh D. Huber
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(42-3, 1:45 pm, OP 2115)
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Ceramic Surface Collections from Körösladány 14 and Okány 16: An Inter-site Comparison
Oral Paper
Social Science (Sociology/Anthropology)
Douglas M. Eudy
Dr. Amber Johnson, Faculty Mentor
(16-4, 9:00 am, VH 1010)
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The Characterization of Different, N-Confused Porphyrins, More Specifically 5,10,15,20-tetra-4-chlorobenzyl-2-aza-21-carbaporphyrin and 5,10,15,20-tetra-(3,5-carboxylphenyl)-2-aza-21-carbaporphyrin
Oral Paper
Science (Chemistry)
Andrew K. Maerz* and Gabriel B. Hall
Dawood Afzal, Faculty Mentor
(30-3, 10:15 am, VH 1212)
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A Christian Story: Madeleine L'Engle's
A Swiftly Tilting Planet
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Dinghao He
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(25-4, 10:30 am, OP 2115)
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Cinderella: A Look at Fairytales through the Lens of Psychoanalytic Criticism
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Martin L. Galloway
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(27-3, 10:15 am, VH 1232)
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Clubs and Axes: Truth, Prejudice, and Satire in Terry Pratchett's
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Amy E. Reynolds
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(24-1, 9:45 am, OP 2113)
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College Students' Knowledge of the Caloric Content of Fast Food Menu Items
Oral Paper
Human Potential and Performance (Exercise Science)
Cassandra J. Morrow* and Jennifer L. Salmon
Prof. Liz Jorn, Faculty Mentor
(53-1, 2:45 pm, VH 1000)
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A Comparative Look at Elementary Mathematics Education
Oral Paper
Education (Education)
Brianna L. Lennon
Dr. Janice Grow, Faculty Mentor
(5-4, 9:00 am, OP 2121)
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Comparative View of Biomass as Alternative Energy
Oral Paper
Social Science (Political Science)
Alan L. Venneman
Dr. Randy Hagerty, Faculty Mentor
(49-4, 2:00 pm, VH 1412)
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Comparing American and Bulgarian Students’ Brand Loyalty to Convenience Versus Shopping Products
Oral Paper
Business & Accountancy (Business Administration)
Silviya V. Valkova
Dr. John Perrachione, Faculty Mentor
(17-1, 9:45 am, VH 1010)
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Comparison of Strength Gains in Underweight and Obese Male and Female College Students
Oral Paper
Human Potential and Performance (Exercise Science)
Kristen L. Scheller* and Francine E. Schafer
Dr. Jerry Mayhew and Prof. Melody Jennings, Faculty Mentors
(21-3, 10:15 am, VH 1000)
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Computational Modeling of Flight Characteristics for Extant and Fossil Saccate Pollen Grains
Oral Paper
Interdisciplinary (Mathematical Biology)
Meredith L. Mertz* and George Wang
Dr. Scott Thatcher and Dr. Jeffrey M. Osborn (The College of New Jersey), Faculty Mentors
(54-3, 3:15 pm, OP 2210)
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Computational Study of the Stereochemical Activity of the Lead(II) Inert Electron Pair in Coordination Complexes
Oral Paper
Science (Chemistry)
Nina E. McCrate
Dr. Maria Nagan, Dr. James McCormick, and Dr. Russell G. Baughman, Faculty Mentors
(61-2, 3:00 pm, VH 1212)
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A Computational Study on the Effect Alpha Nucleophiles have on the Energy of Reaction for Phosphonate Esters
Oral Paper
Science (Chemistry)
Erich R. Kuechler
Dr. Eric V. Patterson, Faculty Mentor
(45-4, 2:00 pm, VH 1212)
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Connectedness of middle school students when examining student participation in extracurricular activities compared to student attendance, discipline and grades
Oral Paper
Education (Education)
Charlie K. Miu♦
Dr. Wendy Miner, Faculty Mentor
(5-3, 8:45 am, OP 2121)
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Construction and Characterization of a Thermospray Nebulizer for Sample Introduction into a Direct Current Plasma
Oral Paper
Science (Chemistry)
Bipin Pandey* and Thomas C. Clark
Dr. David McCurdy, Faculty Mentor
(30-4, 10:30 am, VH 1212)
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Continuing Conflict: An Analysis of the Relationship between the United States and the International Atomic Energy Agency since 1985
Oral Paper
Social Science (History)
Chris P. Peterson
Dr. Steven Reschly and Dr. Thomas Zoumaras, Faculty Mentors
(14-2, 8:30 am, VH 1320)
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Correlative Cosmology in the
T'ai Hsüan Ching
Oral Paper
Social Science (Philosophy & Religion)
Mark A. Wilde
Dr. Ding-hwa Hsieh, Faculty Mentor
(64-5, 3:45 pm, OP 2111)
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Coupled Defects in Coaxial Cable Photonic Crystals
Oral Paper
Science (Physics)
Brian A. Ruzicka
Dr. Matthew M. Beaky, Faculty Mentor
(47-3, 1:45 pm, VH 1416)
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A Cross-Cultural Study in Differences in Romantic Attitudes Between American and Albanian Young Adults
Oral Paper
Social Science (Psychology)
Eneda Hoxha
Dr. Mark Hatala, Faculty Mentor
(48-4, 2:00 pm, VH 1010)
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Crowd Psychology in Zululand: Managing the Multitudes in Thomas Mofolo’s
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Andres R. Delgado
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(42-5, 2:15 pm, OP 2115)
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Cultural and Economic Contexts and their Effects on Two Women's Struggles for Independence in Mariama Bâ's
So Long A Letter
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Emily K. Pufall
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(44-1, 1:15 pm, VH 1428)
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Current Conditions within the Mystic Plains Conservation Opportunity Area
Oral Paper
Science (Agricultural Science)
Matthew Craig
Dr. Michael Seipel, Faculty Mentor
(29-1, 9:45 am, VH 1432)
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The Cut and Project Method in Higher Dimensions
Oral Paper
Mathematics and Computer Science (Mathematics)
Kensey L. Riley
Dr. David Garth, Faculty Mentor
(60-2, 3:00 pm, VH 1232)
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Dangerous Crossing: Deconstruction of Stereotyped Gender Roles in Willa Cather's
O Pioneers!
The Professor's House
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Dana Rufener
Dr. Alanna Preussner, Faculty Mentor
(58-3, 3:15 pm, OP 2117)
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Degree of Women's Freedom in the Middle East
Oral Paper
Social Science (Political Science)
Lina J. Khan
Dr. John Ishiyama, Faculty Mentor
(15-1, 8:15 am, VH 1412)
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Descriptive Statistics of Echolocation Calls from Northeast Missouri Bats
Oral Paper
Interdisciplinary (Mathematical Biology)
Phillip D. Vance* and Joshua B. Kelly
Dr. Scott Burt and Dr. Jason E. Miller, Faculty Mentors
(39-3, 2:00 pm, VH 1432)
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Design and Construction of a Spectrograph to Monitor Changes in Mira Variable Stars
Oral Paper
Science (Physics)
Leonard A. Stephens
Dr. Matthew M. Beaky, Faculty Mentor
(47-4, 2:00 pm, VH 1416)
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Determining drug-resistance in strains of HIV-1
Oral Paper
Science (Biology)
Martha A. Claeys-Jacobson
Dr. Michael Lockhart, Faculty Mentor
(46-3, 1:45 pm, VH 1408)
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Determining Possible Reasons for Variation in Fertility Data Collected from Stallions Owned by Truman State University
Oral Paper
Science (Agricultural Science)
Emily M. Costello
Dr. Michael I. Kelrick and Dr. Charlie Apter, Faculty Mentors
(62-1, 2:45 pm, VH 1432)
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Determining the Existence of Bicyclo[4.1.0]heptatriene With Atom-Centered Density Matrix Propagation
Oral Paper
Science (Chemistry)
Kathleen E. Warrington
Dr. Eric V. Patterson, Faculty Mentor
(12-5, 9:15 am, VH 1212)
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Determining Total Starch Variation in Exotic, High Amylose, Hybrid Corn using a Polarimeter Based Method
Oral Paper
Science (Agricultural Science)
Anna T. O'Brien*, Kim R. Kruse, and Kelly R. Limberg
Dr. Mark Campbell, Faculty Mentor
(62-3, 3:15 pm, VH 1432)
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The Devastating Swarm: The Impact of Colonization in Achebe's
Things Fall Apart
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Martin L. Galloway
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(6-3, 8:45 am, OP 2115)
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Developing and Assessing Video Technology Materials to Support Sign Language Instruction
Oral Paper
Human Potential and Performance (Communication Disorders)
Lauren N. Mueller♦*, Megan D. Sherrill♦, and Erin L. Thomas
Dr. Janet Gooch, Dr. Paula Cochran, and Ms. Sheila Garlock, Faculty Mentors
(37-1, 1:15 pm, OP 2121)
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Developing the Ensemble and the Student Within The Instrumental Music Classroom Through Authentic Assessment
Oral Paper
Fine Arts (Music)
Theron S. Perkowski♦
Dr. Jay Bulen, Faculty Mentor
(19-2, 10:00 am, OP 1393 (Performance Hall))
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Differential Photometry of Eclipsing Binary Stars
Oral Paper
Science (Physics)
Paul G. Blesz*, Samantha R. Sweet, Nirab Manandhar, Violet M. Poole, Om Goit, Kendra Lee, and Joost Vermue
Dr. Matthew M. Beaky, Faculty Mentor
(13-1, 8:15 am, VH 1416)
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Don't Start Nuthin'; Won't BE Nuthin': How to Save the World by Threatening to Destroy It
Oral Paper
Interdisciplinary (Interdisciplinary)
Christopher S. Lindley
Dr. Bob Mielke, Faculty Mentor
(22-1, 9:45 am, VH 1408)
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Don’t Cheat Your Sleep: What Are You Risking?
Oral Paper
Human Potential and Performance (Health Science)
Alysia J. Hall*, Stellina M. Aubuchon, Shady B. Hawatmeh, and Brittany A. Brands
Dr. Roberta Donahue, Faculty Mentor
(53-3, 3:15 pm, VH 1000)
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The Effect of Age on Discrimination Reversal Learning
Oral Paper
Science (Agricultural Science)
Amy L. Arel
Dr. Charlie Apter and Dr. Dean DeCock, Faculty Mentors
(11-1, 8:15 am, VH 1408)
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The Effect of Piperazine on Childhood Malnutrition in Rural Southwestern Haiti
Oral Paper
Science (Biology)
Emily D. Doucette
Dr. Lin Twining and Dr. Stan Shaffer (St. Luke's Hospital of Kansas City), Faculty Mentors
(46-4, 2:00 pm, VH 1408)
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Effect of Rest Interval Length During High Intensity Resistance Training on Circulating Adhesion Molecules
Oral Paper
Human Potential and Performance (Exercise Science)
Michael J. Landram
Dr. Alex J. Koch, Faculty Mentor
(4-1, 8:15 am, VH 1000)
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Effects of Knee Extension Techniques on Vastus Medialis Activation
Oral Paper
Human Potential and Performance (Exercise Science)
Catriona M. Swift
Dr. Michael Bird, Faculty Mentor
(21-1, 9:45 am, VH 1000)
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Efficacy of Subjective Visual Udder Scores in Beef Cows for the Prediction of Lactation Potential and Weaning Weight of Their Calves
Oral Paper
Science (Agricultural Science)
Rebecca E. Pace
Dr. Glenn R. Wehner, Faculty Mentor
(62-5, 3:45 pm, VH 1432)
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The Electra Complex in Daphne DuMaurier’s
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Delisa D. Young
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(7-1, 8:15 am, OP 2117)
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Electronic Helping Behavior as Related to the Bystander Effect
Oral Paper
Social Science (Psychology)
Lauren A. Kienstra* and Robbie Pacanowski
Dr. Robert Tigner, Faculty Mentor
(48-1, 1:15 pm, VH 1010)
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Elmer Gantry's Manipulation by Music
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Amy L. Schweizer
Dr. Alanna Preussner, Faculty Mentor
(26-4, 10:30 am, VH 1428)
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Empirically Estimating Gross Fixed Capital Formation
Oral Paper
Social Science (Economics)
Amy L. Rowden
Dr. Xiaofen Chen, Faculty Mentor
(33-4, 10:30 am, VH 1412)
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Engaging Historical Narrative in Assia Djebar’s
Fantasia: An Algerian Cavalcade
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Eric M. Baumbach
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(59-4, 3:30 pm, VH 1428)
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Environmental Policy Evaluation of Truman State University
Oral Paper
Interdisciplinary (Environmental Studies)
Laura J. Farkas
Dr. Barbara K. Kramer, Faculty Mentor
(5-2, 8:30 am, VH 1432)
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Evaluation of weed emergence patterns and the effect of weed removal on soybean Yield
Oral Paper
Science (Agricultural Science)
Sara R. Copp
Dr. Michael Seipel, Faculty Mentor
(62-4, 3:30 pm, VH 1432)
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Examining Marxism and Biblical Imagery in Ngugi’s
A Grain of Wheat
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Andrew J. Linhares
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(6-5, 9:15 am, OP 2115)
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An Exploration of Gait Mechanics Changes Following ACL Injury
Oral Paper
Human Potential and Performance (Exercise Science)
Brynn E. Weimer
Dr. Michael Bird, Faculty Mentor
(21-2, 10:00 am, VH 1000)
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Eye of the Beholder
Oral Paper
Social Science (Political Science)
Ben D. Coate* and Ryan S. Lewis
Dr. Paul Parker, Faculty Mentor
(15-3, 8:45 am, VH 1412)
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FDR’s Disability: How Biographies Have Reflected Changing Cultural Attitudes Toward Disability
Oral Paper
Social Science (History)
Heather L. Armstrong
Dr. Jerrold Hirsch, Faculty Mentor
(14-3, 8:45 am, VH 1320)
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The Female Voice in Classical Greece
Oral Paper
Social Science (Communication)
Alexander J. Hayden
Prof. Martha L. Rose, Faculty Mentor
(32-1, 9:45 am, VH 1320)
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A Feminist Analysis of Frances Hodgson Burnett's
A Little Princess
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Aly N. Palchick
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(7-4, 9:00 am, OP 2117)
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Fighting for Peace: A Historical Analysis of Mia Couto’s
Sleepwalking Land
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Melissa N. Dryer
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(6-2, 8:30 am, OP 2115)
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First Blood: Axis Diplomacy, Appeasement and the Spanish Civil War
Oral Paper
Social Science (History)
Thomas W. Lecaque
Dr. David Robinson, Faculty Mentor
(50-4, 2:00 pm, VH 1320)
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Button Below)
Fragment Based Drug Design to Target Loop IIIb IRES RNA Domain in Hepatitis C Virus
Oral Paper
Science (Biology)
Melvin E. Omodon
Dr. Fareed Aboul-ela (Louisiana State University) and Dr. Michael Lockhart, Faculty Mentors
(63-1, 2:45 pm, VH 1416)
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Button Below)
Freud, Oedipus, and Lacan: A Critique on the Freudian Psychoanalysis of
Oedipus the King
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Courtney B. Schaefer
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(58-4, 3:30 pm, OP 2117)
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Button Below)
Friends or Allies? U.S.-Israeli Relations During the Kennedy and the Johnson Administrations, 1961-1966
Oral Paper
Social Science (History)
Ryan S. Lewis
Dr. Thomas Zoumaras, Faculty Mentor
(65-3, 3:15 pm, VH 1320)
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Button Below)
From the Center of Asia to the Roof of the World: Throat Singing in Central Asian Shamanism and Tibetan Buddhism
Oral Paper
Interdisciplinary (Interdisciplinary)
Ryan P. Littleton
Prof. Shirley McKamie, Faculty Mentor
(38-1, 1:15 pm, OP 2210)
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Button Below)
Fruit and Vegetable Purchasing and Consumption Trends in Rural Northeast Missouri Residents: A Pilot Study
Oral Paper
Human Potential and Performance (Health Science)
Rebecca N. Verhaeghe* and Nancy K. Reid
Dr. Carol Cox, Faculty Mentor
(36-1, 1:15 pm, VH 1000)
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Button Below)
Gender (Im)Balance in Chinua Achebe's
Things Fall Apart
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Christine M. Canning
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(23-2, 10:00 am, OP 2117)
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Button Below)
Gender and Power Relationships in Samuel Richardson’s
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Blake B. Niemann
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(23-4, 10:30 am , OP 2117)
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Button Below)
A Gender-Based Analysis of the Syntactic and Morphological Functions of Profanity
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Katie A. Cox
Dr. Mary Shapiro, Faculty Mentor
(8-3, 8:45 am, OP 2113)
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Button Below)
God on the Gallows: Tikkun and the Healing of God
Oral Paper
Interdisciplinary (Philosophy & Religion)
Bradley H. Smith
Dr. Dereck Daschke, Faculty Mentor
(38-4, 2:00 pm, OP 2210)
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Button Below)
A Guide to Common Plants at Thousand Hills State Park: Research and Production
Oral Paper
Science (Biology)
Teresa D. Kerbawy
Dr. Elisabeth A. Hooper, Faculty Mentor
(29-3, 10:15 am, VH 1432)
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Button Below)
Habitat suitability modeling of a federally threatened plant species, Missouri bladderpod (
Lesquerella filiformis
): Evaluation of model selection criteria and model performance.
Oral Paper
Interdisciplinary (Interdisciplinary)
James D. Franklin* and Corey A. Elledge
Dr. Hyun-Joo Kim and Dr. Michael I. Kelrick, Faculty Mentors
(54-4, 3:30 pm, OP 2210)
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Button Below)
Hantavirus in Missouri Rodents
Oral Paper
Science (Biology)
Kelly A. Pierce
Dr. Scott Burt, Dr. Steven Carroll, and Dr. Michael Lockhart, Faculty Mentors
(46-2, 1:30 pm, VH 1408)
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Button Below)
Hegemony versus Tradition: The Power of Colonialism in
Things Fall Apart
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
James N. Collins
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(6-4, 9:00 am, OP 2115)
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Button Below)
How Assassins Became Heroes: A Historical Examination of the Facts and Myths Surrounding the Siege of Masada
Oral Paper
Social Science (History)
Shannon L. Crowder
Dr. Thomas Zoumaras, Faculty Mentor
(50-1, 1:15 pm, VH 1320)
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Button Below)
How do Adolescents Develop and Maintain Social Connections during Lunch?
Oral Paper
Education (Education)
Chelsea L. Haas♦
Dr. Wendy Miner, Faculty Mentor
(5-2, 8:30 am, OP 2121)
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Button Below)
How Enlightened is Society of Motherhood
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (Communication)
Sara A. James
Dr. Andrew Klyukovski, Faculty Mentor
(56-1, 2:45 pm, OP 2113)
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Button Below)
How to Lose Your Head in Politics: The Mistakes of Mary Queen of Scots
Oral Paper
Social Science (History)
Kristin R. Bennett
Dr. Kathryn Brammall, Faculty Mentor
(50-2, 1:30 pm, VH 1320)
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Button Below)
Husband-Killing, Regicidal Woman Out of Control: Clytemnestra in Classical Literature
Oral Paper
Interdisciplinary (Study Abroad)
Shannon L. Crowder
Prof. Martha L. Rose and Dr. Steven Reschly, Faculty Mentors
(55-3, 3:15 pm, VH 1408)
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Button Below)
Hydroperoxidolysis of the Chemical Warfare Agent VX
Oral Paper
Science (Chemistry)
Laura A. Kopff* and Kelly A. Daniel
Dr. Eric V. Patterson, Faculty Mentor
(45-3, 1:45 pm, VH 1212)
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Button Below)
Identifying Amino Acid Changes Responsible for the Reversion of Yellow Fever Vaccines to More Virulent Forms
Oral Paper
Science (Biology)
Kelly M. Arcipowski
Dr. Brent Buckner, Faculty Mentor
(46-1, 1:15 pm, VH 1408)
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Button Below)
In the Mood: Birth, Expectation, and Visual Culture in Fifteenth-Century Florence
Oral Paper
Fine Arts (Art History)
Katharyn A. Reed
Dr. Julia DeLancey, Faculty Mentor
(20-2, 10:00 am, OP 2210)
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Button Below)
The Influence of Buddy Reading Systems on Student Comprehension and Attitude in a Second Grade Classroom
Oral Paper
Education (Education)
Sarah S. Watt♦
Dr. Donna Rhinesmith, Faculty Mentor
(18-1, 9:45 am, OP 2121)
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Button Below)
The Influence of Research on the Evolution of Footwear for Sports
Oral Paper
Science (Physics)
Scott J. Lowry
Dr. Ian Lindevald, Faculty Mentor
(28-3, 10:15 am, VH 1416)
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Button Below)
Infrared Photoelectric Photometry of Mira Type Variable Stars
Oral Paper
Science (Physics)
Oleksiy Golovin
Dr. Matthew M. Beaky, Faculty Mentor
(13-3, 8:45 am, VH 1416)
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Button Below)
An Inquiry into the Nutritional Merit of Dairy
Oral Paper
Human Potential and Performance (Health Science)
Chaeli A. Dougherty
Dr. Roberta Donahue, Faculty Mentor
(36-2, 1:30 pm, VH 1000)
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Button Below)
International Relations and Margaret Sanger's Fight for Birth Control
Oral Paper
Interdisciplinary (Interdisciplinary)
Emily J. Murdock
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(55-1, 2:45 pm, VH 1408)
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Button Below)
Interpreter Of The Unconscious: A Look At Jhumpa Lahiri’s "Interpreter of Maladies"
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Mayumi Noguchi
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(9-2, 8:30 am, VH 1428)
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Button Below)
Investigating Sun Protection Behaviors and Knowledge Among Truman State University Students
Oral Paper
Human Potential and Performance (Health Science)
Kathleen B. Cunnane*, Kristina Anderson, and Brittany Hotmer
Dr. Janice Clark Young, Faculty Mentor
(53-5, 3:45 pm, VH 1000)
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Button Below)
Investigation of Altered Behavioral Responses to Serotonergic Receptor Agonists during Methamphetamine Withdrawal
Oral Paper
Science (Biology)
Kelly C. Rowe*, Erica Alexander, Samuel Edeh, and Kimberly Dodson
Dr. John J. Rutter, Faculty Mentor
(11-3, 8:45 am, VH 1408)
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Button Below)
An Investigation of Non-destructive Methods for Determining the Presence of Low Phytate Maize Genotypes
Oral Paper
Science (Agricultural Science)
Courtney E. Bonney* and Jessica N. Ponder
Dr. Mark Campbell, Faculty Mentor
(62-2, 3:00 pm, VH 1432)
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Button Below)
Irrational Exuberance: Can It Be Predicted?
Oral Paper
Business & Accountancy (Business Administration)
Robert J. Kelchen
Dr. Jason Lin, Faculty Mentor
(51-2, 3:00 pm, VH 1010)
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Button Below)
Is acculturation related to type and amount of physical activity among Hispanic adults with type 2 diabetes?
Oral Paper
Human Potential and Performance (Exercise Science)
Kelly N. Haley
Dr. Jerry Mayhew and Dr. Lorraine Weatherspoon (Michigan State University), Faculty Mentors
(4-2, 8:30 am, VH 1000)
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Button Below)
Islam and Christianity: Finding a Way Out of the Cycle of Violence
Oral Paper
Social Science (Philosophy & Religion)
Lucas J. Gleaves
Dr. Mark Appold, Faculty Mentor
(64-2, 3:00 pm, OP 2111)
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Button Below)
Isolation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Protein Ubc9
Oral Paper
Science (Biology)
Stephanie D. Pratt
Dr. Robert Weldon (University of Nebraska- Lincoln) and Dr. Michael Lockhart, Faculty Mentors
(63-2, 3:00 pm, VH 1416)
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Button Below)
Issues in Contrastive Rhetoric: Bridging the Gap Between English and Arabic
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Andrea E. Cluck
Dr. Sally Cook, Faculty Mentor
(8-2, 8:30 am, OP 2113)
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Button Below)
King Lear's Deal with the Devil
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Daniel W. Conway
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(7-2, 8:30 am, OP 2117)
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Button Below)
Levels of Aggression in Quarter Horse Mares and the Social Impacts of the Foal
Oral Paper
Science (Agricultural Science)
Kate M. Randall
Dr. Charlie Apter and Dr. Dean DeCock, Faculty Mentors
(11-2, 8:30 am, VH 1408)
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Button Below)
Liberal Arts Acculturation and its Prediction of College Students’ Well-Being: Replication and Validation of a New Liberal Arts Acculturation Scale
Oral Paper
Social Science (Psychology)
Jennifer N. Crawford*, Christopher R. Honts, Ben Greenberg, Andrew Skelton, Amy M. Wessel, and Cynthia Wooldridge
Dr. Jeffrey Vittengl, Faculty Mentor
(66-2, 3:00 pm, VH 1412)
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Button Below)
The Liminality of Value-Transference
Oral Paper
Social Science (Philosophy & Religion)
Matthew S. Duckworth
Dr. Ding-hwa Hsieh, Faculty Mentor
(31-3, 10:15 am, OP 2111)
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Button Below)
"Lonesome No More!": Kurt Vonnegut's Battle with Modern Isolation
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Harry L. Althoff
Dr. Martha Bartter, Faculty Mentor
(25-2, 10:00 am, OP 2115)
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Button Below)
Madman in the Attic: Possession, Power, and Hypocrisy in Cather’s
The Professor’s House
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Stacey D. Walker
Dr. Alanna Preussner, Faculty Mentor
(26-1, 9:45 am, VH 1428)
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Button Below)
Mapping the Strong Woman in Steinbeck
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Perrin C. Carrell
Prof. Mark Spitzer, Faculty Mentor
(27-1, 9:45 am, VH 1232)
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Button Below)
Mathematical Properties of a Gamma-Function Distributed Epidemic Model
Oral Paper
Interdisciplinary (Mathematical Biology)
Ross A. Coleman
Dr. Kenneth Carter, Faculty Mentor
(39-1, 1:30 pm, VH 1432)
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Button Below)
Mathematics Anxiety: A Multivariate Examination of Gender Differences between Moberly Area Community College and Truman State University Students
Oral Paper
Interdisciplinary (Interdisciplinary)
Carolyn M. Dixon
Dr. Scott Alberts, Faculty Mentor
(54-5, 3:45 pm, OP 2210)
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Button Below)
Measurement and Analysis of the Power Distribution in Diffraction Gratings as a Function of Incident Angle and Wavelength
Oral Paper
Science (Physics)
Violet M. Poole* and Raghav Chhetri,
Dr. Michael Goggin, Faculty Mentor
(13-2, 8:30 am, VH 1416)
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Button Below)
Meiji Japan: Western Perceptions from Perry to 1910
Oral Paper
Social Science (History)
Chris M. Woodard
Dr. Thomas Zoumaras, Faculty Mentor
(65-1, 2:45 pm, VH 1320)
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Button Below)
Modeling Competitive P-F and P-Cl Bond Cleavage in a Chemical Warfare Agent Simulant
Oral Paper
Science (Chemistry)
Nathan Birhanu
Dr. Eric V. Patterson, Faculty Mentor
(61-3, 3:15 pm, VH 1212)
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Button Below)
Modified Littrow Configuration External Cavity Diode Laser With Tunable Fixed Output Beam
Oral Paper
Science (Physics)
Nirjal Sapkota
Dr. Michael Goggin, Faculty Mentor
(47-1, 1:15 pm, VH 1416)
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Button Below)
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of
E. coli
Oral Paper
Science (Chemistry)
Bryan D. Sitzmann
Dr. Maria Nagan, Faculty Mentor
(12-3, 8:45 am, VH 1212)
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Button Below)
Molecular Dynamics Studies of Human Immunodeficiency Virus RSG-1.2-RRE Recognition
Oral Paper
Science (Chemistry)
Lauren A. Michael
Dr. Maria Nagan, Faculty Mentor
(63-4, 3:30 pm, VH 1416)
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Button Below)
Molecular Dynamics Studies of the HIV Rev-RRE Complex
Oral Paper
Science (Chemistry)
Jessica A. Chenault* and Billy R. Miller III
Dr. Maria Nagan, Faculty Mentor
(63-3, 3:15 pm, VH 1416)
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Button Below)
Mumbi’s Task: Duty and Self-Identity in Ngugi Wa Thiong’o’s
A Grain of Wheat
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Audrey B. Leihser
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(23-3, 10:15 am, OP 2117)
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Button Below)
Musical Rhetoric: Analysis of the Ideologies Expressed in the Music of Dmitri Shostakovich
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (Communication)
Linda E. Schulte
Dr. Andrew Klyukovski, Faculty Mentor
(56-2, 3:00 pm, OP 2113)
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Button Below)
Mythic Criticism on the Lyrics in Grief Songs
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (Communication)
Laura N. Glasbrenner
Mr. Kristopher Stroup, Faculty Mentor
(56-4, 3:30 pm, OP 2113)
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Button Below)
The Native Latex Commercialization and Economic Development Act of 1978: Idea, Action, Policy, Evolution
Oral Paper
Social Science (Political Science)
Christopher N. Bell
Dr. Candy Young, Faculty Mentor
(49-3, 1:45 pm, VH 1412)
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Button Below)
The Necessity and Adoption of the Truman Doctrine
Oral Paper
Interdisciplinary (Interdisciplinary)
Anthony D. Dwiggins
Dr. Jay W. Self and Dr. Jeff Gall, Faculty Mentors
(38-5, 2:15 pm, OP 2210)
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Button Below)
Neglected Binary Star Parameters Determined From Archival Images and Direct Observation
Oral Paper
Science (Physics)
Catherine S. Hayward
Dr. Matthew M. Beaky, Faculty Mentor
(28-1, 9:45 am, VH 1416)
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Button Below)
Negotiating Feminism and Tradition in Mariama Bâ’s
So Long a Letter
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Megan E. Sassenrath
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(44-2, 1:30 pm, VH 1428)
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Button Below)
Neither a Borrower Nor a Lender Be: But If You Have To, Please Save the Documents for Posterity
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (French)
Kayce M. Swigelson
Dr. Patrick Lecaque, Faculty Mentor
(40-5, 2:15 pm, OP 2113)
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Button Below)
The Neuropsychology of Cognition and Emotion: The Importance of Emotion Subtypes
Oral Paper
Social Science (Psychology)
Timothy J. Wittmann* and Christopher R. Honts
Dr. David B. Conner, Faculty Mentor
(66-4, 3:30 pm, VH 1412)
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Button Below)
A New Historicist Examination of Masculinity in
Jane Eyre
Wide Sargasso Sea
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Tracey M. Hurt
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(27-4, 10:30 am, VH 1232)
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Button Below)
Of Hobbits and Lacan: Bilbo’s Journey to Reconnect With His Mother
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Jennifer L. Massa
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(7-3, 8:45 am, OP 2117)
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Button Below)
Oh Zeus, who art in heaven: Investigating masculinity in Archaic Greece
Oral Paper
Social Science (History)
Laura A. Provance
Prof. Martha L. Rose, Faculty Mentor
(32-4, 10:30 am, VH 1320)
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Button Below)
On Positive Metaethical Reasons for Theological Voluntarism in Ethics
Oral Paper
Social Science (Philosophy & Religion)
James G. Quigley
Dr. Chad Mohler, Faculty Mentor
(31-1, 9:45 am, OP 2111)
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Button Below)
Opponent and Ally: A Psychoanalytical Approach to
A Separate Peace
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Katherine J. Huffman
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(25-3, 10:15 am, OP 2115)
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Button Below)
Oppositions Guide the Representation of Madness in Bessie Head’s
A Question of Power
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Jessica R. Lufkin
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(10-5, 9:15 am, VH 1232)
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Button Below)
, Herakles, and the Meaning of Myth
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
John P. McDonough
Dr. Bob Mielke, Faculty Mentor
(43-1, 1:15 pm, OP 2117)
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Button Below)
Parent-Child Communication: Effects on Child Development
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (Communication)
Katherine A. Klein
Dr. Diane Johnson and Dr. Judy Harris, Faculty Mentors
(56-3, 3:15 pm, OP 2113)
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Button Below)
Patient Speech Alters Respiration Rate, Blood Pressure, and Heart Rate
Oral Paper
Social Science (Psychology)
Adam H. Kabins*, Robbie Pacanowski, Lee Rabey, Michael Faddoul, Justin M. Ryder, and Benjamin D. Layne
Dr. Fred Shaffer, Faculty Mentor
(66-3, 3:15 pm, VH 1412)
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Button Below)
Patriarchal Dissidence: An Analysis of the Relationship between the United States and the International Atomic Energy Agency until 1989
Oral Paper
Social Science (History)
Chris P. Peterson
Dr. Thomas Zoumaras, Faculty Mentor
(14-1, 8:15 am, VH 1320)
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Button Below)
"Pendulum of Opposites" Palestinian-American Women's Poetry and the Conflict of Identities
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Gina R. Cook
Dr. Christine Harker, Faculty Mentor
(43-5, 2:15 pm, OP 2117)
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Button Below)
Perceptions of Self-Images among Black Children Illustrated through Their Artwork
Oral Paper
Fine Arts (Art)
Danielle M. Leveston
Dr. G. Victoria Landrum, Faculty Mentor
(3-2, 8:30 am, OP 2210)
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Button Below)
Personal Financial Planning: When Should You Start?
Oral Paper
Business & Accountancy (Business Administration)
Devin C. Dorosh
Dr. Jason Lin, Faculty Mentor
(51-3, 3:15 pm, VH 1010)
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Button Below)
Personality and Perceived Stress Among College Students
Oral Paper
Social Science (Psychology)
Shannon M. Albright*, Idean Judah, Margaret Terranova, Greg Bellville, Christopher R. Honts, Maria A. Spilker, Lauren A. Kienstra, and Adam H. Kabins
Dr. Teresa Heckert, Faculty Mentor
(48-2, 1:30 pm, VH 1010)
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Button Below)
Perspectivism and Moral Debate
Oral Paper
Social Science (Philosophy & Religion)
Dennis L. Trinkle, II
Dr. David Murphy, Faculty Mentor
(31-2, 10:00 am, OP 2111)
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Button Below)
Physics, Politics and Pseudoscience: Safeguarding Science from Political Skepticism
Oral Paper
Science (Physics)
Courtney E. Bonney
Dr. Ian Lindevald, Faculty Mentor
(28-4, 10:30 am, VH 1416)
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Button Below)
Phytoremediation: Studies of the Potential of Plants and Soil Amendments
Oral Paper
Interdisciplinary (Environmental Studies)
Sarah E. Bloch
Dr. Barbara K. Kramer, Faculty Mentor
(5-1, 8:15 am, VH 1432)
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Button Below)
Picking Up the Shards: Fragmentation Themes as a Reaction to Post-Colonial Theories
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Arthur D. Gregg
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(41-3, 1:45 pm, OP 2111)
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Button Below)
Poetic or Politic?: The Double Life of Léopold Sédar Senghor
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Thomas E. Morgan
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(44-4, 2:00 pm, VH 1428)
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Button Below)
The Political and Literary Origins of Renaissance Humanism: Dante, Petrarch and the Myth of Ancient Rome.
Oral Paper
Fine Arts (Art History)
Douglas M. Eudy
Dr. Sara Orel, Faculty Mentor
(20-4, 10:30 am, OP 2210)
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Button Below)
Political Vibrations: The Changing Expression of Negritude in "Black Woman" and Other Poems by Leopold Sedar Senghor
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Teresa D. Kerbawy
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(44-3, 1:45 pm, VH 1428)
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Button Below)
Politicized Islam’s Oppression of Women and the Movement Against It
Oral Paper
Interdisciplinary (Interdisciplinary)
Nadia S. Mozaffar
Dr. Linda Seidel, Faculty Mentor
(38-3, 1:45 pm, OP 2210)
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Button Below)
The Politics of Biracial Identity: An Exploration of How Internalized Oppression Manifests in Black/White Mixed-Race People
Oral Paper
Social Science (Sociology/Anthropology)
Ashley A. Adams
Dr. Kerry Ann Rockquemore (University of Illinois at Chicago) and Dr. Elaine McDuff, Faculty Mentors
(16-1, 8:15 am, VH 1010)
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Button Below)
Pop or Soda? Analysis and Comparison of Black English in Chicago vs. St. Louis
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Robyn C. Skinner
Dr. Betsy Delmonico, Faculty Mentor
(59-2, 3:00 pm, VH 1428)
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Button Below)
Portrayals of Women in Egypt from 1917-1919 in Mahfouz's
Palace Walk
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Kristy L. Warmbold
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(59-3, 3:15 pm, VH 1428)
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Button Below)
Positive informational support, specifically direct feedback of an activities effect on male fifth grade African American’s positive or negative perception of an unfamiliar unit
Oral Paper
Education (Exercise Science)
Christopher C. Elledge♦
Dr. Wendy Miner, Faculty Mentor
(5-5, 9:15 am, OP 2121)
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Button Below)
The Preacher Who Doesn't Believe in God
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Amy N. Deis* and Alan J. Reininger
Dr. Alanna Preussner, Faculty Mentor
(26-2, 10:00 am, VH 1428)
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Button Below)
Preparing for Pandemics: Mathematical Modeling and the Real World
Oral Paper
Interdisciplinary (Mathematical Biology)
Augustus L. Caine
Dr. Kenneth Carter, Faculty Mentor
(39-2, 1:45 pm, VH 1432)
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Button Below)
Probing the Effects of Sterics and Electronics on Lead’s Coordination Chemistry
Oral Paper
Science (Chemistry)
Katelynne J. Finnegan
Dr. James McCormick, Faculty Mentor
(61-1, 2:45 pm, VH 1212)
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Button Below)
Processing Levels of the McGurk Effect
Oral Paper
Social Science (Psychology)
Maria C. Grosch* and Ashley K. Ramsey
Dr. Terry Palmer, Faculty Mentor
(66-5, 3:45 pm, VH 1412)
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Button Below)
Properties of Substituted Carbynes
Oral Paper
Science (Chemistry)
Kelly A. Daniel
Dr. Eric V. Patterson, Faculty Mentor
(45-2, 1:30 pm, VH 1212)
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Button Below)
Prostate Cancer and Race: Role of treatment options in the disproportionately high mortality rate of African-American males
Oral Paper
Human Potential and Performance (Health Science)
Chizoba V. Ifeorah
Dr. Roberta Donahue, Faculty Mentor
(53-4, 3:30 pm, VH 1000)
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Button Below)
A Psychoanalytic Analysis of Jean Rhys’
Wide Sargasso Sea
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Heather N. Farrier
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(27-2, 10:00 am, VH 1232)
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Button Below)
A Psychoanalytic Examination of Racial Identity in Nella Larsen's
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Brett B. Niemann
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(9-5, 9:15 am, VH 1428)
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Button Below)
Quantitative Determination of Chromium(VI) Using Sol-Gel Encapsulated Redox Chemistry
Oral Paper
Science (Chemistry)
Christopher M. Halsey* and Daniel F. Clark
Dr. David McCurdy, Faculty Mentor
(12-4, 9:00 am, VH 1212)
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Button Below)
Quantitative Identification of Northeast Missouri Bats using Acoustic Data Alone
Oral Paper
Interdisciplinary (Mathematical Biology)
Joshua B. Kelly
Dr. Jason E. Miller and Dr. Scott Burt, Faculty Mentors
(39-4, 2:15 pm, VH 1432)
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Queering Ila: Looking at the possibilities with a Trans-National-Sexuality within the novel
Shadow Lines
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Benjamin C. Garrett
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(41-4, 2:00 pm, OP 2111)
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Button Below)
A Question of Efficacy: Examining the Relationship Between Presidents and Their Organizations at Truman State University
Oral Paper
Social Science (Psychology)
Maria A. Spilker
Dr. Karen Vittengl, Faculty Mentor
(48-3, 1:45 pm, VH 1010)
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Button Below)
Questioning Gender Politics: An Examination of Virginia Woolf's
Mrs. Dalloway
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Amelia K. Hemenway
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(9-1, 8:15 am, VH 1428)
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Button Below)
Race, Class, and Gender in Southern Rhodesia: A Comparison of Lessing's
The Grass is Singing
and Dangarembga's
Nervous Conditions
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Tiffany D. Caesar
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(23-1, 9:45 am, OP 2117)
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Button Below)
Recent Developments in Medicine Foster New Potential for Marginalizing Minorities
Oral Paper
Interdisciplinary (Interdisciplinary)
Christopher G. Dove
Dr. Linda Seidel, Faculty Mentor
(22-2, 10:00 am, VH 1408)
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Button Below)
Recent Findings in Human Altriciality: An Environmental and Evolutionary Approach
Oral Paper
Social Science (Sociology/Anthropology)
Lauren M. Filla
Dr. Amber Johnson, Faculty Mentor
(16-3, 8:45 am, VH 1010)
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Button Below)
The Refrigerator Safety Act of 1956
Oral Paper
Social Science (Political Science)
Tanya M. Horvath
Dr. Candy Young, Faculty Mentor
(49-2, 1:30 pm, VH 1412)
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Button Below)
Relation of the Big 5 Personality Characteristics to Job Burnout
Oral Paper
Social Science (Psychology)
Lauren A. Kienstra*, Maria A. Spilker, Adam H. Kabins, Christopher R. Honts, Shannon M. Albright, Margaret Terranova, Greg Bellville, and Idean Judah
Dr. Teresa Heckert, Faculty Mentor
(48-5, 2:15 pm, VH 1010)
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Relationship between Personality, Life Stress, and Sport Confidence among Intercollegiate Athletes
Oral Paper
Human Potential and Performance (Exercise Science)
Amber N. Watton*, Brett A. Dockery, and Joshua H. Miley
Dr. Jennifer R. Hurst, Faculty Mentor
(37-4, 2:00 pm, OP 2121)
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Renewed Milieu: A Call for an Expanding Inclusion of Contemporary Theatrical Expression in Religious Context
Oral Paper
Fine Arts (Theatre)
Marissa K. LaRose
Dr. Todd Coulter, Faculty Mentor
(3-3, 8:45 am, OP 2210)
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Button Below)
Research to find a link between the excessive frequency of weight lifting and injuries to the cartilage, tendons and ligaments around the shoulder's ball and socket joint
Oral Paper
Human Potential and Performance (Exercise Science)
Amanda Harlow
Dr. Alex J. Koch, Faculty Mentor
(21-4, 10:30 am, VH 1000)
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Button Below)
Reshaping the Curriculum: An Examination Using Charlotte Smith
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Sarah E. Maddox♦
Dr. Royce Kallerud, Faculty Mentor
(43-4, 2:00 pm, OP 2117)
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Button Below)
Revisiting the National Pastime: A Look at the Socioeconomic Stratification of the Baseball Fan throughout the 20th Century
Oral Paper
Social Science (Sociology/Anthropology)
Jill N. Scognamgilio
Dr. Amber Johnson, Faculty Mentor
(16-2, 8:30 am, VH 1010)
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Button Below)
The Righteousness of God in Paul
Oral Paper
Social Science (Philosophy & Religion)
Julie A. Laub
Dr. Jennifer Jesse , Faculty Mentor
(64-4, 3:30 pm, OP 2111)
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Button Below)
Rome got beat by a girl: Women as a reflection of societal strength in Tacitus
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (Classics)
Laura A. Provance
Dr. Bridget Thomas, Faculty Mentor
(10-2, 8:30 am, VH 1232)
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Button Below)
Schopenhauer's "Will" and Wittgenstein's "Object": A Comparative Interpretation
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (German)
Greg S. Wiser
Dr. Rodney Taylor, Faculty Mentor
(40-4, 2:00 pm, OP 2113)
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Button Below)
Script Conventions and Philosophy in Medieval Spain
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (Spanish)
Breanna K. Hulsey
Dr. Matthew Tornatore, Faculty Mentor
(40-3, 1:45 pm, OP 2113)
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Button Below)
Seeking Order in a Disordered World: Stephen Gardiner and the Royal Supremacy in the English Reformation
Oral Paper
Social Science (History)
Paul R. Strauss
Dr. Steven Reschly and Dr. Kathryn Brammall, Faculty Mentors
(50-3, 1:45 pm, VH 1320)
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Button Below)
Sex, Lies, a Goddess, and a Shepherd: A Modern Adaptation of “To Aphrodite”
Oral Paper
Social Science (History)
Sam R. Cummins*, Maryellen R. Harman, and Joe W. Hollingsworth
Prof. Martha L. Rose, Faculty Mentor
(32-3, 10:15 am, VH 1320)
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Button Below)
Simonides to LaRussa
Oral Paper
Social Science (History)
Amanda M. Carroll* and Jesse L. Leong
Prof. Martha L. Rose, Faculty Mentor
(32-2, 10:00 am, VH 1320)
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Button Below)
Sound Transmission Through a One-Dimensional Periodic Filter With a Defect
Oral Paper
Science (Physics)
James D. Lloyd
Dr. Ian Lindevald, Faculty Mentor
(47-2, 1:30 pm, VH 1416)
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Button Below)
Spear or Shield?: Public Perceptions of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, 1966-1971
Oral Paper
Social Science (History)
Travis D. Sewell
Dr. Thomas Zoumaras, Faculty Mentor
(14-4, 9:15 am, VH 1320)
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Button Below)
Split Personality: The Many Faces of Al-Sayyid Ahmad Abd al-Jawad in Mahfouz’s
Palace Walk
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Kristi J. Langendoerfer
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(42-1, 1:15 pm, OP 2115)
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Button Below)
Steinbeck’s Vision for Society in
Cannery Row
: A Marxist Approach
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Kara M. Bollinger
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(25-1, 9:45 am, OP 2115)
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Button Below)
The Subjugation of Women in
Elmer Gantry
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Amy L. Shipp
Dr. Alanna Preussner, Faculty Mentor
(26-3, 10:15 am, VH 1428)
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Button Below)
Success Indicators of African American Achievement
Oral Paper
Education (Education)
Erin E. McCarthy♦
Dr. Wendy Miner, Faculty Mentor
(5-1, 8:15 am , OP 2121)
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Button Below)
Sufism as a Model for the Migrant Condition in Rushdie's
Satanic Verses
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
John E. Fausz
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(41-1, 1:15 pm, OP 2111)
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Button Below)
Summer Roosting Ecology of the Endangered Indiana Bat (
Myotis sodalis
) in Northeastern Missouri
Oral Paper
Science (Biology)
Shannan N. Schoening
Dr. Scott Burt, Faculty Mentor
(11-5, 9:15 am, VH 1408)
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Button Below)
Surrender, Resist: Language and Power in Tsitsi Dangarembga’s
Nervous Conditions
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Samantha R. Putthoff
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(8-4, 9:00 am, OP 2113)
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Button Below)
A Survey of the Katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) of the Maya Mountain Region in the Cayo and Toledo Districts of Belize, Central America
Oral Paper
Science (Biology)
Roberta R. Rader♦
Dr. Jonathan C. Gering, Faculty Mentor
(11-4, 9:00 am, VH 1408)
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Button Below)
The Survival of Esoteric Religious Communities in Oppressive Societies: Brazilian Candomble and Islamic Sufism
Oral Paper
Social Science (Philosophy & Religion)
Marshall F. Edwards
Dr. Dereck Daschke, Faculty Mentor
(64-1, 2:45 pm, OP 2111)
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Button Below)
The Sustainability of Current Account Imbalances
Oral Paper
Social Science (Economics)
Steven J. Bosworth
Dr. Xiaofen Chen, Faculty Mentor
(33-2, 10:00 am, VH 1412)
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Button Below)
Syd Barrett and Mental Illness: Perspectives from Music and Psychology
Oral Paper
Interdisciplinary ()
Lee A. Flagg
Dr. Bob Mielke, Faculty Mentor
(22-3, 10:15 am, VH 1408)
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Button Below)
Synthesis of Lead Tris-(2-pyridylmethyl) Amine Chloride
Oral Paper
Science (Chemistry)
Melissa K. Thorstad* and Gabriel B. Hall
Dr. Russell G. Baughman and Dr. James McCormick, Faculty Mentors
(45-1, 1:15 pm, VH 1212)
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Synthesis of N-Confused Porphyrins
Oral Paper
Science (Chemistry)
Gabriel B. Hall* and Andrew K. Maerz
Dawood Afzal, Faculty Mentor
(30-2, 10:00 am, VH 1212)
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Tantalizing the Audience: Modern Technology and its Effect on Greek Theatrical Productions Today
Oral Paper
Fine Arts (Theatre)
Courtney B. Schaefer
Dr. Todd Coulter, Faculty Mentor
(3-4, 9:00 am, OP 2210)
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Button Below)
Teaching English in China: A Study in Proficiency and its Effect on Conferences with Second Language Students in the University Writing Center
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Jennifer M. Coolidge
Dr. Betsy Delmonico, Faculty Mentor
(59-1, 2:45 pm, VH 1428)
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Button Below)
The Three Gorges Dam: A Paradigm of Past v. Present, Nature v. Man
Oral Paper
Interdisciplinary (Interdisciplinary)
Jarrett L. Anderson
Prof. Julie Minn, Faculty Mentor
(54-2, 3:00 pm, OP 2210)
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Button Below)
Tilmann Riemenschneider’s Use of Monochromy
Oral Paper
Fine Arts (Art History)
Heidi A. Willhauck
Dr. Julia DeLancey, Faculty Mentor
(20-1, 9:45 am, OP 2210)
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Button Below)
Time, Energy, and the "Academic" Agenda
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Ashley E. Long
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(10-4, 9:00 am, VH 1232)
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Button Below)
The Treatment of Space in Cather's
The Professor’s House
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Aleksandra B. Juszczyk
Dr. Alanna Preussner, Faculty Mentor
(58-1, 2:45 pm, OP 2117)
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Button Below)
Tubular Reality: A Lacanian Psychoanalytic Exploration of Amelie Nothomb's
The Character of Rain
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Gemmicka F. Piper
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(24-4, 10:30 am, OP 2113)
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Button Below)
Use of Soybeans in the Phytoremediation of Lead-Contaminated Soil
Oral Paper
Science (Chemistry)
Joshua J. Hirner*, Sarah E. Bloch, Laura A. Kopff, and Sabrina M. Wells
Dr. Barbara K. Kramer, Faculty Mentor
(30-1, 9:45 am, VH 1212)
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Button Below)
Using Cepheid Variable Stars and Other Standard Candles to Determine Extragalactic Distances
Oral Paper
Science (Physics)
Ross A. Coleman
Dr. Ian Lindevald, Faculty Mentor
(13-4, 9:00 am, VH 1416)
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Button Below)
Variations in Diet Analysis by Novice Investigators
Oral Paper
Human Potential and Performance (Exercise Science)
Francine E. Schafer* and Megan K. Hasse
Dr. Jerry Mayhew and Prof. Liz Jorn, Faculty Mentors
(53-2, 3:00 pm, VH 1000)
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Voting and the “Hot Button” Issues: Young Adults in 2006
Oral Paper
Social Science (Psychology)
Elizabeth N. Petry* and Timothy J. Wittmann
Dr. Judith M. Misale, Faculty Mentor
(66-1, 2:45 pm, VH 1412)
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Button Below)
Walnuts, Ringworm and Ewe: Juglone Isolation and Analysis
Oral Paper
Science (Chemistry)
Krista L. Ramage* and Danielle M. Stacy
Dr. Anne E. Moody, Faculty Mentor
(12-1, 8:15 am, VH 1212)
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War Within Ali's "A Wrong Turn" and Rushdie's
Midnight's Children
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Michael A. Bono
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(41-2, 1:30 pm, OP 2111)
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Welfare Reform Ten Years Later: How Has it Affected American Families Today?
Oral Paper
Social Science (Economics)
Camila M. Khan
Dr. Xiaofen Chen, Faculty Mentor
(33-3, 10:15 am, VH 1412)
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Button Below)
Western Education and Personal Maturation in Dangarembga’s
Nervous Conditions
and Mahfouz’s
Palace of Desire
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Natalie M. Gorski
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(42-2, 1:30 pm, OP 2115)
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Button Below)
What Happens when Students are Exposed to Poetry Daily?
Oral Paper
Education (English)
Julie A. Limbaugh♦
Dr. Wendy Miner, Faculty Mentor
(18-2, 10:00 am, OP 2121)
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Button Below)
Saying: Instant Messaging as a Unique Linguistic Form
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
John D. Tressler*, Hannah J. Kay, Lainey R. Seyler, and Joanna M. Ristow
Dr. Mary Shapiro, Faculty Mentor
(8-1, 8:15 am, OP 2113)
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Button Below)
"Who in the World am I?" Examining Personality in Lewis Carroll's
Alice in Wonderland
Through the Looking-Glass
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Ann M. Lowe
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(24-3, 10:15 am, OP 2113)
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Button Below)
Why Happily Ever Does Not Mean What It Used To: Jane Austen’s
Pride and Prejudice
As a Challenge To Traditional Cinderella Stories
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Shaunna K. Wilkinson
Dr. Royce Kallerud, Faculty Mentor
(43-2, 1:30 pm, OP 2117)
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Button Below)
A Woman’s Place at the Bauhaus
Oral Paper
Fine Arts (Art History)
Heidi A. Willhauck
Dr. Julia DeLancey and Dr. Sara Orel, Faculty Mentors
(20-3, 10:15 am, OP 2210)
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Button Below)
Women of the Bloomsbury Group: The Influence of Gender Upon Their Lives and Art
Oral Paper
Interdisciplinary (Interdisciplinary)
Victoria N. Weaver
Dr. Patricia Gately, Faculty Mentor
(55-2, 3:00 pm, VH 1408)
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Women’s Glacial Slide to Recognition: Henry Adams’ Theory of History and the American Venus
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Alexander B. Stoll
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(10-1, 8:15 am, VH 1232)
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Button Below)
Worth Fighting For: National Identity in the Great War
Oral Paper
Social Science (History)
Kevin R. Dyke
Dr. Torbjörn Wandel , Faculty Mentor
(65-2, 3:00 pm, VH 1320)
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A Zulu Chief as the Tragic Hero: Thomas Mofolo’s Representation of Chaka Caught in Hamartia
Oral Paper
Language & Literature (English)
Sara L. Shelden
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor
(42-4, 2:00 pm, OP 2115)
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