2006 Student Research Conference:
19th Annual Student Research Conference


Home Range Size and Habitat Use of the Bobcat (Lynx rufus) in Northeast Missouri
Adam C. Petry
Dr. Scott Burt, Faculty Mentor

Bobcat (Lynx rufus) populations have rebounded in northeast Missouri after being nearly extirpated from the region in the early 1900’s. We documented 5 cases as a pilot study in which the mean 95% fixed-kernel summer home range of an adult male bobcat (n = 3) was 42.5 km2 and habitat selection values showed preference for deciduous (P = 1.133), mixed (P = 1.294), and evergreen (P = 2.050) forests. Because each individual bobcat varied in its selection for the 15 available habitat types, we used Bonferroni simultaneous confidence intervals (P = 0.05) and nonrandom Euclidean Distances to corroborate initial habitat selection and avoidance. The results suggest that a larger sample size (n = 10/15) is needed to increase statistical power, while current comparisons of land cover data and habitat use indicate self-sustaining bobcat populations in only small portions of northeast Missouri. With the statewide re-opening of bobcat harvest in 2004-2005 (the first time in over 30 years), it is recommended that further data be collected before statewide bobcat management regimes continue.

Keywords: Lynx rufus, Radio telemetry, home range, habitat use, conservation


Presentation Type: Oral Paper

Session: 40-2
Location: VH 1432
Time: 1:30

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