2022 Student Research Conference:
35th Annual Student Research Conference

Effects of Self-Analyzing a Personal Academic Goal in an Online Intervention on Self-Efficacy

Ryan A. Freese
Dr. Yuna L. Ferguson, Faculty Mentor

Self-efficacy is accepted as a strong forecaster of a successful student. Through self-efficacy research, a promising new theory-goal setting theory was founded. Goal-setting theory suggests elaborately thought out future goals are likely to lead to success toward achieving goals. Interventions aimed at supporting individuals to create and articulate personal and elaborate long-term goals have been shown to help people achieve their goals. Thus, I aim to institute a brief one-time online intervention that will allow students to articulate their goals. Students will provide a goal and then be randomly assigned to one of three conditions. Participants will be assigned to either write detailed responses to open-ended questions, a 7-day planning activity, or a control. The aim will be to test which condition is more effective in increasing self-efficacy, while also attempting to answer if an online goal articulation can be effective.


Keywords: Goal-Setting Theory, Goal Articulation, Academic Goals, Self-Efficacy, Online Intervention


Presentation Type: Oral Presentation

Session: 302-3
Location: SUB GEO A
Time: 1:45

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