2006 Student Research Conference:
19th Annual Student Research Conference

Social Science

Comparing Social and Academic Integration of First-Generation to Continuing-Generation Truman First-Year Students as Indicated by CSEQ Data from 2001-2004
Rebecca A. Chambers* and Katherine E. Hartmann
Dr. Teresa Heckert, Faculty Mentor

Retention to college results from successful academic and social integration into the college community (Tinto, 1993). A factor that may hinder integration is being a first generation student, where neither parent graduated from college. The purpose of our study was to compare the integration of first and continuing generation college students (n= 635-1205). Academic and social integration, generational status, and satisfaction with the college was gathered from four years (2001-2004) worth of the College Student Experiences Questionnaire (CSEQ). Few statistically significant differences were found between the academic and social integration of first-generation and continuing generation students. This suggests that the university is either compensating for any differences perhaps by way of the first-year experience or there are no differences between the first and continuing generation students that impact retention.

Keywords: Retention, Social integration, Academic integration


Presentation Type: Oral Paper

Session: 42-2
Location: VH 1010
Time: 1:30

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