2006 Student Research Conference:
19th Annual Student Research Conference

Social Science

Social Integration of First-Year Truman Students as Indicated by CSEQ Data: Comparing those who left to those who returned for their sophomore year
Rebecca A. Chambers
Dr. Teresa Heckert, Faculty Mentor

The purpose of our study was to compare college dropouts (n=108) to students who return after their first year (n=690) on social and academic integration, as indicated by the College Student Experiences Questionnaire (CSEQ). Students who were retained did not vary in academic integration but were significantly different from dropouts on three of the five social integration scales. Students who stayed reported more involvement in the arts, in organizations and clubs, and reported better relationships with other students. Helping to foster social development and encouraging students to become socially integrated is an important factor in retaining students from the first to the second year. While a large emphasis is placed on the academic aspect of student lives, the social aspect also plays a significant role in student remaining at their institution.

Keywords: Retention, Social integration, Academic integration


Presentation Type: Oral Paper

Session: 42-1
Location: VH 1010
Time: 1:15

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