2006 Student Research Conference:
19th Annual Student Research Conference

Language & Literature

Rights of women and the girl child - the Nigerian perspective
Samuel N. Edeh
Dr. Hena Ahmad, Faculty Mentor

The dismantling of the long military rule and the ensuing democratization of Nigeria has impacted positively on issues relating to women and the female child. Nigeria has continued to witness a tremendous awakening in women’s right issues with both government and non-governmental organizations showing renewed commitment to the promotion and protection of women and the girl child through active participation in national and international dialogue on women’s right. With a complex web of diverse economic, social, religious, and cultural landscape combined with patriarchal colonial influence, Nigeria society presents serious challenges for gender equality. Through public enlightenment and national awareness programs, however, the patriarchal nature of Nigeria society is rapidly eroding giving rise to a more open society with increased female participation and capacity building. However, deep-rooted attitude towards gender roles means that the struggle to eradicate gender inequality, “feminization” of poverty, and increased women’s vulnerability to HIV/AIDS is facing grass-root opposition.

Keywords: Women's right, girl child, Nigeria, colonial influence, patriarchal society, gender role, gender inequality, opposition


Presentation Type: Oral Paper

Session: 37-1
Location: VH 1304
Time: 1:15

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