The Political is Personal: The Arts as a Vehicle for Contemporary Political Discourse
Political dialogue in the U.S. today is rife with polarization. In mainstream media, allegations of partisan bias, corporation-produced statistics, and “fake news” can be found at all points along the political spectrum. In what has been termed a “post-truth” society, what role do the arts play in the struggle to create persuasive, bipartisan rhetoric? My creative work is informed by artists, activists, and academics that have championed art as a tool for change, including poets Audre Lorde and Adrienne Rich as well as contemporary communication scholars such as Cameron Shelley and Valerie Smith. I also draw from historical evidence of cultural influence as a significant factor in the success or failure of social movements. For this presentation, I have created a small body of visual, musical, and literary work that addresses issues in contemporary politics through the lens of my research and lived experience.
Keywords: politics, rhetoric, art, activism, poetry, music
Interdisciplinary Studies
Presentation Type: Special Request
Session: TBA
Location: TBA
Time: TBA