2016 Student Research Conference:
29th Annual Student Research Conference

"Hugo's Hunt:" a Project by Carter Datz, Forrest Beck, and Janelle Walker
Carter A. Datz*, Janelle W. Walker, and Forrest E. Beck
Dr. Marc Rice, Faculty Mentor

In 1735, Hugo Meynell was born in Leicestershire, England. He was a pioneer in the field of foxhunting, thanks to his experimentation in the selective breeding of hounds. Our project is an attempt to musically bridge this older world with the present day by writing a piece to capture one of Meynell?s revolutionary foxhunts. The piece will use instruments that hearken back to the 18th century. I will be playing the harpsichord, Forrest Beck will be playing a natural horn that was used in foxhunts at the time, and Janelle Walker will be playing several different percussion instruments that typify a militaristic aesthetic from the time, including a traditional field drum. What bridges this older sound world with our current field of music is the contemporary style in which I will be writing; that is to say, we will be peering at this old English world through a post-modern lens.

Keywords: Music, Performance, History


Presentation Type: Performance Art

Session: 3-3
Time: 3:00

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