Relationship of Pulling Power to Backward Shot Put Throw in Collegiate Track Athletes
Cassidy K. Smestad
Dr. Jerry Mayhew and Ms. Leslie Hardesty, Faculty Mentors
Strength and explosive power are fundamental requirements of shot put performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationships among isoinertial pulling power (IPP), dynamic strength, and backward shot put throw (BSPT). College track athletes (4 men; 6 women) performed IPP tests with power determined from two accelerometers. On separate days, participants performed 3 BSPT trials and 1RMs in bench press (BP), squat (SQ), and power clean (PC). Test reliabilities were high for power performances (ICC = 0.954 to 0.996). With gender was partialed out, PC had a higher correlation with BSPT (r = 0.79) than did IPP measured with either accelerometer (r = 0.67 and 0.78). When PC was consider relative to body mass, the correlation with BSPT decreased (r = 0.24). Laboratory measures of power may only partially explain sports-specific power performance, suggesting that further research is required to isolate training methods.
Keywords: Shot Put , Collegiate Athletes, Strength , Power
Topic(s):Exercise Science
Presentation Type: Poster
Session: 7-1
Location: GEO-SUB
Time: 3:30