Does Adding Heartfelt Emotion to Resonance Frequency Breathing Increase Heart Rate Variability?
Jessie A. Harney*, Monica E. Land, Lauren E. Jensen, and Evan P. Fluty
Dr. Fred Shaffer, Faculty Mentor
The study tested whether adding heartfelt emotion (HFE) to resonance frequency (RF) breathing increases heart rate variability (HRV). Twenty-six undergraduates (18 male, 8 female), 19 to 23 years old, participated in this study. Heart rate, HRV, and respiration rate were monitored, and HFE was assessed with a 5-point scale and PANAS-X-Positive-Affect subscale. HRV was measured using HR Max HR Min, pNN50, RMSSD, SDNN, and other measures. Data analysis included planned comparisons with a familywise correction. In this within-subjects design, participants were randomly assigned to three 5-minute conditions, separated by 2-minute buffers: RF breathing, RF breathing with HFE, and control. Heartfelt emotion was successfully manipulated and the respiration rate was successfully controlled in this experiment. While both RF conditions produced greater HR Max HR Min, pNN50, RMSSD, and SDNN measurements than the control, HFE did not produce greater HRV values than RF breathing alone. HFE was not necessary to increase HRV.
Keywords: heart rate variability, positive emotion, respiration, biofeeback
Presentation Type: Oral Paper
Session: 403-3
Location: MG 1000
Time: 3:00