2012 Student Research Conference:
25th Annual Student Research Conference

The Role of Self-Monitoring in Social Stresses and Attitude Changes
Jennifer G. Pearlstein* and Josie Bolanowski
Dr. Jeffrey Vittengl, Faculty Mentor

This study tested the relations among self-monitoring, social stress, and self-perceptions. Self-perceptions regarding ones own achievement-striving changed as a result of participating in a role-play experiment. Self-monitoring, a personality trait that marks ones ability to act as a social chameleon to match ones current social environment, predicted social stress. There was no relation between self-monitoring and strength of self-perception change. Because self-monitoring predicts stress in these situations, there could be a value in assessing this personality trait when considering job opportunities or community involvement that requires behavioral regulation. Due to the significant impact of acting in role-play conversation on self perceptions, the use of behavioral role-play activities may become an important tool in shaping self-perceptions; it may be that fake it until you make it holds true for some aspects of oneself. This research helps in understanding the relation between personality, stress, and self-perceptions.

Keywords: personality, stress, self-perception, role-play


Presentation Type: Poster

Session: 800-3
Location: Georgian Room - SUB
Time: 3:30

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