2010 Student Research Conference:
23rd Annual Student Research Conference

Annotation and Analysis of Global Gene Expression Studies: A Maize Shoot Apical Meristem Expression Database
Scott J. Huesgen*, Christine Graves, Hazar Khidir, Jessica Kline, Christopher J. Tracy, and Adam J. Winkeler
Dr. Diane Janick-Buckner, Dr. Brent Buckner, and Dr. Jon Beck, Faculty Mentors

As part of a larger project aimed at understanding the genes involved in shoot apical meristem function and leaf primordia formation, we have been carrying out functional annotations of over 7,000 maize genes. These genes were identified as being differentially regulated in one of several microarray hybridization studies. We have created and improved the functionality of our web-based database to facilitate the functional annotation process and store our results. (http://sam2.truman.edu). Annotation of each differentially regulated gene includes the evaluation of BLAST and InterProScan searches and repeatmasker results, harvesting of gene ontology (GO) numbers and enzyme information for gene products with known EC numbers (http://www.genome.jp/kegg/), as well as identification of maize gene model(s) and other information gathered from maizesequence.org. Abstracts from PubMed can also be entered following literature searches. Any further information can be stored in our notes section. The SAM database is fully searchable which facilitates the analysis and interpretation of the microarray experiments.

Keywords: database, annotation, SAM, meristem, maize, microarray

Computer Science

Presentation Type: Poster

Session: 6-5
Location: SUB-GEO
Time: 4:15

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