Comparison of leg reaction times between closed and open skill-based sport athletes
This study aimed to evaluate the leg reaction time of DII athletes across various sports. Athletes were classified based on their sport type as open-skill based (n=18) or closed-skill based (n=8). Reaction time (RT) was recorded using a pressure-sensing mat and an electronic timer. Each athlete performed a set of five trials with maximum, minimum, and average times recorded. There was no significant different in minimum RT (p=0.83), maximum RT (p=0.83), and average RT (p=0.71)between open-skilled and closed-skilled sports. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC=0.83) indicated excellent reliability across trials with a small average standard deviation among trials (0.033 sec). These results suggest there is no significant difference in RT between open-skill or closed-skill-based sportathletes. Future studies should be conducted using more complex RT tests to determine if different training methods affect athletes’ RT
Topic(s):Exercise Science
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation
Session: 2-8
Location: SUB Activities Room
Time: 4:30