Correlation of Bat Velocity with Strength Parameters
Kristin A. Halet*, Brynn Weimer, and Trent Anderson
Mr. Jerry Mayhew, Faculty Mentor
In popular literature bat velocity has been recognized as an important factor for successful hitting. This study’s purpose was to determine whether a correlation exists between bat velocity and selected strength parameters. Subjects included 10 baseball and 14 collegiate softball players. Bat velocity was measured by infrared cells suspended over home plate and attached to a digital timer. 1-RM strength parameters included bench press (males only), bicep curls, triceps pushdown, trunk rotation, and grip strength. Significant correlations (p ≤ .05) were found with female subjects between bat velocity and right grip strength (r = .702), trunk rotation (r = .572), and triceps pushdown (r = .599). No significant correlations were found in male subjects. Results suggest that when attempting to increase bat velocity, strength parameters which correlate significantly with bat velocity should receive increased emphasis.
Keywords: baseball, softball, bat velocity, strength
Topic(s):Exercise Science
Presentation Type: Oral Paper
Session: 48-3
Location: VH 1000
Time: 3:15