2016 Student Research Conference:
29th Annual Student Research Conference

Relationship of BIA Devices to DXA for Estimating %fat in Female Basketball and Soccer Athletes
Stephanie Williams*, Katie Mattingly, Sam Bibee, and Emily Davis
Mr. Jerry Mayhew, Prof. Jana Arabas, and Prof. Liz Jorn, Faculty Mentors

Prediction techniques are available to estimate %fat in women athletes. The purpose of this study was to determine the accuracy of selected prediction methods compared with dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) for estimating %fat. Basketball (n = 29) and soccer (n = 17) players were measured for %fat using two BIA devices and DXA. Soccer players were significantly shorter and lighter but not significantly different in %fat for basketball players. When groups were combined, BIA devices under-predicted DXA %fat by 4.0 to 4.6%, while the two BIA devices were different by only 0.6% (p=0.48). However, %fat values for DXA were significantly higher than both BIA devices in basketball players but not in soccer players. A rank-order correlation (rho = 0.82) indicated that relative position of %fat values was similar between BIA devices. Inexpensive BIA devices provide lower estimated %fat values in women athletes compared to DXA.

Keywords: %fat in Female Athletes, DXA for %fat, Female Basketball and Soccer Players, Estimating %fat, Relationship of BIA devices and DXA, BIA devices and DXA, Accuracy of Prediction methods, dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry

Topic(s):Exercise Science

Presentation Type: Poster

Session: 7-13
Location: GEO-SUB
Time: 3:30

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