A Classroom in Two Worlds:
A Look into the Effects of Online Discussion on In-Class Analysis
Emily R. Schwent♦
Dr. Rebecca Dierking, Dr. Barbara Price, and Dr. Paul L. Yoder, Faculty Mentors
Teachers in English language arts classrooms have used discussion of a text for many years, but with the influx of technology they must find novel and effective ways to incorporate it within classes today. In this presentation, I discuss my study of using an online discussion forum in addition to in-class discussion/analysis of a text. Students were asked to participate in an online discussion forum by responding to prompts and their classmates' responses that reflected an element of the text throughout the reading of a common novel. On the day the forums were due, students were asked to discuss their responses and bring to light anything they wanted to discuss as a whole. Through the students' responses, in-class discussion, and other class work, I examined online discussion's impact on students' ability to analyze a text.
Keywords: online discussion forum, text analysis, in-class discussion, classroom technology, digital literacy, dialogic classroom
Topic(s):English, Secondary MAE Research
Presentation Type: Oral Paper
Session: -2
Location: VH 1224
Time: 9:45