Comparison of Techniques for Estimating %Fat in NCAA Division II Women Athletes
Jennifer L. Hill*, Kirsten A. Maakestad, and Drew M. Fuemmeler
Prof. Liz Jorn and Dr. Jerry Mayhew, Faculty Mentors
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) appears to have become the new standard by which body composition is being evaluated. The purpose of this study was to compare selected skinfold prediction equations and bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) to DXA %fat in NCAA Division II women athletes. Women athletes (n = 40, age = 20.3 1.0 y, height = 169.9 7.6 cm, weight = 75.4 12.0 kg) from 3 sports were assessed during the off-season for 9 skinfolds (SKF), 7 skeletal diameters (SKE), 8 muscle circumferences (CIR), 4 BIA devices, and DXA. All prediction techniques produced significantly lower estimates of %fat in college women athletes than when measured by DXA. Prediction error typically increased at greater %fat and body mass values. If DXA is to be accepted as the new standard for assessing body composition in women, new prediction equations may need to be developed.
Keywords: DXA, body composition, women, athletes, %Fat, skinfolds, circumferences, bioelectrical impedance
Topic(s):Exercise Science
Presentation Type: Poster
Session: 8-2
Location: GEO - SUB
Time: 3:30