Relationship of Body Mass to Army Physical Fitness Test Performance in College ROTC Cadets
Andrea M. Kobermann
Mr. Jerry Mayhew, Faculty Mentor
A fundamental requirement of the college Army ROTC program is a successful level of achievement standing on the Army Physical Performance Test (PFT), which includes 2-min push-ups (PU), 2-min sit-ups (SU), and 2-mile distance run (RUN). The tests are converted to point values and summed to produce a total fitness score. This testing disregards the influence of body mass on performance. PURPOSE: To evaluate the relationship of body mass and BMI to PFT components and total fitness score among college ROTC cadets. METHODS: ROTC cadets were evaluated for PU, SU, and RUN during routine class testing. Point values were assigned according to standard Army tables for each gender with a maximum score of 100 for each item. RESULTS: Body mass was not significantly correlated in both genders with PU, SU, RUN. CONCLUSION: Body mass and BMI differences do not appear to impact PFT in college men and women ROTC cadets.
Keywords: ROTC, Physical, Fitness, BMI, PFT
Topic(s):Exercise Science
Athletic Training
Health Science
Presentation Type: Poster
Session: 500-6
Location: Georgian Room - SUB
Time: 3:30