How Reliable is the Resonance Frequency?
Daniel R. Jones*, Zachary K. Burklund, Teresa Vodopest, and Andrew Turner
Dr. Fred Shaffer, Faculty Mentor
This study examined the test-retest reliability of resonance frequency measures of heart rate variability (HRV). Nineteen undergraduates participated in this study. Variables monitored HR Max HR Min, pNN50, and SDNN using an EKG and respiration rate using a strain gauge. Resonance frequency is the breathing rate that maximized measures of HRV. Subjects sat in a chair with eyes open. Following a 10-minute baseline subjects were instructed to follow a pacer that guided breathing from 7.5 to 4.5 breaths per minute in seven steps. They breathed at each rate for 5 minutes followed by a 1-minute buffer. Subjects were retested 2 weeks later to assess the reliability of these measurements. They received no training during this period. A Pearson Correlation revealed that resonance frequency, pNN50, and SDNN measurements were reliable, but HR Max HR Min measurements were unreliable. These findings support protocols to train clients to breathe at their resonance frequency.
Keywords: Resonance frequency, Heart rate variability, test-retest validity
Presentation Type: Oral Paper
Session: 34-2
Location: MG 2001
Time: 1:30