Catholic Education and the Inclusion of LGBTQ+ Individuals
Catholic schools inside the United States have a long history of mistreating LGBTQ+ students, using Catholic beliefs to justify these actions. This presentation challenges this “justification” and shows how Catholic k-12 schools' actions do not align with modern Catholic teachings, spread hate, and invite unwanted government intervention into private religious institutions. Sources like the Catechism of the Catholic Church and other documents published by different archdiocese within the United States outline what the modern Catholic stance is on LGBTQ+ individuals. The Church’s stance and the example being set by Pope Francis to lead the church into a more progressive era will also be mentioned and compared to the actions that these schools are committing. Such as a lack of resources for LGBTQ+ students, discriminatory policies, as well as firing LGTBTQ+ teachers. Ending with the future of Catholic education and what modern-day Catholics think about these issues.
Keywords: LGBTQ+, Catholic Education, Catholic schools , queer students, Chruch Policy, Future of the Catholic Chruch, Inclution, student mental health
Topic(s):PHRE Senior Seminar
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Session: 104-5
Location: SUB GEO C
Time: 9:30