Collaborative Writing in the Secondary English Classroom
Most teachers do not utilize collaboration in the English classroom to its full potential. The incorporation of collaborative writing at the secondary level, including the growth of communication and teamwork skills can provide a significant benefit. This study investigates the implications of using collaborative writing in a secondary English classroom and its effect on students’ writing skills. This study took place in a suburban, Midwestern high school Honors English I course for ninth grade students. Over a week of research-based lessons, activities, and collaborative brainstorming, drafting, and editing, resulting in t a three to five page collaborative paper created by mixed-ability small groups of students. The data consists of observations, student work (including self and peer evaluations), and student-teacher conferences. The analysis resulting from the examination of this data investigates how student writing skills were influenced by this study.
Keywords: collaborative writing, mixed-ability groups, communication, team building
English, Secondary MAE Research
English MAE Intern
Presentation Type: Oral Paper
Session: 301-1
Location: MG 1000
Time: 1:00