2023 Student Research Conference:
36th Annual Student Research Conference

Towards Utilizing Computer Vision and Neural Networks Algorithms to Authenticate and Supervise Personnel in a Smart Work Environment

Mohammadhossein Momeni
Dr. Kafi Rahman, Faculty Mentor

Security administration of workplace facilities can be a challenging and expensive task. In this research and development work, we want to employ artificial intelligence to reduce operational costs, minimize human error, and automate the monitoring of personnel in a smart work environment. In our proposed security system, we take advantage of many of the common workplace digital devices and leverage them in our application. By using the existing security cameras, we propose the enforcement and implementation of many of the significant security regulations. For this purpose, we propose to incorporate a QR code-based security badge system. QR code generation is a standard process, and with the current advancements in Computer Vision technology, it has become possible to recognize and read a QR code from a far distance easily. Utilizing this advancement, we plan to detect the security badge of the visitors and personnel of a given facility and monitor them in real-time.

Keywords: Security System, Image Processing, artificial intelligence, QR-Code, neural networks

Topic(s):Computer Science

Presentation Type: Oral Presentation

Session: 209-3
Location: MG 1098
Time: 10:45

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