2012 Student Research Conference:
25th Annual Student Research Conference

L'Appel du vide
Melissa W. Kapitan
Dr. James D'Agostino, Faculty Mentor

Antoine de Saint-Exupry's The Little Prince explores reconnection with childhood and imagination and how they lead to self-discovery. Not only is the fable an allegory for Saint-Exupry's own experience in the Sahara, but the loss The Little Prince feels for his rose mirrors Saint-Exupry's sense of dpaysement after Germany's invasion of France in 1940 and his exile to the United States. I plan to integrate my own experience in France with the narrative and artistic style of Saint-Exupry, folktales and historical accounts, and experiences from my contemporary world. Doing so will situate my travels within Saint-Exupry's journey to self-discovery and exile in a foreign country. I hope to create an interactive experience with Saint-Exupry's The Little Prince while exploring the cultural and historical that elements one encounters while abroad. This interaction will include mimicking the writing style and goal of self-discovery present in The Little Prince.

Keywords: Creative Writing, English Honors


Presentation Type: Oral Paper

Session: 105-1
Location: MG 1096
Time: 8:00

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