2007 Student Research Conference:
20th Annual Student Research Conference

Human Potential and Performance

Assessment of Urine Specific Gravity Across a Season in College Wrestlers
Cathy J. Bledsoe
Mr. Jerry Mayhew, Dr. Alex J. Koch, and Mr. Dave Schutter, Faculty Mentors

NCAA regulations require college wrestlers to undergo urine specific gravity testing (Usg) at the beginning of the competitive season. Each wrestler must be below the NCAA hydration standard of 1.020 g/dL. No evaluation of this standard across a season has been done. We evaluated Usg in NCAA Division II wrestlers (n = 14) across a competitive season. Usg was determined using a refractometer and dipsticks (Urispec 11-way TM). OSM was determined using a Micro Osmometer (model 3300). Of the wrestlers, 86% had Usg values over 1.020 g/dL during the first three months, which decreased to 71% in the last two months. Using the NCAA standard, the dipstick method would have indicated that 43% of the wrestlers were dehydrated in the early season, which dropped to 21% during the late season. When assessed across a season, a large portion of wrestlers could be classified as dehydrated using the NCAA standard.

Keywords: Specific gravity, Hydration, Wrestling

Topic(s):Exercise Science

Presentation Type: Poster

Session: 2-13
Location: OP Lobby
Time: 4:15 pm

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