Disparities in Collective Land Rights Gains
Chynna J. Byrd
Dr. Margaret Edwards, Faculty Mentor
Years of neoliberal policy implementations have unintentionally impacted the way race and ethnicity are perceived in Latin America through a new trend of multiculturalism. When groups claiming separate cultural identities have lobbied for collective land rights, only some have been granted them. In general, Afro-Latin Americans have been granted far fewer collective land rights than indigenous groups. For what reasons have indigenous groups earned more collective rights than Afro-Latin Americans having similar claims? Why have Afro-Latinos in some Latin American countries been granted collective land rights and not others? In this paper, I will show how Afro-Latinos in the Chocó region of Colombia and the Garifunas of Honduras have successfully obtained collective land rights. I will also highlight the disparities between those groups that have and have not received land rights in Afro-Latino communities.
Keywords: Latin America, neoliberalism, indigenous, Afro-Latino, multiculturalism, collective land rights, Colombia, Honduras
Topic(s):African Studies
Political Science
Presentation Type: Oral Paper
Session: 205-3
Location: VH 1232
Time: 10:00