2007 Student Research Conference:
20th Annual Student Research Conference

Human Potential and Performance

Effects of Varying Weight on Vertical Jump Power
Joseph R. Walsh*, David A. Owens, Kristen D. Gross, and Jessica C. Langford
Dr. Alex J. Koch and Mr. Jerry Mayhew, Faculty Mentors

Purpose: To determine the effect of various denominations of ankle weights on vertical jump power. Methods: College students, 13 males and 22 females, completed 3 sets of 3 vertical jumps with totals of 0, 5, and 10 pounds of ankle weights, respectively. Subjects rested 5 minutes between each set to allow for replenishment of phosphocreatine before jumping with weight. Each vertical jump was measured using the Vertec apparatus. Participants’ height and weight were recorded during the recovery time and their weight was used in analyzing power output via the Lewis equation. The data was analyzed and compared using 1x3 repeated measures ANOVA. Results: Significant increases were observed (p< .001) for each increase in weight for both genders. Significance between-gender differences were also observed via the Wilks’ Lambda multivariate test (F = 9.780, p< .001). Conclusion: The data indicates that increases in the amount of weight increased vertical jump power output.

Keywords: ankle, weights, jump, power, Vertec, phosphocreatine, significant increase

Topic(s):Exercise Science

Presentation Type: Poster

Session: 2-9
Location: OP Lobby
Time: 4:15 pm

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